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Posts posted by Rommel

  1. They could piece togther Steve Irwin clips for the audio. ;)

    "1: Whoa, mate, would ya getta loada that Sheila? Ain't she a beaut!"

    "3: Yeah, bonzer mate! She'd make a dead man crack a fat, for sure."


    I probably won't play it much, but just for the availability I'll probably end up buying this. I'd like to know more about the engine improvements... if they are limited just to this DLC... then I will be buying it just for that.

    So far it just sounds like Queens Gambit... but with better content. :p

  2. For The Unsure

    Any unit in a light cone is now exposed to the enemy!!!

    Now the fun part, it DOES apply to flashlights. But only units within the flashlights radius; ie, the person with the flashlight remains hidden, but anyone your shining... becomes spotlighted... very sneaky way to get someone on your team killed at the moment...

    Love it BIS! :D

    EDIT: Be careful where you aim it too, if you just happen to aim it at your feet when you run... well bye bye :P

  3. 0 = [getpos this,300] spawn {
    sleep 1;
    	private "_b"; 
    	_b = _x;
    	for "_i" from 0 to 7 do {
    		_b animate ["dvere" + str _i,1]
    } foreach ((_this select 0) nearobjects (_this select 1))

    I thought this code to be so bloody useful in the now prominent and constant CQB setting we find ourselves within OA, how can I close all the doors. :p

    That others may want it also; enjoy.

    EDIT: We need a code snippets thread for things like this.

  4. - Hand grenades are thrown too short, it is hard to throw them out of direct danger area...in ArmA throw distance was way to much...now it is dangerous short....15m should be minimum on a medium angle throw.

    Hold your mouse click. Its based on a throw strength system so you can control your throw better.

    All i want:

    Fix the bug where your AI is switching to pistol and is bugged[cant move, or do anything]

    This makes no sense, perhaps give reproduction steps and maybe make a Dev-heaven CIT ticket...

  5. Actually it wasn't edited, but fraps definitely did speed it up for some reason. I was recording at around 20fps, and it was trying to record at 30fps, therefore I think it was at around 1.5* the frames at times.

    When I realized this, I slowed down the time so I was doing closer to 1:1... but the post-processing effects really made ends meat of my PC (note, without the high PP, I get 60fps... my CPU really bottlenecks). It didn't help most times I had my VD at 10,000 :P.

    The one time the helicopter does move 1:1, it is still a strange mover anyway. Was great fun though. ;)

    For example I can do a 180d turn, radius of 20m from 180kmph in the UH1H ... and come out with a bit of speed. Its ... strange, but it is the review version, and there has been so many tweaks that I've been given insight to, I wouldn't worry.

  6. Ah ok, wrong axis. Obviously that exists partially, but not even a fifth of the extent as it is in A1. Agreed something that should have been re-incorporated.

    EDIT: It would appear it has to do with the torso changes in A2, in which the torso could previously not be bent, it is therefore separate from the recoil action of the weapon being fired.

  7. Ok, I know only the very basics of scripting, so I´ll need lots of help.

    Here´s my first question:

    How do I designate a group placed on the editor? Is it Group this or something?


    How do I make a group placed on the editor appear only when a trigger is set off? Example: I want to create a huge army of enemies and in order not to overload the system, parts of the army are not present, but appear as reinforcements after a trigger is set off, like when half or 75% of the first groups are killed.

    Can I make this with editor placed groups with waypoints set and all, all I would have to do is place something in the condition of presence field or something?

    Third: How do I make the trigger? How do I make a condition that is set off after 50-75% of a designated group is killed. The same principle works with one person triggers I presume, that is in case of key officers getting killed when there is just one person that needs to get killed.



    myGroupName = group this;



    2. I have a system for this, but it is by no means easy; your better off using spawned groups that generically patrol the area.

    myGroup = [POSITION, SIDE, COUNT] call BIS_fnc_SpawnGroup

    3. myCount = count units (group this);

    In the trigger:

    {alive _x} count myGroupName < myCount * 0.75

  8. Yeah, resp. should indeed stand for respectively. I've assumed this was a common abbreviation. Well... obviously not. But I'm glad you managed to find out what it should stand for.

    I hope so too. Though it's completely fine if you do so if you don't know any better. Everyone has to start somewhere. What drives me mad is that this whole variable variable stuff is getting approved again and again. And I have the impression that it has gotten even worse since some of thy tribal elders* mentioned that variable variables are even more fun with missionNamespace setVariable [_x, _y];, which seems to be the new schtick around here. :rolleyes:

    * In their defence: I'm pretty sure they were mistaken/missunderstood by their disciples. :D

    Having laid out the principles in the BIKI posts and FAQ's, I'm just helping answer the question. You can't re-design everyone's system. Hopefully they'll figure it out on their own. I for one never use global variables in any of my systems unless it must be done; which is quite rare (assuming you leave out functions).

  9. Writing the code to best explain the linearity and steps.

    _boom = {
    //explode script
    _object addaction ["Defuse","defuse.sqf"];
    _diffused = false;
    while {not KRU_defused} do {
    if ((velocity player) distance [0,0,0] > 0.9) then { //vector magnitude, ie speed of player
    	[] call _boom;
    if ((player call CBA_fnc_getAnimType) select 1 != "prone") then {
    	[] call _boom;


    KRU_defused = true;

    There is some things missing, but should give you a rough idea.

  10. Just tested your code as well Rommel - that works a charm as well, though you forgot 'format' in the 3rd line. :P

    Ha, I apologize, I'm not at home at the moment :p.

    So which one is faster? Rommel's or alef's? :D

    This should give you the best of both. :cool:

    for "_i" from 1 to opGunCount do {
    _s = format["opGun%1", _i];
    _v = "D30_RU" createVehicle _pos;
    missionNamespace setVariable [_s,_v];
    //_v setVehicleVarName _s; //If this is needed, then do it, otherwise disregard
    publicVariable _s;
