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Everything posted by Rommel

  1. Videos updated to include the steps from that quick start guide. Please PM me if I've missed anything.
  2. Chrisgs, I believe that is the intention, however someone has yet to upload it. And the purpose of the updater is so you can test the beta, and ensure it stays updated with new fixes during the testing period. You may have closed the program prior due to a mistake, follow the instructions it gives you and try again.
  3. ACE2 Mod Updater - How To (1/2) nGZWMlDlXbU ACE2 Mod Updater - How To (2/2) ZXqe1DzGfH8 Hope this helps people who needed to have their hand held. It can be a little confusing, at first. If there is any questions I'll try to help also.
  4. unitName setCaptive true unitName setCaptive false Yes. It doesn't always work, units in A2 seem to ignore setCaptive more than they used to.
  5. Rommel

    Is your DVD in the drive?

    I don't have to have the disc, nor do I run the beta? Not digital download either... just deleted the .dlls...
  6. Sorry Woole? W0lle? Why? Anyway? Find the mission in the campaign, find the animation. Ctrl - C, Ctrl - V. Kapow. Otherwise elaborate because not all of us played the campaign, or have any clue what your after.
  7. _markers = []; for "_i" from 1 to 500 do { _p = [getmarkerpos _marker,random 360,random 100,false,3] call SHK_pos; if (count _p > 0) then { _markers set [count _markers, _p]; call compile format [" _m%1 = createMarker[""strikeloc%1"",_p]; _m%1 setMarkerShape ""ICON""; _m%1 setMarkerType ""DOT""; _m%1 setmarkercolor ""colorred""; ",_i]; }; }; {"Bo_Mk82" createvehicle _x} foreach _markers; This will work. Assuming Bo_Mk82 is the right class name, and _p is a position it would appear to be.
  8. *face palm*. You didn't name a unit player did you? http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/player
  9. The revive script enables invulnerability after respawn, but only to certain degree (ie you can't die, but you can get your legs killed). Its a little... strange. Anyway, good work :).
  10. Rommel


    There should be no problems as far as compatibility really, it just may be over-ridden by the specified mod, it will not be a critical error. It should work with all versions of ArmA2 above v1.04. The mod is server side, therefore you don't need to rely on clients having it.
  11. Description: This is simply a port of my ArmA1 addon. AI_Range simply increases the AI effectiveness to its maximum capability, with its only decreases in the AI's super accuracy in game, to give a more instinctive and enjoyable firefight. Contents: rmm_ai_range.pbo SourceFiles\RMM_AI_Range\config.cpp Dependencies: None Installation: Simple installation; drag and drop into the mod folder of your choice; or simply ArmA\Addons. Possible issues: AI Range may be over ridden by other mods, such as ACE2 (on release) and Zeus modular AI. Bug Report: If you find anything, just post here or send me an email rommel@australianarmedforces.org ... or forever hold your peace. I included the source files for you all to play with if you want. Author: Rommel Date: 01/12/2009 (thats 12/01/2009 for the yanks) Revision: 1 ------------- DOWNLOAD ------------- Size: 0.5KB Type: 7zip | .7z Unpacker: www.7-zip.org Mirrors: http://www.4shared.com/file/163149635/28074658/RMM_AI_Range.html EDIT: Yes if I had foresight I would have put both add-ons (noMapTex and AI Range) in the same thread, maybe an admin could help there?
  12. Yes, it does not re spawn groups, it just caches them with their exact status from when you saw them last. They are player activated, so ensure you don't rely on AI to spawn them. The proximity is the range around the player(s), if you need an AI group to duke it out with an AI group somewhere on the map where a player isn't present (why? Well you never know) then don't add them to the reducer (ie don't sync them).
  13. Rommel

    Is your DVD in the drive?

    I've never needed it? Sprocket version for A1, and german downloadable for A2 and now running the Australian version, and I still don't need it? The no disc thing carried over to the AUS version I think? I just sorta mixed and matched lol. Either way, works without disc :P, and its properly in English
  14. Also getting LOD errors at around 50m, entire torso goes haywire.
  15. Rommel

