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Everything posted by RaNg3R

  1. RaNg3R

    Open source?

    There should be something like, you can move smoothly like in half-life or cs, but still have the realistic effects of OFP and the environment.
  2. Has already been discussed.
  3. RaNg3R

    Improved unit editor

    I haven't read every post here but, you should have like a Editor Box (drop down box. much like we have now but more improved and user-friendly) with custom fields like Side Unit Soldier Gender Rank Weapon Sidearm Inventory BDU : (desert, mountain, snow, specop) Height/Age/Weight (going along with Not all Men are created equal post)
  4. Should there be one?
  5. RaNg3R

    All men are not created equal!

    i could see this 455 lbs. 5'1 army ranger parachuting
  6. that would be a good idea to have them all off. Trained Special Forces, Air Cav, and basic infanry units takes a matter of seconds so the pilot can get the heeeeell outz of there. In OFP2 this would make it alot more realistic and exciting.
  7. RaNg3R


    For the most part. It is very realistic. But sometime it just gets annoying when your trying to pick off those far away targets
  8. RaNg3R

    Kevlar etc.

    ah im sorry, i forgot this was staged in Vietnam era. My dad was supposed to go into the army in Nam, but he had "hayfever" and they wouldn't take him.
  9. RaNg3R

    Navy poll

    i would love to see a beta in it!
  10. RaNg3R

    Vehicle transmissions

    i think that would be a great idea. It would require you to pay more attention to the game. Ex. Shift up R, Shift down F Something like that. Good thinking !
  11. RaNg3R


    I think someone had made a script for this in Resistance. But i think it would be interesting if you could have a swimming action in OFP2. Im sure every Soldier in the US Army has to pass basic swimming class. Thanks