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Posts posted by Rommel

  1. I suggest you use location logics for each of the bases, that way you can use 'setside' to determine who they belong too.

    Then using the following function, executed via the following, using the return value for whatever you want.

    _closestBase = [west, mybase1] call myfunc

    myfunc = call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers "fn_nearestBase.sqf";

    allBases = [base1, base2, base3, base4, base5];


    _side = _this select 0;
    _base = _this select 1;
    _position = position _base;
    if (count allBases < 2) exitwith {objNull};
    _closest = allBases select 0;
    _min = _position distance (position _closest);
    if (side _x != _side) then {
    	_dist = _base distance (position _x);
    	if (_dist < _min) then {
    		_min = _dist;
    		_closest = _x;
    } foreach (allBases - [_base]);

    To add bases easily, put the following in initlines:

    if (isnil "allBases") then {allBases = [];}; allBases set [count allBases, this];

  2. init.sqf

    if (not isdedicated) then {
    waituntil {not isnull player};
    player addeventhandler ["respawn", {
    		if (alive _x) exitwith {player setpos (_x modeltoworld [0,-2,0]);};
    	} foreach (units player);

    Respawns player BEHIND the first team mate (numerically, ie unit '1' will be first checked).

    There is no safeguards against vehicles, or players flying, or players in water.

    All easily added however, just change the if condition statement to:

    ( (alive _x) && !(surfaceIsWater (getpos _x)) && (vehicle _x == _x) && (speed _x < 20) )

    You could also add a ability to spawn in the squad vehicle if available, this may require a more elaborate handle of the situation, see below:


    if (not isdedicated) then {
    waituntil {not isnull player};
    player addeventhandler ["respawn", {
    		if ( (alive _x) && !(surfaceIsWater (getpos _x)) && (speed _x < 20) ) then {
    			if (vehicle _x == _x) then {
    				player setpos (_x modeltoworld [0,-2,0]);
    				_rsp = true;
    			} else {
    				player moveincargo (vehicle _x);
    				if (vehicle player != player) then {
    					_rsp = true;
    		if (_rsp) exitwith {};
    	} foreach (units player);

  3. South Zagoria does not share borders with Takistan ... there's a lot of terrain in between.


    Its 100km from me to the nearest city, and I gurantee you, it doesn't change from: dense forest and grasslands with a freezing climate all year round, to a frigin desert speaking a completely different language; with no cultural ties between the two. :D

  4. Well, I have no official count unfortunately, since 2002 for me, consistently.

    Lets say... 20 hours a week average...

    That is probably around 8320 hours?

    I commonly do days at a time if I have the time, so the days I'm not playing balance out :P.

    Considering when I played BFBC2 for two weeks, and I played it as much as I normally played ArmA2, and that rocked up around 150hrs... who really knows.

    Hence, I'd actually guess at my hours being much higher than that... which means my playing time is well over a year...

    87660 hours OFP, ArmA, ArmA2, ArmA:OA

    With a few breaks, because i have to sleep and to eat sometimes... ;)


    That is more time than the game has been around for (10 years)... unless your like a zombie or something. :D

    This is playing time, no ownership time.

  5. CarlGustaffa, you openly admit that you unpbo other peoples work, edit them and then distribute them with your friends without permission from the original authors.

    I just popped in after seeing this thread linked in a conversation, who doesn't do this?

    Its not disrespectful, you simply just want to play the game the way you want to.

    The original author may never want to modify it to what you want; and it would take a long time anyway.

    If I get a car, but its not entirely fitting my needs, I don't send it back to the manufacturer claiming I want something different. I'd fix it there and then.


  6. As much as I do locking (mostly per role, not if you're a squad member or not) myself, locking out all others from all vehicles from all positions? That sounds like the most public unfriendly server I have ever heard of. Why do you even allow people into your server if they have to suffer that?

    I lock just the driver position most of the time. That way they cannot sabotage or abandon vehicles, but can still be supporting or cargo. ;)

  7. {(vehicle _x) setfuel 1} foreach playableunits

    This may not work in SP. It was designed to be played in MP. You can just set up a LAN server. The best reason is the fact that you can die quite easily if you go to fast. :p

    If you must use SP, just change playableunits to switchableunits, and you should be fine.

  8. Zargabad Rally

    Welcome to Zargabad Rally; this was just something my mates and I mocked up for a bit of fun in between our missions; its a rally inside the city of Zargabad. Our current fast time is 133seconds; but I'm sure a good driver could beat it. To make it even more fun, the cars are supercharged. Warning though, if your computer chugs in Zargabad, the car won't move as quick, so make sure its a level playing field.

    Its a simple mission, complex track; and has a simple GO hint for synchronous starts, and a radio trigger to find out who placed what when it all finishes.





    (Images unedited)

    Feel free to edit, maim, rip off and re-release this mission. Its just for fun anyway :).

    Download Link

    Armaholic mirror:

    - Zargabad Rally (@)

    Notes: Mission requires COMBINED OPERATIONS (uses the VW Golf)

    If you want to make an OA only version, just rip out the Golf and throw in a GAZ etc.

  9. I originally got a burnt copy of OFP from my mates, we all played it a LAN once, and I was hooked. I then went out and bought the GOTY edition; and haven't looked back since; getting ArmA1 on the day it came out, it was in German :P; then ArmA2 the day it came out (if not before hand?); and Arrowhead a few days before it came out (review copy), as well as two copies thereafter.

    I think it comes up to 7.5 years that I've been playing now... ;)
