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Ram TN

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  1. Hey all, I live in Israel, and using the in-game server scanning, I can find 'good' (lag<200) only during the night, and even then there are only a few of those. So my question is, are there any other means of finding servers? I tried The Eye, but it gave me only three European servers (at noon). Any suggestions?
  2. Ram TN

    The Middle East part 2

    Bernadotte Even with this so-called 'settlers', you're not even getting close to half a-million. Could you show me a quote of this sentence? ...and that the Arab countries couldn't have existed without too. They had their roads, but we've conquered the territories in the Homat Magen operation, so now we use them.
  3. Ram TN

    Goty audio cd

    Thanks Avon Lady, while you worte you post I just found out I can listen to those files - thanks anyways!
  4. Ram TN

    Goty audio cd

    Shana Tova Avon Lady, and Gmar Chatima Tova I tried putting the CD in my music player, and it's not working... any suggestions?
  5. Ram TN

    The Middle East part 2

    A total of 220.2 Jewish citizens were living in Judea, Sumeria and the Gaza Strip at the end of 2002, according to the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics: Israeli Population By Districts Table. This map only shows you settlements. Most of the settlements shown in this map are very small ones, usually consisting of several caravans and 5-10 people living on them. The majority of the population in Judea and Sumeria lives right near the border, in urban areas. Agreed, but PM Sharon has promised he will take those settlers out if the Palestinians will take control of the terror. And, like the song says, 'if not tommorow - then the day after'. You want me going ugly on European colonialism? They're building their roads, we're building ours. And besides, when the Territories will become the Palestinian state, these will be THEIR roads.
  6. Ram TN

    Goty audio cd

    Hey all, I haev a problem with my GOTY version. On the third CD, it says 'Audio CD', and I've read at the Avon Lady's where to find the OFP soundtrack in there, only that... I can't find it!! There are no audio files on the third CD! Please help me... I must have those files!
  7. Ram TN

    The Middle East part 2

    Please be exact with your facts. There are 250,000 Israelis in the Occupied Territories, most of them living a few kilometers away from the Israeli border prior to 1967. Most of those settlers have indicated that they will leave their homes if and when there will be a government demand on that issue. Those borders are not recognized by other nations, because they were occupied during a war. Which rises the question: why can some countries occupy a land and some don't? Also, if you look at it carefully, you'll see that the fence that is not being built around the West Bank is actually a border - which will make a Palestinian country a more formidable idea. (And by the way, those roads you're talking about - what's wrong with them? Is building roads a way of oppression?)
  8. Ram TN

    The Middle East part 2

    Don't you think that goes for the Palestinians as well? Â I do. Turkey is the only Muslim country with which we have warm relations. Withe Egypt we have a very cold peace, and with Jordan the peace is quite cold, although it is warmer than with Egypt. Walker's Dillema 1) Hamas is a bad example; the Hamas has stated that their target is to 'anhilate the Jewish entity', which means they have no problem hurting civilians - and they does. Most terror organizations aim their terror attacks against civilians as well as against soldiers, although some does not. 2) I've just read an article about the Apache squadron which does all the eliminations. Most of the pilots there say, that they try as hard as they can to not harm civilians, and many of them have even refused orders when they were in danger of hurting civilians. Sometimes there are mistakes, but most of the eliminations comes out without any civilians casulties.
  9. Ram TN

    The Middle East part 2

    LOL - the best part of your post is that you refer to the middle eastern region (except Israel of course) as if it was a single muslim nation/country. I don't try to make you look like an ass, but keep in mind that the middle eastern nations are as different and diverse, politically and culturally as any other region. There are 10's of factions to the Muslim religion, but when dealing with Israel, they're all like one. To Bernadotte: I don't say you should divide the world equally like this, all I'm saying is that I think the Jewish religion deserves at least this small piece of land, that's all. We don't want nothing more than that.
  10. Ram TN

    The Middle East part 2

    I don't see why some of you accuse America of being too pro-Israeli. Of course it is! The US if pro-Israeli since the French have abandoned Israel, after the 1967 war (also known as the Six Days War). So what if America supports Israel? May I remind you, that the Jews - who didn't have a country for almost 2000 years - has only one small country, while the Muslims has 22 countries. And not only that, but the Muslims also have one of the world's most powerful assests: oil. Oil has been used to make diplomatic decisions for a long time. So 6-million people Israel has the support of America, so what? 1 billion Muslims have the support of Europe.