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Posts posted by RaNg3R


    but one question of Xbod has like a 400mhz processor with the equivelent of a Geforce 2. Why can't people with that specs on their computer play it. ALl the xbox is a a freakin' computer lol!

  2. I think server admin should have an option to allow custom faces. this could be handy in league matches when some people delete the temp files and see all players with white face and that way make it easier to spot them from a bush or something.

    hmm never thought of the hehehehhehe

    naw jk but good points

  3. I would like to see some grass, like you could lie down is, for concelement, and maybe some better trees instead of seeing the same paper ones all over the place. Climb up a tree with a sniper rifle, now thats my idea of a good time. Have water you can forge or wade in....hide near logs,

    So basically better environment, and you should be able to interact with it more.

  4. Ranger - what are you talking about? I believe it may be to do with squads using multiple vehicle types to achieve an objective.

    But there is no point in claiming you are a specialist at Tank warfare or heli insertions etc. as it is because they are both relatively simplistic. This squad may be very good as it is but most likely the players can do all jobs just as well. If the helis (i'm talking about helicopters again!) in OFP were very able to be made very, via options, realistic then the majority of people in OFP wouldn't be able to fly them, slightly annoying for the 'l33t' player who believes he 'owns' everything and jumps in to find himself on the ground very quicklly again but i could live with that.

    In single player the player could have whatever he likes, he coud fly the helis as easily as now, or he can change options so that he needs to read the manul carefully and learn how to fly them before he even contemplates shooting stuff.

    But in multiplayer in OFP2 i hope you would have people who are very good at driving tanks because they know about tactical driving, camouflage (no big red blips on radar please, look for them yourself) and others who would drive straight over some wet sand and get it bogged down. You wuld have ex flight sim pilots flying the helis, aware of vortexs, ready to autorotate, watching the oil temp wary of flameouts while also flying NOE trying to avoid AA fire put up by everyone with a rifle.

    Hehe, You would have medics who need to asses the situation and provide right treatment! E.g. No morphine if he has a head wound! Well that's going a bit far, but make the medic a bit more complicated so you make the role attractive, if you have the skills for the job it becomes more attractive, at the moment anyone can do anything even in veteran so everyone just piles in to get best weapons which is immature and stupid. OFP is mainly an infantry game and that is where tactics and skills come in, more expansion on that in OFP2 is a must, but giving more emphasis on supporting roles is what will pick up more people, they all love the vehicles, if you wanted a hardcore infantry sim then just keep with OFP1 and don't use the vehicles, that's obvious.

    Veteran mode is a bit annoying, you still get hud markers coming up on screen which ruins my screenies! I have all options set to hardest with no radio or subtitles and still stuff comes up on me screen! Grr.

    Don't say you are going to 'improve' the flight model, that could mean just tweaking the deadbands (definately want an option to do that myself! you need to yank the controls to get anywhere in a helo, in real life you hardly see your hands moving) and what not. I have one hope for OFP2, that is that it will add options to give an unprecedented realism in infantry games, and of course the heli flight model to be realistic but that comes under the options, just had to say it again somewhere.

    No blips on radar? Im sorry did we just degrade our own technology. Thats what radar is for bud. I still don't know why you spent 10 minutes to ramble on about all that stuff. Second of all i didn't say I was going to improve flight models. This is a suggestion board, i was suggesting a more realistic cockpit (skin and more options ie. chaf and a hud display.)

    Whew dude.

  5. Well it was an i do have a clue. How would you feel deep in the jungle with terrible hayfever. Trying to keep quiet and sneezing. The only way they would get called up is if there was a national emergency. My uncle bob didn't go for the same reason.

  6. those are good ideas except when it comes for a stick to get outta a c130 in a ripcord. I say they should be able to distinguish those to kinds of jumps in the game. Ripcord and freefall or HALO. But i would love to see a column of guys jumping outta a c130 1 by 1 much more realistic then everyone ejecting at the same time out of an impassable airplane fusalage.

  7. Massive Online Gaming Campaign

    Maybe a stage where the map is always running. And people can join at any time. The battle is always going on. Like in World War II Online. This would keep people online almost all the time. And keep having people come back for more action! Like one HUGE map, and so many people are on it. Battles wage daily. Much fun. I anticipate this topic to be widely discussed.
