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Posts posted by Rellik

  1. When i try to load some missions, including BIS's "B01HeliTrain2" which is the second mission where you get in a chopper and blow up a convoy, I get an error that i am missing "bas_repairh" and the cutscenes and endings are automatically skipped over! Anyone know what this is? I have all the BAS helicopter mods, so this is puzzling me. Thanks!

  2. I am not sure if the old CWC addons (the ones in Addons , not in Res\Addons) are always read when launching the game, but testing will give you the answer.

    It seems obvious that when you have one named file in two folders and they are of different size (see 1st post), that deleting the smaller one would be a safe bet. However, the larger version of the 6G30.pbo addon is in the old addons folder, and the smaller version is in res\addons crazy_o.gif .

    The JAM2 weapons were in both res\addons AND addons folders, so i got rid of the set in the res\addons. I should probably move it back to the res\addons folder then smile_o.gif

  3. I think the troubleshooting is just for serious bugs and hardware issues.

    Anyway, I did read the Avon Lady's guide on making separate addon folders for different mod paks, like the Ia Trang Vietnam island and missions.

    Now i did try temporarily deleting all the duplicates in the res folder and I got "missing addons: BIS resistance", so that can't be it. Did a restore from the recycle bin and it went back to normal.

  4. I wanted to improve performance a little so I wanted to do some addon organization. I noticed that i have duplicate addons in the "addons" folder and the "res\addons" folder. One file, 6G30.pbo, is 380kb in the res\addons folder (and also on the res CD), but the same 6G30.pbo is 2835kb in the OFP addons folder. "Bizon.pbo" is 387kb in res\addons and 377kb in OFP addons. Also, some addons are just same-sized duplicates, like ABox.pbo, Apac.pbo, etc... Do both duplicates get loaded into the RAM unnecessarily, and if so, which one should i delete? Thanx!

  5. While i was making a mission i hit preview, looked at my map, and noticed that i could not find myself or the other soldiers, even though i was certain that i was loooking at the right spot. When i drove to the area with enemy soldiers, a time appeared in red text along with 2 red soldier markers.

    When i went back to play the official campaign, i noticed the same problem. I could not see my position. The manual and FAQ say nothing about any map mode switching, so does anyone know?

    Also, the difficulty level is at "Default" and i cant switch between cadet and veteran anymore.
