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Everything posted by RonW

  1. RonW

    Ofp2 set in vietnam

    Hello: Well, here is my 3 cents!! 1) Vietnam is ok, but I would prefer a modern (circa 2004 to 2010) fiction conflict. Ofshoots on the War on Terrorism would be good. 2) I have Vietcong by Take2 Interactive and WOW what a game, VERY immersive game and I highly recommend it. Â Small maps compared to OFP, but it does has the OFP "feel" to it. The single player campaign is amazing!! Which brings me to point three.... 3) There seems to be a number of Vietnam game products that will be hitting the market in the next couple of years....does this constitute a flood? Only time will tell and will be based on sales. Can the market support another Vietnam based game? Whatever they decide, I will buy OFP2. OFP was one of my fav games largely due to the single player campaigns and the support by the modding community. MP was merely ok, but satisfying. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on you point of view), Counter-Strike (Half-life; 80k to 121k players) IS online gaming and publishers will be hard pressed to attract that crowd. Yes, I understand that most people plan more than one game, but the stats clearly shows CS as the online gaming community. I'm sure OFP2 will do very well, but more sales means OFP3. Thanks, S_Hunter
  2. RonW

    Cpt moore oxygen addon pack

    Please someone make the "Jackhammer". The shotgun one!!
  3. RonW

    It was bound to happen sooner or later

    Hello: If you wish to leave a message of condolence or some comforting words, please visit the following website: http://www.dnd.ca/eng/index.html or a direct link: http://dgpaapp.forces.gc.ca/messages/message_default_e.asp Thanks, Ron
  4. RonW

    M82a1 heavy sniper riffle (barret)

    Hello: About the HWTL bug, is their any way of eliminating the muzzel flash in the mod itself. I really want to keep the hardware setting, but the permanent flash really detracks from play. I assume the flash is included in the modelling of the M82A1 gun, but I cannot access it. I tried adjusting a few paramenters but the flash was still present ,oh well. I guess I'm asking if a second version of the M82A1 can be produced that does not include the flash component, the flash is really for cosmetic appearance and wont detrack from the use of the weapon. Oh yea, great weapon mod, I give it (no thumbs) out of two . Thanks, Ron