Is it possible to add different tank packs into a return script?
such as the US tanks by sigma6.
_obj = _this select 0
?not local Server : exit
_vdelay = 150
?count _this > 1 : _vdelay = _this select 1
_air = ["Cobra", "Cessna", "A10LGB", "A10", "AH64", "Kamov", "Mi17", "Mi24", "OH58", "Su25", "UH60MG"]
_armored = ["BMPRes", "BMP2", "BMP", "BoatE", "BRDM", "CarrierW", "M2StaticMGE", "M2StaticMG", "M1Abrams", "Bradley", "BoatW", "ZSU", "T55G", "T72Res", "T72", "T80Res", "T80", "Vulcan"]
_car = ["Truck5tOpen", "Truck5t", "Kolo", "Bus", "SkodaBlue", "SkodaGreen", "SkodaRed", "Skoda", "Mini", "HMMWV", "GJeep", "JeepPolice", "JeepMG", "Jeep", "Jawa", "TruckV3SCivil", "TruckV3SG", "Scud", "RapidY", "Rapid", "Trabant", "Tractor", "UAZG", "UAZ", "Ural"]
_support = ["Truck5tReammo", "BMPAmbul", "M113Ambul", "TruckV3SGReammo", "TruckV3SGRefuel", "TruckV3SGRepair", "Truck5tRefuel", "Truck5tRepair", "SGUAZG", "UralReammo", "UralRefuel", "UralRepair"]
_vehicle = _air + _support + _armored + _car
_pos = getPos _obj
_dir = getDir _obj
_i = 0
_c = count _vehicle
_type = 0
?_vehicle select _i countType [_obj] != 0 : _type = _i; _i = count _vehicle
_i = _i + 1
?_i < _c : goto "count"
_t = 0
?not alive _obj : _delay = _vdelay; goto "notalive"
?fuel _obj == 1 : goto "init"
?count crew _obj != 0 : goto "init"
goto "alive"
?_t == 0 : _t = _time + vdelay
?_t > _time : goto "alive"
deleteVehicle _obj
_obj = _vehicle select _type createVehicle _pos
_obj setDir _dir
goto "init"
do i just need to add in the US tanks into the armor line ?or any other tank pack like the SIG tank pack.
Thanks for any help