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Posts posted by Rokket

  1. This is probably old news (and too late to help Beaver and Taurus), but I've figured out a semi-simple way to create units with waypoints:

    Do the usual to create a unit  - there's a great tutorial at OFPEC, but:

    drop a single unit somewhere out of the way (call him, say JOE), like one of the micro islands on Tonal that are the size of a house; give him a group name, place a GameLogic where you want the created units to appear, use a trigger to create the units by putting this in Activation:"soldeirEB" createunit [getpos GAMELOGIC, TRIG NAME, "newunitname=this"]; repeat for as many soldiers as needed;deletevehicle JOE.

    When trigger, trigger will createunit(s), assign them to JOE, then delete JOE.

    Here's the waypoint trick: just give JOE waypoints. Like MOVE and GUARD. He can never reach his waypoints because he's stuck on a micro island (or for maps without, you could break his legs by setdammaging him to .9 - poor Joe!). New units created and assigned to him, he's deleted, and they continue on to the waypoints.

  2. I don't think I can help withactive constructive info, but maybe by passive related: I'm having related problems, I can't seem to setface on created units. I think both our problems are syntax, and as Taurus mentions, position and group = same is odd.

    I'm trying to setface, and this is what I have:

    "uce_r_kuffiyasoldier" createunit [getpos enforce, def, "joe=this; this setface {face23}"]; deletevehicle dud

    This creates a unit, groups him to a sldier hiding in a corner of the map, and then deleets that soldier. I think AKK might just have a syntax problem (I can't set a face, this code seems ignored).

    Wish I could help.

  3. EDC -

    created simple drum, dies with one shot (so gas can escape). Have to add new sound. My nice label detailed label (with cryllic warning and chem sign) shows up as a chunky blob. I suspect that's my crap vid, but it is also squeezed. haven't learned enough to work with texturing properly

    Real problem is that instead of a trigger and script, I'd like it to "die" and release green gas (or foggy gas). I'd like the addon to do the work, that way placing multiple containers would be easier, and perhaps more powerful (than a script/trig combo).

  4. EDC - great stuff, going to grab your script and give it a try.

    Am working on a chemical drum, a reg barrel that dies with one shot, and with a trig and script, releases green gas (smoke shells). Having a few problems due to my small brain and lack of experience...

    The coughing sounds like a great idea. I've tried to turn a killzone into a wound zone, but only the first soldier in gets wounded, he's got to crawl out before the trigger resets. And I don't have the cool coughing.

  5. I've studied the tutes, but I'm getting some weird results with my first add-on:  I see the 3d model, gleaming white, but my texture is not anywhere.  I've changed and rechanged paths to .pac and p3d, but it either produces a loading error or I get the same blank model.  Here's part of the cpp:

    class CfgVehicles


    class All{};

    class Static: All {};

    class Building: Static {};

    class Strategic : Building {};

    class ROK_chemdrum: Strategic





















    I've just added a label to the rustbarel.pac to make a chemical drum. I'm guessing I've messed up making the p3d file or something.

    Any help for an idiot like me is appreciated. Thanks.

  6. Trying to get a sentry/guard watch change, almost have it but not quite:

    3 guys (ungrouped) are Combat Mode Prone behind sandbags, each facing a diff dir.

    Fresh sentries (Grp2) march to position, and with triggers, I can get the first guys to get up, join together as a group, and march back to camp.

    But for new group, Grp2, I can't seem to get them to take over positions. I can make the leader take up a pos, and I can ungroup the other 2, but they just stand around.  How to assign new waypoints to the ungrouped guys and put them in their place?

    Search of "Waypoints" didn't help. I guess I need to create new waypoints for the 2 ungrouped guys, but I can't do it once they arrive, and if I do it before only the leader of the group accepts wps.


  7. I've found some good info on deletevehicle, but with my small brain and a weird situation, I just can't conquer a problem:

    I'm using Bloodmixer's ap mine script (random wound/kill, excellent). Instead of just an invisible trigger tho, I've turned a handgrenade into an addon as a dummy mine (the top of the grenade looks like the trigger of a buried ap mine, it's hard to see and looks pretty good). Once the explosion is triggered, I want to delete the dummy mine.

    I'm able to use deletevehicle to destroy the dummy mine after the explosion, but only in a single test: (name the dummy mine "mine" and use "deleteVehicle mine"). But if I have more than one mine, as in 20-30, I'm stuck. I can't name the dummy mines all the same thing, and I can't seem to get a count/variable thing working.

