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Everything posted by RaNg3R

  1. Should be able to have the option of parachuting from a Huey etc. It can be done in real life (not for pilots) It used to be done in Ranger Training. The rotor blast will open a chute. I've seen it done
  2. RaNg3R


    If it has already been posted Wiggum, you can close it Why can't a soldier jump? This, in my mind (and what a glorius one it is) is very neeeeeedy. A quick and agile soldier, is a soldier that survives.
  3. RaNg3R


    Don't see why its neeeeded! Ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to see you in the military flat footed boy.
  4. RaNg3R

    Navy poll

    Please don't think im making these posts hastily. And im also not sure if this has also been covering. But there should also be (in my opinion) Naval warfare, if this is truely and United States Armed Forces game. Im not a big fan of the navy, but i do think it would be interesting to see this in action. Maybe some submarine   eh? Aircraft carriers Â
  5. RaNg3R

    Navy poll

    the dutch.......lol.......... haha jk man.
  6. RaNg3R

    Navy poll

    thats syk! (awesome)!!!
  7. I would like to see some grass, like you could lie down is, for concelement, and maybe some better trees instead of seeing the same paper ones all over the place. Climb up a tree with a sniper rifle, now thats my idea of a good time. Have water you can forge or wade in....hide near logs, So basically better environment, and you should be able to interact with it more.
  8. RaNg3R

    Custom faces.........

    hmm never thought of the hehehehhehe naw jk but good points
  9. RaNg3R


    ya i think i stated this in a different topic awhile ago, but yes we should have a better HUD display along with radar.
  10. Name says it all. Buildings plane suck. And its hard and annoying as hell to navigate through them.
  11. RaNg3R

    Kevlar etc.

    I think there should be actions to put on/take off..body armour helmets and BDU's (uniforms) Like change your uniform while your in the field to accomodate the ever changing terrain. Give some feedback please.
  12. RaNg3R

    Kevlar etc.

  13. Better cockpit views, and more option on the cockpit. Ex. being able to lock on with your HUD and fire a missle that you can follow (from the exhaust trail). When i mean locking on i mean, finding the target by radar, then by eye, then locking on with hud, then firing, then waxing that bas**rd. And also i think BIS should have dedicated servers for rent. As we all know there a very few places to get dedicated server for you clan or personl use for OFP:CWC and OFP:R. Just an idea.
  14. Im talking about a HUD on a plane.....
  15. RaNg3R

    Weapons requests

    M82 AMR
  16. No blips on radar? Im sorry did we just degrade our own technology. Thats what radar is for bud. I still don't know why you spent 10 minutes to ramble on about all that stuff. Second of all i didn't say I was going to improve flight models. This is a suggestion board, i was suggesting a more realistic cockpit (skin and more options ie. chaf and a hud display.) Whew dude.
  17. 3rd Battalion 75th Infantry Rangers a clan that does the above
  18. RaNg3R

    Kevlar etc.

    Well it was an i do have a clue. How would you feel deep in the jungle with terrible hayfever. Trying to keep quiet and sneezing. The only way they would get called up is if there was a national emergency. My uncle bob didn't go for the same reason.
  19. RaNg3R

    Navy poll

    good point about the BF1942. BUT THIS IS OFP.
  20. RaNg3R


    those are good ideas except when it comes for a stick to get outta a c130 in a ripcord. I say they should be able to distinguish those to kinds of jumps in the game. Ripcord and freefall or HALO. But i would love to see a column of guys jumping outta a c130 1 by 1 much more realistic then everyone ejecting at the same time out of an impassable airplane fusalage.
  21. RaNg3R

    Improved unit editor

    you should also have different camo patterns. Like the new one the marines use. Which has to deal with pixels.
  22. that would be cool. Like a nose cam.
  23. i would love to see this is beta also.
  24. RaNg3R

    Navy poll

    i think you get the point.
  25. RaNg3R


    Massive Online Gaming Campaign Maybe a stage where the map is always running. And people can join at any time. The battle is always going on. Like in World War II Online. This would keep people online almost all the time. And keep having people come back for more action! Like one HUGE map, and so many people are on it. Battles wage daily. Much fun. I anticipate this topic to be widely discussed.