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About RaggedyMan

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  1. RaggedyMan

    Mission 5 woes

    One tactic I'm trying at the moment (haven't gotten thru the mission yet due to time) is to lay 3-5 mines on the main approach, take the BMP (with its six lovely AT missiles) and park in a "hull down" position with good defilade near the church and plains. So far the mines have succeeded in making the unfortunate tanks who hit them into a funnel through which I caught at least 5 tanks with the missiles, and when you factor in flank and ass shots on the other tanks with the BMPs cannon, it can get truly ugly. But if the mines and the missiles do their job, you could be looking at 9 to 14 tanks out of action with little muss or fuss to the NPC members of your group. Not sure if that will be enough to carry it through, but I have learned the painful way that if you let those oncoming tanks concentrate their fire against your irregulars, it will get ugly quite quick.
  2. RaggedyMan

    Generic post-campaign Fanboy comment

    Having just finished Red Hammer and then the Flashpoint 1985 campaign (in game time R-H ends on July 9, Flash 1985 ends on July 10) I have to say that overall it was impressive. I was so pleased at having completed this single-player marathon that I treated myself to a couple of 18 year olds.... scotch, that is. 61 missions, all said and done. I feel aged from the last month-and-a-half of on-and-off playing. The single missions are just as fun to play (completed C03(?) Battlefields today...whoa..damn big battle)I won't waste time critiquing what so many others have already pointed out, but I do want to say that I have one complaint/request that hopefully someone will smack me on the head and go "you drunk bastard, those are over *here*.... I want more missions with the A-10....helos are fun and all, but let's talk serious tankbusting here...anyone got a mission or two handy? Other than that, terrific job BIS and Codemasters et al, I am anxiously awaiting Indep. Lost and the editing community's contributions.