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Everything posted by Redskin53

  1. Redskin53

    What do you play Ofp with?

    Amd 3000+Barton 1 gig ram Gf 4600ti pro 1024x760 res Nforce audio
  2. Nicley put ACF and informative
  3. Redskin53

    Unified zombie pack release imminent

    the link from opec is broken,i get the mission download screen then nothing.can someone post this mission somewhere else so the rest of us can play this mission
  4. I am looking for a good cutscene scripter person to do 2 outro's for my zombie mission.good communication is a must and willing to work closely with me. Also have 12 missions rdy for realese and need an intro/outro for the 13th and final mission.
  5. Redskin53

    cutscene scripter

    thx for the PM Void False,whatever you need just let me know
  6. Redskin53

    cutscene scripter

    are there no intro/outro scripters out there? full credit will be given for any and all work.
  7. Redskin53

    scud launch script

    thx for the help i will try your suggestions
  8. is it possible to have a solider wait for 1 hr and then walk up to a scud and launch it to a designated target? is there a script for this action or can it be written? Thx for any help
  9. Redskin53

    Marine assault pack

    im getting an error: IRONBOLT v3.1.0 -> FATAL ERROR 10 : Failed to Connect to master SQL server A Fatal Error has occured preventing the rendering of the page you requested! System Admin Name: FileFront, LA Network Operations System Admin Email: lanetwork@filefront.com Network Operations Phone: 713-384-2662 IRONBOLT Engine, FileFront Inc. anyone else getting this?
  10. Redskin53

    New Campaign

    check out I44 mod as well,on a side nor perhaps you would be avail to do some cut scenes for me in my winter campaign
  11. Is there a script that allows the placement of grenades,satchels,ap mines ect and have them randomly placed each time they go off and repeatldy so its never in the same place twice(random) can this be done or not?
  12. Redskin53

    random  script

    No this is not an atrillary script that im looking for,il try to explain better:i want to place a mine or grenade or ap mine in the map and have it invisiable to the player,next after a player has set it off i want it to respawn in a diff location so a player cant remember where it was (random) and it must be located in the playing field-doesnt do any good to have it out of play 100's of miles away. Hope this clears up what im trying to do
  13. Redskin53

    random  script

    cmon all you scripters can this be done
  14. Redskin53

    Tunnel is alive!

    so was the tunnel under water a nope you cant do it or is it possible? would open up some neat neat ideas for mission making.
  15. Redskin53


    sorry i didnt post in the earlier thread,i tried it both ways and got same error message any other suggestions are welcome ok i had to take out the "this" and it works! thank you soo much
  16. Redskin53


    i am trying to do a CTF on water,the problem i have is i have to use setpos for the objects which is fine but for units(west and east) i have to put the same line in the activation field.when a unit is killed and respawns that line is missing and they respawn in the water.is there a script that will run each time a unit respawns so they dont drown? or is there a command that will continualy run? Thanks for any and all that help
  17. Redskin53


    tried what you said but it didnt work here is what i have for the units init line this setpos [getpos this select 0, getPos this select 1,2] all units are named w1,w2,w3 ect. and e1,e2 e3 and ect - nessassary for the ctf to run correctly.when i put your info in quotes it gave me a string error and a bool error. need help please
  18. Redskin53

    "Off The Wall" Production

    the link to the dune buggy pack is broken
  19. Redskin53

    Need alot of help

    there is also a nice helo map click script that you can call for and send back to base and recall as needed. RED53
  20. Redskin53


    thanks for the info guys RED53
  21. Redskin53


    I am looking for a scripter to do intro/outro cutscenes for a MP coop mission RED53
  22. Redskin53


    the link is dead,it just says begin download and never goes anywhere RED53
  23. Redskin53

    music files

    Im haveing trouble finding the proper place to put my music to.What am i doing wrong here or where does it need to be placed? Thx for any help // description.ext // sets things up before mission is started. // end all lines with ; to be safe. // the text displayed when loading mission. // this will only be shown if a player hosts. // onLoadMission = "[T W L] C & H The 5 Th F L A G"; // set respawn to "base" and respawn delay in seconds. // respawn = 3; respawnDelay = 10; // disable AI by default. // disabledAI = true; // show GPS. // default true in WG tourney missions. // showGPS = true; class CfgMusic { tracks[]= { loser,loser1,ffs,defile }; class loser { name = "loser"; sound[] = {\music\loser.ogg, db-10, 1.0}; titles[] ={}; }; class loser1 { name = "loser1"; sound[] = {\music\loser1.ogg, db-3, 1.0}; titles[] ={}; }; class ffs { name = "ffs"; sound[] = {\music\ffs.ogg, db-1, 1.0}; titles[] ={}; }; class defile { name = "defile"; sound[] = {\music\defile.ogg, db-1, 1.0}; titles[] ={}; }; }; // end description.ext // --tactician
  24. Redskin53

    music files

    there are 13 scripts,however the only thing im concerned about is getting the music to play in the decricption ext which is the only place for the music to go.if you need a list of scripts here they are. 1.eastoutro,westoutro,return,vrs,showscore,showstat,loadammocrates,capture,cleanbody,hold, reload,vechical,objectrespawn. Hope this helps RED53
  25. Redskin53

    music files

    // description.ext // sets things up before mission is started. // end all lines with ; to be safe. // the text displayed when loading mission. // this will only be shown if a player hosts. // onLoadMission = "[T W L] C & H The 5 Th F L A G"; // set respawn to "base" and respawn delay in seconds. // respawn = 3; respawnDelay = 10; class CfgMusic { tracks[]= { loser,loser1,ffs,defile }; class loser { name = "loser"; sound[] = {\music\loser.ogg, db+10, 1.0}; titles[] ={}; }; class loser1 { name = "loser1"; sound[] = {\music\loser1.ogg, db+3, 1.0}; titles[] ={}; }; class ffs { name = "ffs"; sound[] = {\music\ffs.ogg, db+1, 1.0}; titles[] ={}; }; class defile { name = "defile"; sound[] = {\music\defile.ogg, db+1, 1.0}; titles[] ={}; }; }; // disable AI by default. // disabledAI = true; // show GPS. // default true in WG tourney missions. // showGPS = true; // end description.ext // --tactician ok here is the whole script RED53