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Posts posted by Rommel

  1. The AAF server is routinely running public (tactical) coop nights, anyone is welcome, and we run on the AusArmA.org team speak 3.

    We are having another mission tonight (07/02/2010) and we'd like to see how many people can attend. On average we are getting around 14 people each night, we want to try and double that, seeing as the server can easily take it.

    You will need ACE2 mod, and AAW Infantry Weapons pack.

    Verify signatures is on, so make sure your ArmA2 install is clean (ie you don't have an addons directory full of crap).

    You also require the latest versions of ACE2 and CBA; both of which can by updated by SIX Updater.

    Team Speak Details: b_350x20_C5A6C3E-383F2D-D2E1B5-2E3226.png1`

    Server Details: b_350x20_C5A6C3E-383F2D-D2E1B5-2E3226.png

    Our server can hold over 30 people on a 100mbit connection, all server details can be found in the link below.

    Read me for Server Specs, Information, Keys and Statistics

    Hope to see some more of you out there!

    PS. We welcome clans to come along and play as individuals if they wish, as long as they conform to the standards of the server and work overall with the platoon.

    Also, some footage from a game the other night, unfortunately I wasn't able to film the early parts of the mission... before dusk came over.


  2. Is the ACE team planning to tweak close range AI dispersion? I feel like their medium and long range accuracy is perfect, but sometimes I just have to feel a little embarrassed for the Russian Spetsnaz who can't hit when I'm standing in the middle of a road 30m away, trying to figure out who is shooting at me. It lets me survive while doing the stupidest things.

    With vanilla CQB aiming and reaction time it was sometimes possible to run in a circle around enemies, and now they're even worse.

    Try increasing your AI precision where you are playing. Optimal value is around ~0.4.

  3. So if ANY player is killed it does it now? Or just you? It would be pretty sucky if your friend died and you went blind for a second or two, and because of it died yourself.

    Just some clarification for myself and the rest of the world. :)

    In the current update (prior to hopefully a hot fix).

    Any deaths of units local to the machine will cause a white flash (aperture reset). This includes AI under your command if your playing in MP (and not the host); and any AI if you are the host (SP).

  4. * Status changed from New to Resolved

    * % Done changed from 0 to 100

    I apologize fella's, all fixed now... just got to wait for the hot fix. I ran all the usual tests for the module (SYS_NVG), killing an AI never crossed my mind as being relevant. Obviously it was.

    If your interested in why, it added a Killed event handler to all units instead of just to the player, so on any death, it would reset your night vision (including light aperture). Therefore it might have appeared random; but it wasn't.


    And morning all :P

  5. So I've read around people using Debian, and Ubuntu, but there's many options out there? Which one has proved the less issues to ArmA2 so far?

    Naturally I'm looking to create an ArmA2 Linux server, and from reading a few other threads, many have used 64bit versions aswell.

    Any tips/guides etc?


    PS. I will be testing on a local machine with whatever OS gets recommended to me here :).

  6. So just finished Eagle Wing, other than having to edit the mission to get past a bug (wouldn't let me in the V3S, it was locked and I was assigned to a static machine gun near the South of the island).

    Anyway, that aside, it was excellent, really well done BIS! The first campaign I've completed and really enjoyed since the Cold War Crisis.

    Loved the credits, but the mission itself was slightly depressing, especially with those earth shakes... but essential to fit the mood. Whole campaign was unexpected after the calling of code foxtrot.

    5/5 for Visuals

    4/5 for Design (bugged! :( )

    5/5 for Gameplay

    3/5 for Difficulty (5/5 with ACE AI)


  7. Chrisgs, I believe that is the intention, however someone has yet to upload it.

    And the purpose of the updater is so you can test the beta, and ensure it stays updated with new fixes during the testing period.

    When i click execute in "main" i get this.

    The program seems to be already running. Please wait/close the other application first.

    If you believe this is in error, please delete C:/Program Files/Six-Updater/six-updater.pid

    Only one instance of theupdate is running.

    You may have closed the program prior due to a mistake, follow the instructions it gives you and try again.
