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Everything posted by RaVe

  1. I'm wondering if it would be possible to have more animations in the game? Like death animations when crouched, prone, etc? What's up with the reload animations too they've been that way since ofp? I'd prefer more animations then ragdoll physics on this game. More just some questions than a request though..
  2. RaVe

    2010 and still warping/lag

    I agree with the OP. I've never liked the warping/lag in multiplayer..makes shooting at targets alot harder, atleast with small arms. Not to mention it looks fugly too :rolleyes:
  3. RaVe

    Fed up of Morons

    I must say, the OP had me laughing pretty hard. I suggest joining up with a clan and playing with a group of dedicated players in a private server.
  4. I started playing cold war crisis around 2001. I was a little kid then haha and now I'm looking to build new pc for ARMA 2 :)
  5. RaVe

    Americas Army 3

    I tried loading it up and playing it but it's way too laggy to even complete the obstacle course. outdated graphics card : \
  6. thanks, that is exactly what I was looking for.
  7. I don't have this game yet and won't for awhile due to my pc but I do have ARMA 1. I find myself just playing with the editor on arma1. What I want to learn how to do is create an actual mission with objectives, briefing and all that good stuff..all I've been doing is using waypoints and placing objects/units and that's all I know. I went to the BI wiki editor page on arma and I know how to use most of the basic functions except triggers, scripts, markers, etc. All I know is waypoints and unit placement. Where can I learn how to do the other things? ---------- Post added at 05:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:36 AM ---------- I just realized this is in wrong forum, please move it to mission editing :)
  8. I still think the weapon sounds are weak. Some of them are the same ones I heard from ARMA 1. Some are pretty good though. The game looks very good vanilla, the only thing I'd download is probably a sound mod whenever I get around to playing it :)
  9. I still think the weapon sounds are weak. Some of them are the same ones I heard from ARMA 1. Some are pretty good though. The game looks very good vanilla, the only thing I'd download is probably a sound mod whenever I get around to playing it :)
  10. Ok, do you have any suggestions for a new CPU and GPU then? I need something to look ahead to so I can play when I get a job and start saving money.
  11. I don't post here often..infact this might be my first post. Anyway, I'm positive I won't be able to run ARMA 2 due to my GPU. It's quite old and outdated. Here's my system specs, which aren't the best but I believe my graphics card is the biggest downfall. Windows XP SP3 2GB RAM Intel P4 3.4ghz (it's not a duo or quad core, whatever those mean) Geforce 6600GT (this was good a long time ago haha) I used to have a 8800GT and that actually overheated my pc which I think killed the power supply or the card just died due to heat(which is why I had to put this older card back in)..maybe somebody can give me on advice on how to keep my pc cool. Right now I have to play ARMA 1 on the lowest settings for no lag. My PC is a Sony that I bought awhile back (05 or 06) then I added ram and the video card. I also read about people just preferring to build PC's, but I don't see why I couldn't just buy parts and exchange them on this one. I'm a newb. Any suggestions for a top end card I can save up for whenever I get a job ? (17 yrs old here, it's a pain to get a job in this area :\ ) Nope, it's my 9th post :p
  12. Hey all, I have GOTY edition and just went to play resistance with friends.....I remember someone on Gamespy told me I needed the 1.96 patch and that was it....so I downloaded it and installed.....we played but we were GETTING a little error saying something about a bmp missing file or something.......so......can someone help me? Bmp2 it says...is it something i need to download? can someone tell me.....thanks for replys
  13. RaVe

    Umm a little help needed..

    Well i think you guys arent understanding me........I have the GOTY edition, and i usually play with my friend, we have the BMP2 tank, or whatever it is, and it says stuff like "Cannot load mission : Missing addons BMP2", but the weird part is, we can still play the mission, so we play but the error doesnt really do anything to us......it just says it then we gotta click ok then it goes away, but then it comes back then we exit it again..........i dont know why i would need a cwc patch if i have GOTY.......I got the 1.96 patch.
  14. RaVe

    Umm a little help needed..

    Hey all, I have GOTY edition and just went to play resistance with friends.....I remember someone on Gamespy told me I needed the 1.96 patch and that was it....so I downloaded it and installed.....we played but we were GETTING a little error saying something about a bmp missing file or something.......so......can someone help me? Bmp2 it says...is it something i need to download? can someone tell me.....thanks for replys
  15. RaVe

    Umm a little help needed..

    Sure did. Then...I went to gamespy to ask for what patch i needed, then I hear I need 1.96, so i got it.
  16. RaVe

    Umm a little help needed..

    Sure did. Then...I went to gamespy to ask for what patch i needed, then I hear I need 1.96, so i got it.
  17. RaVe

    Umm a little help needed..

    Anyone gonna reply?
  18. RaVe

    Umm a little help needed..

    Anyone gonna reply?
  19. Hey all hope you welcome me to forums I have GOTY edition of ofp and the patch......well, I was wonderin if there is any WW2 mods out there? or Vietnam? I'd love it if there was, so is there any? thanks for the replys...
  20. Thanks for welcoming me
  21. WOW thanks, umm can you give me the site for them? exept invasion though because it didnt work when i downloaded it, tell me the other sites for the others please