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About RobShaw

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  • Interests
    Shooting, Football, Web Site Design
  1. Yeah, I would like to see a proper camera editro for Outros/Intros. And also had this cool visulation. At the end of a mission.. A big Napalm bomb comes down and Blows everyone up... Ps A Member of MMGN forums, says : He would like to see Craters and Damaged Roads. Also im not to keen on the flufy pink bunny thing, but suppose its okay. maybe a better bird than a seagull? Like a vulture that can eat dead enemies or own team mates if u prefer, Seagulls are boring me now. Thats how many times i die. All The Best Rob Shaw
  2. RobShaw

    What would you like to see in ofp2

    Yeah, I would like to see a proper camera editro for Outros/Intros. And also had this cool visulation. At the end of a mission.. A big Napalm bomb comes down and Blows everyone up... Ps A Member of MMGN forums, says : He would like to see Craters and Damaged Roads. Also im not to keen on the flufy pink bunny thing, but suppose its okay. maybe a better bird than a seagull? Like a vulture that can eat dead enemies or own team mates if u prefer, Seagulls are boring me now. Thats how many times i die. All The Best Rob Shaw
  3. RobShaw

    Receiving.... and wait for server

    1.46 Cold Ward Crisis 1.90 Resistance
  4. RobShaw

    Receiving.... and wait for server

    Your Making Me Feel This Big <--->. Not A Very Good Computer: I Have Freeserve Dial Up, Im Actually On A Different Computer Smartie Pants. Freeserve is not good... I Am Not Using FireWall. My RAM Is Low 128mb, 500 MGHZ, Thats all u need to know really? Voodoo 3 Graphics Card, ANything Else? Yeah ANd I Dont Want Funny Remarks, I Have Had Every Joke Thrown At Me Already, About The Hampster Modem etc.... I Have Excuses. Okay All The Best ROb
  5. RobShaw

    How do you succeed in ofp?

    Bah, I Dont Even Know What Horses For Courses Means. Leave Me Alone, Stop Bullying Or I Tell
  6. Problem One Hello, On Operation Flashpoint Resistance, When Playing Certain Maps, It Always Gets To The Receiving Part In Between 'Receiving Mission File' And 'Receiving Data...'. The Progress Bar Finishes Underneath, But Then Stops... Some Peope Say It Is My RAM.. SOme Others Say It Is Map Error, Some Say It Is Patch Problem And Some Even Say It Is Virus On Computer.. AnyOne Have The Same Thing Or Know WHat It Is??? Problem Two When I Join the Server It Stalls And Takes Very Long Time To Get Into The Client Setup. Not Only Does THis Happen On Resistance, But Also With COld War Crisis. By The Time It Does Load Up And Get Into Game, They Have Already Gone. I Have THough About It ANd I kNow My Connection Is Bad, But That Has Nothing To Do With THe Fact Of It Taking This Long, It Takes The Piss. It Never Used To Happen But Does All Of A Sudden. Anyone Know How To Deal With This.??? I Have Already Tried : Reinstallation of EVERYTHING Virus Scan Please No Smart Comments, And Im trying To Avoid Formatting My C: Drive. All The Best Robert
  7. RobShaw

    How do you succeed in ofp?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">@RobShaw you don't need to use capital letters for every word <span id='postcolor'> Huh? RobShaw <<<< Searches For Rules About Letter Cases In Forums..... . Sorry Its Just The Way It Comes... All The Best Rob
  8. RobShaw

    How do you succeed in ofp?

    Ah Yes, Havent We All Been Here Before.... When You First Open The Box And Havent A Clue Where To Start And How To Play, Going To Game Spy Arcade, Or Forum And Asking Which Patch To Download.... Anyway, Im Not Such A Good PLayer My Self But I Do Put Up A Challenge, (trying not to be bigheaded).... I Always Make Sure You Have Decent Weapons, And The Other Gadets Youll Need, Press 'Q' To Crouch, This Is Always Better when Playing Online,. to Crouch Is A Habbit For Most People, ANd Is Always Done, For OBivous Reasons. Take Your Time, But Not To Much, Use Everthing You Can From Rocks To Houses, Try To Stay Out Of House Windows As It Catches The Enemies Eye So Quickly. If Third Person View Is Enabled Use That With Much Advantage. I Usually Site Behind Sand Bag Wall and Go To Third Person To Have A Peek Over Then If Someone Is coming, Then I KNow Where to Shoot. ( You see alot of people doing this). Be The game, Pretend You Are Rambo ... Do All Things Quick, After You Shoot Someone Dont Turn To Your Mates And Brag/Boast, Make Sure You GEt To The Next Place of Safety Becasue That Mussel Flash Is A Discrace And Can Be Seen A Mile Off. Well Thats ABout It Really From Me , My Chain: Take Your Time = Less You Die = More Kills = More Points = Higher In Table = Respected By Players = Well Known = Lots of People Sucking Up To You anf Fighting To Be On Your Team = Offers From Clans = You RULE!!!! All The Best, Hope It Goes Well. Hope To See You On Resistance One Day. [RL]-[RobShaw] [RL] DeNgIe WoRlD, UK