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  1. RAZAK


    I agree that the .50 cal doesnt sound up to par as the others but if you go to jims site he was a soldier in the swedish army. So i think he wouldnt put any fake sounds into the mod since he heard them all before, but i guarantee that is what the M60 sounds like. I dont know what the PK sounds like though. Ill have to ask my Father. He was a MG Gunner during the 60's.
  2. RAZAK


    well what do you want the sound mod maker to do lol. Explode a real BMP in his back yard and record the sound.
  3. RAZAK


    WTF is wrong with it. I actually like it. I dont understand why it sucks so bad. All the weapons sound 100 times better than the originals. Tell me one thing what it wrong with It. LOL you said the MG's sound like silence 007 mg. WTF are you talking about. I hate to say but that is what the real gun sounds likes. I dont believe that you put the mod down that much. What do you want? Every gun to sound like a big ass shotgun? Do you actually know what the guns sound like? For me i think the explosions are excellent. The tank or vehicle explosion it better than the default one. What do you want in a sound mod? I just dont believe it. PEOPLE DONT LISTEN TO HIS BULL Â I recommend this mod for everyone. If you dont like it there is something wrong.
  4. ftp://ofpd:ofpd@ofp.gamezone.cz/soundpack.zip i recomend all of you guys to get this sound mod. It makes the game sound 100% better and the battles sound intense. All the weapons in game have been change and just sounds awsome. I found it on OFP.cz
  5. RAZAK

    MY sprites are blurred.

    Yes thank you Greg it worked. I must of changed it for some unknown reason i cant remember. THank you
  6. RAZAK

    MY sprites are blurred.

    Everytime i go in the game now my crosshair is all blurred and when i go into the mission editior all the this are blurred and i can barely see them. It just started to happen a week ago and there was no reason for it to start. Anyone have any ideas to make it better?
  7. RAZAK

    Who should be the enemy..

    Eygpt? they fought a war before with Isreal.