    I want to support BI even more

    I've gotten a few mates into it, but as said before, the target audience is small, and getting to that audience is hard. Luckily places like TacticalGamer where there is other games (such BF2 PR) that advertise for ArmA2 because it is a place for those looking for simulation find themselves, and are then made aware of A2. So as said before, awareness, bring your mates, get them to bring their mates, and soon if we can, the whole world will be the BI community :P.
  16. (Example of increasing NV sensitivity) Description: I always disliked the use of add-ons that were easily done in missions, and especially for servers that run without add-ons, the ability to do some things that just really bug me. That is why I created a mission side adjustable night vision script, please note it requires the BIS functions module. As always, an example mission is provided. This script allows the player to adjust the sensitivity of his/her night vision using the page up and page down keys, or pressing the end key to enable auto adjust (BIS default). Contents (mission folder): init.sqf mission.sqm RMM_Modules.sqf scripts\init_keyDown.sqf scripts\init_NV_Adjust.sqf RMM_Core Usage: To disable or enable the adjustable night vision, simply comment or uncomment the lines as follows: To enable: // Sets onKeydown display (46) event handler, array RMM_OKD is created with the format [<keys>, <code>], requires BIS functions module if (RMM_Client) then {"scripts\init_keyDown.sqf" call RMM_f_ExecVM}; // Enables adjustable night vision, requires RMM_OKD, requires BIS functions module if (RMM_Client) then {"scripts\init_NV_Adjust.sqf" call RMM_f_ExecVM}; To disable: // Sets onKeydown display (46) event handler, array RMM_OKD is created with the format [<keys>, <code>], requires BIS functions module //if (RMM_Client) then {"scripts\init_keyDown.sqf" call RMM_f_ExecVM}; // Enables adjustable night vision, requires RMM_OKD, requires BIS functions module //if (RMM_Client) then {"scripts\init_NV_Adjust.sqf" call RMM_f_ExecVM}; To adjust the settings of the Adjustable night vision, open up the script "scripts\init_NV_Adjust.sqf" and modify the following settings only: #define BRIGHTEN 201 //Page Up #define DARKEN 209 //Page Down #define AUTOADJUST 207 //End #define MAX_APERTURE 25 #define MIN_APERTURE 0.7 List of Key Codes Dependencies: RMM_Core Functions BIS Functions Module Installation: Simple installation; copy and paste the scripts folder (and its contents) and the RMM_Modules.sqf file into your mission directory. Ensure the BIS Functions module is placed in your mission. Ensure RMM_Core is loaded correctly. Compatibility Issues: Some scripts may over-write the onKeyDown display event handler. Bug Report: If you find anything, just post here or send me an email rommel@australianarmedforces.org ... or forever hold your peace. Author: Rommel Date: 02/12/2009 (thats 12/02/2009 for the yanks) Revision: 1 ------------- DOWNLOAD ------------- Size: 4KB Type: 7zip | .7z Unpacker: www.7-zip.org Mirrors: http://www.4shared.com/file/163875435/1fa0696/RMM_NVGChernarus.html
  17. Have you isolated the problem by copying just the player and the way points to a separate mission (ie copy - paste them to another editor instance) and tested it there, to ensure it is not being interrupted by another process. Otherwise, screenshots or more description is needed to effectively debug it, otherwise I'll just keep throwing scenarios I can think of.
  18. Rommel

    AI Avoid area?

    That would make every unit in every group inside the trigger launch the code: 'this setdamage 1'. Hence they would all die. However local variables do not work in triggers, so you may want to use a global variable and then just nil it after usage.
  19. That in a nut shell sums it up correctly. Ensure a member of that group (to be reduced) is synchronised with the placed game logic. Refer to the example mission if you're not sure.
  20. What kind of way point is it? Is the condition of it 'this'? Do you have any scripts that could tamper with it? Are you the group leader? Could someone be finishing it for you? Are you in a helicopter or flying vehicle?
  21. Rommel

    AI Avoid area?

    Answering your retrospective question: _func = {//.. your intentions here}; {{_x call _func} foreach (units group _x)} foreach (list trigger / thislist)
  22. Because they are inner factions, you cannot use the set friend command. Howerer if you create a (West) group then join them to it, you should be fine. Ie: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/createCenter http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/createGroup http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/joinSilent _side = createCenter WEST; _group = createGroup _SIDE; [_unit] joinSilent _group; _units joinSilent _group; Remember it must be [] joinSilent (ie an array). Check the BIKI if you have trouble with parameters, if you don't understand the logic, I'll go into more depth for you.
  23. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=91232 That is the release of it. Enjoy :)
  24. Rommel


    I am not sure how to no, however if I dig up the variable to change (it wouldn't be too hard to find) I will let you know over PM. They are the 'source' files of the project, for editing and learning purposes only, not for general use.