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About RedRaider

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  1. Greetings all, Okay lets see if I can explain this clearly... I would like to have a template for a Spetz Natz patrol made up of 5 men. They would each have a slightly different inventory so that they can deal with a variety of situations. For example: 1) AK74, 3 clips, binoculars, 2 smoke grenades 2) AK74, 3 clips, 3 satchel charges 3) PK, 3 clips 4) AK74, 3 clips, AALauncher, 2 AALauncher rockets 5) AK74, 3 clips, AT4Launcher, 2 AT4Launcher rockets These inventories are just examples to show how I want each member to have different gear. What I want to do is to have an .sqs file that contains all the necessary info for creating this squad with the appropriate inventories. When I am in the Mission Editor, I want to be able to create 1 Spetz Natz soldier and call this file from within his Init. This would allow me to quickly create a group using this template without having to create each member manually for each group. Since there would be several of these groups roaming around in the mission, the information in the .sqs file cannot use a specific group name. It would have to be done in a way that creates the group correctly regardless of what the group name is. I hope that made sense. If not please ask me to clarify any confusing parts. Any ideas anyone? Kind Regards, RedRaider
  2. RedRaider

    Filling more than 1 ammo crate

    Thanks for your help mate. I appreciate it. :-)
  3. Greetings all, Alright I've spent a while searching on the forum for a solution but have not as yet found one, so I apologise in advance if this has indeed been answered already. I am creating a mission in which I have 2 empty ammo crates. I wish to be able to have text files in my mission folder that contain preset inventories for different types of crate. For example, the file "WestCrateGuns.txt" contains the following text: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">clearWeaponCargo this; clearMagazineCargo this; this addMagazineCargo ["M16",100]; this addWeaponCargo ["M16",10]; this addMagazineCargo ["M4",100]; this addWeaponCargo ["M4",10]; this addWeaponCargo ["XMS",10]; this addMagazineCargo ["HK",100]; this addWeaponCargo ["HK",10]; this addMagazineCargo ["M21",100]; this addWeaponCargo ["M21",10]; this addMagazineCargo ["HKG3",100]; this addWeaponCargo ["HKG3",10]; this addMagazineCargo ["Steyrmag",100]; this addWeaponCargo ["Steyr",10]; this addMagazineCargo ["M60",100]; this addWeaponCargo ["M60",10]; The file "WestCrateExplosives.txt" contains the following text: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">clearWeaponCargo this; clearMagazineCargo this; this addMagazineCargo ["CarlGustavLauncher",100]; this addWeaponCargo ["CarlGustavLauncher",10]; this addMagazineCargo ["LAWLauncher",100]; this addWeaponCargo ["LAWLauncher",10]; this addMagazineCargo ["AALauncher",100]; this addWeaponCargo ["AALauncher",10]; this addMagazineCargo ["Pipebomb",30]; In the Init section of the first crate I have put: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[] exec "WestCrateGuns.txt" And for the second crate: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[] exec "WestCrateExplosives.txt" When I play the mission, the crate with "WestCrateGuns.txt" does not contain the correct weapons. It appears to have M16 magazines and hand grenades, which I presume is the original loadout for that type of crate. The crate with "WestCrateExplosives.txt" does contain all the correct weapons. If I delete the explosives crate, then suddenly the guns crate works correctly. But if I have both then only the explosives one works. Any ideas? Is there some kind of OpFlash problem with having more than one custom-loaded crate? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Kind Regards, RedRaider
  4. Hi all... Have scoured the forum looking for the answer but have had no luck so far. Basically, when I order a group to move (group move pos) to a location, as I understand it I'm effectively giving them a waypoint. I need to specify that this new waypoint is of a certain type, say for example "Seek and Destroy". Is there a way to specify (in script) what type of waypoint a new waypoint should be? Thanks for your time... RedRaider
  5. RedRaider

    Trigger activation

    Greetings all... How can I set a trigger to fire when all units of a group (the player group) are within the trigger radius? In other words, the trigger must not fire unless all group members are within the radius. It should be noted that although there can be up to 6 members in my group (West1, West2, ......, West6), the trigger still needs to fire if for example there are only 3 players and the remaining 3 units (West4 thru West6) have been disabled (by disabling AI). Any help is greatly appreciated. Kind Regards, RedRaider