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About Redden7

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  1. Redden7

    Random questions

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (MaxPower44 @ Mar. 16 2003,01:22)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">1) Let´s say I have a captain who is set to get in a jeep, drive from A to B, and then step out. The jeep will be driving away and the captain needs new waypoints, but how do you regain the control over him after this little trip? Your captain begin in the jeep ? 2) I´m in need of a code which would count the units in your group after a fight, and if there are too few of them, it would call reinforcements. How is the counting done? array something... "alive _x" count (units yourgroup) 3) What´s the best way to get tanks stay exactly where they are? When the mission begins, they always seem to want to float around a bit before settling down, even if no waypoints are set. Yours tanks are probably in formation ? You should change to "neant" (I don't know in english, 1st formation in list ) in the editor for each tank. 4) This is the most simplest of questions, but what to type when you want a trigger to make yourself join a group? [player] join yourgroup 5) Can you give me a link to the BEST editing guide existing? here <span id='postcolor'> 1) Not necessarily, it´s not the player character, and it starts next to a jeep. 2) Thanks. Is x the number of units needed to activate it? 3) Yep in formation, I could try it.. but if there is some activation line code, it might be better. ta´da! Danke
  2. Redden7

    Lost in the forest

    =) This has been one of the best missions in the game so far. Especially the tractor-sports car tactic was fun to try... but after I saw all the tanks, I just decided to take the north-east "jeep" route. I think it was realistically made, although maybe the enemy captures the island a little bit too quickly. I mean, they´re all over and everywhere just a few minutes after Montignac..
  3. Hello there. I´ve been browsing this forum for ages, but only now need some serious help, so I decided to register. 1) Let´s say I have a captain who is set to get in a jeep, drive from A to B, and then step out. The jeep will be driving away and the captain needs new waypoints, but how do you regain the control over him after this little trip? 2) I´m in need of a code which would count the units in your group after a fight, and if there are too few of them, it would call reinforcements. How is the counting done? array something... 3) What´s the best way to get tanks stay exactly where they are? When the mission begins, they always seem to want to float around a bit before settling down, even if no waypoints are set. 4) This is the most simplest of questions, but what to type when you want a trigger to make yourself join a group? 5) Can you give me a link to the BEST editing guide existing? Thanks.