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About russkly

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Just wanted to say that I've just completed Operation Crimson Lance, and I thought it was the best campaign for Arma II yet. Excellent work. Loved the fact that it was just with one section throughout and only infantry. This really helped build immersion for me, and I also found that I was looking after the chaps more than in other campaigns. Really enjoyed the British theme (yes, I'm English!), and the campaign was challenging, interesting and involving. More, please. R
  2. russkly

    Boot Camp - Spacebar issue

    Thx for the idea, MJK-Ranger. I don't think I could face going through boot camp again, lol. R
  3. russkly

    Boot Camp - Spacebar issue

    OK. So, only 3 people experience this problem (well, 3 people, who are active in this forum at least). So, either users aren't bothering with OS boot camp (probably because it's basically the same as Arma II but with different terrain); or only 3 people have settings/driver issues that prevent the spacebar from performing the function it is supposed to in the boot camp scenarios. If the latter, I guess it's not worth looking into. R
  4. russkly

    Boot Camp - Spacebar issue

    Thx, Hajimoto. Minor comfort indeed! Anybody else have this problem? R
  5. I've already posted this in the OA Bugs thread, but just to see if there's a simple solution to this problem, I'll try here too: On many occasions during the OA part of Boot Camp (not the original Arma II Boot Camp missions) the instructions tell me to press Space to continue, but this simply brings up the Communications menu and does not advance the mission. I have discovered that sometimes having the "Gear" box open allows this to work, but in some missions like Driving I'm left stuck in the Hummer with no way to do anything. Have tried re-mapping the Spacebar, but to no avail. Any ideas? R
  6. russkly

    ARMA 2 OA 1.52 :Bugs

    On many occasions during the OA part of Boot Camp the instructions tell me to press Space to continue, but this simply brings up the Communications menu and does not advance the mission. I have discovered that sometimes having the "Gear" box open allows this to work, but in some missions like Driving I'm left stuck in the Hummer with no way to do anything. Have tried re-mapping the Spacebar, but to no avail. Any ideas? R
  7. russkly

    @ SAS Task Force Black Campaign

    Thx, ArmaFreak. The game will pick up campaigns in this folder then? Thx again, R ---------- Post added at 08:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:29 PM ---------- Own question answered! Apologies for posting before trying. Now to install all the mods. Great work to all here - not used to using user missions/mods/campaigns, at least not since Combat Mission, so I'm excited that a fantastic game like Arma2 will get some longevity now that I've completed Harvest Red. Wonderful stuff. R
  8. russkly

    @ SAS Task Force Black Campaign

    Stupid question, I suppose, but: "Installation: Place the campaign pbo file into your campaigns folder in the ARMA 2 directory" I don't have a "campaigns folder"! In fact I can't find any folder or file with refernce to Harvest Red either, so I'm not sure where all the campaign files go. Appreciate any guidance for a newb... R
  9. Thx Alex. Thought that was the case having patched during Red Harvest previously, but it's good to check. Just in case others have similar concerns. Cheers, R
  10. Thx again, Deadfast. For clarity, this means that I have to "Revert" to the start of "Dogs of War", but not to the start of the "Red Harvest" campaign, right? If the latter, I will kill myself... R
  11. Thx, Deadfast. Did I not read the release notes properly? Wasn't doing very well anyway! Cheers. R
  12. This has happened before, but just in case I'm not the only one experiencing this problem, I thought I'd post. After installing the very welcome 1.05 patch and EW campaign, I have started the latter just to see what it's like. Looks very interesting, although I need to learn to fly a chopper again after months of no bootcamp training while playing Harvest Red! Problem is that when I now try to resume the Harvest Red campaign (Dogs of War), I get an error message: "Cannot load D:\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\Russkly\Saved\ca\missions\campaign\continue.ArmaA2save". Click "OK" in the error box and back to desktop! Any ideas what's happening, why, and what I can do about it? Appreciate any assistance. Cheers. R
  13. I have finally succumbed to the desire to cheat after trying this mission for 3 weeks! This is the mission where you lead a section to an enemy-held chateau and then onto an enemy base (tank support at this stage). The thing is, I can never kill all the Russians before they kill my men (I have 9 in the woods to the east of the base when the attack starts, having lost 1 in taking the chateau). I almost did it last night but got taken out by a straggler as the remainder of the section (down to 6 now) was sweeping the base for just that! How frustrating!? I hear that there is a multiple save cheat, which would prevent me having to restart back at the chateau each time. Anyone know what it is for the GOTY version (left shift + numpad "-" didn't seem to work)? I have never before used cheats, but this mission is getting right on my t*ts, and I want to cotinue with the campaign. I did try the search function but without luck. Cheers. Sean