    I need to name each dummy mine something different, but have the one mine script destroy each triggered dummy. "thislist" and "nearestobject" aren't working. I'm stuck.

    Anyone have any ideas about using a variable in deletevehicle?

  8. Thank you JAP! I've been trying to blow up a radio tower near Lipany with satchels. I got the Obj ID# and could setdammage at full, but had no way of triggering that and connecting it to satchels. The script I was working on was very complicated and I don't know enough about scripting.

    But your solution of setting damage to less than full with a trigger is great. It never occured to me. Once the damage is set (.9/.95 works well), just one regular satchel charge does the job. Beautiful and simple. Thanks! (I can apply this to many other things, too)

  9. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (fcf_bear @ Sep. 03 2002,07:13)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I am trying to create a mission where you have to satchel a radio tower, but I have found that no amount of satchel charges will blow it up. I am using the HOUSE Radio Tower (res) model. I have found that helicopter missles will bring it down, but I want my guys to have to get up to it and blow it. I have tried setdammage 0.9 and allowdammage etc. but nothing seems to work. I tried calling an airstrike, but for what i wanted to do with that, it got waaaaaay too complicated (especially for multiplayer). Just want to satchel it. Any ideas?<span id='postcolor'>

    I'm trying the same thing, but someone gave me a solution. Basically "setdammage" - you said it wasn't working for you - did you do it like this?:

    First, use the "Show ID" button to get the Object Number of tower. Then use a Trigger to setdammage to tower at .9 or .95. A satchel then takes it down. (Or rather, a satchel blows it up, it still stands but is twisted and wrecked).

    specifics are: TRIGGER OnActiv:

    object [insert number here without brackets] setdammage .95

    (I think! I can double check code)

    I used a square trig activated by West, around foundation of tower. As soon as my team steps onto foundation, trigger invisibly sets damage. They set charges and take off.

  10. I'm trying something similar: I want to have player destroy a building with satchel charges.

    I can destroy the building with a trigger and setdammage, but I'm trying to create a script/trig combo that checks to see if there are satchel charges in area, then when the charges explode the setdammage is triggered. No luck so far. "ObjectSatchel" didn't work for me. (even "objectPipebomb" didn't work.)

  11. OFPEC has great ap-mine script (called "ap-mine" I think). You just place a trigger and call the script, which has a random feature so the victim is sometimes just wounded (severely), sometimes dies, and damage lessens as radius expands so guys nearby get less. Fantastic.

    I wanted an actual mine instead of just invisible nothing, and after no success with the built-ins as you guys mentioned, I made my own. I have no addon skills, so I did it quick and dirty, but I think it's quite workable: my mine uses the handgrenade as a texture. Sounds goofy, but when you place the dummy mine, just the top of the grenade shows, and it looks like a 3 fingered trigger on some ap mines. It's hard to see from all angles, and distance makes it disappear (depends on vid cards, too). But now it gives a more realistic look (buried mine) and a soldier half a chance.

  12. I'm a "newbie" editor and have searched for the same info, a painful task. Here's what I've found (thanks to some very clever and generous people).

    There may be some new sophisticated methods, but these two are tried and true: (Thanks to Starsky, InqWiper, and the pioneer of the Machine Gun trick, his handle escapes me, apologies):

    Machine Gun Method:

    Place a MG2 where you want your mine, set it's position to underground (about a meter below), place an object mine (fake) on top, create a trigger for West with "set dammage 4" and an identical one for East. (If you use one trigger "anybody" the gun/mine explodes instantly. If you add a 3rd trigger for Civillian or Resistance, it explodes instantly) Problems: the triggers, and AI soldiers and vehicles "see" a MG in the way and walk/drive around it.

    Shell method (far superior):

    Place an object mine (fake) where you want it

    Place a trigger over it with these settings:


    CONDITION: ("land" counttype thislist) > 0  

    On activation: kaboom = "HEAT125" camcreate [getpos nameofyourtrigger]

    Mod by InqWiper is:

    Boom="Heat73" camcreate [Getpos AP3 select 0, getpos AP3 select 1, -4]

    That will just blow the legs off the soldier

    This is a fantastic mine. I've experimented with both shells, and I think the best is if you are making several mines, make some with "leg blowers" and some bigger, because it's nice to cripple a guy, but also nice to toss him thru the air to his death. Variety. (Speaking of virtual people of course).

    Hope this helps, but have heard about hi-tech scripts...
