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Everything posted by RudeMood

  1. RudeMood

    I want an OFP MP add-on and I\'ll PAY for it!

    Agua I suggest you try out some Tribes 2 online. And if you already did that, quit talking out of your ass. It is excactly how the first poster said. BIS screwed up BIG when implementing MP into OFP. I have played Tribes2 games with 128 people on the same map. Yes 128 people!! I never experienced any form of serious LAG with Tribes. You say OFP needs more data for 4 people than Tribes2 needs for 128 people? I am telling you than something is very wrong with OFP mp-code. (As if we didn't know that already) For me it really hurts to walk on these immense large MP maps and to see the huge potential of it all. These maps are screaming for 100 or more people! Sometimes I really am angry with BIS for screwing up the way they did. Btw love the sp part of the game...
  2. RudeMood

    Its Christmas in Everon

    LOL just discovered it this afternoon. I was playing 'Wake Up Call' where you have to destroy the three Shilka's. I was sneaking up on the first one and decided to have a closer look with the binoculars. That's when I saw them first. LOL I thought my Gfx-card was giving me texture corruption since I just installed the 1.40 patch. Great easter-egg!! Merry Christmas to you all:)
  3. Flame me for bringing this up but just had to say: I bought Tribes2 last week and man that game rocks in Multiplayer. Talk about over 100 people playing on a server using vehicles with 5 people in them with no lag no choppy play whatsoever, just smoooooth as butter. Netcode is even better than Half-Life. So for everyone tired of trying ofp multi: go get this game if you want total war with 60, 70 , or more people at the same time. Tribes 2 rocks!! Still love ofp single player though...
  4. RudeMood

    want good multiplayer?? read this...

    He malboeuf, is that me you were talking to? How about you open your mouth so I can s**t in it?
  5. RudeMood

    Vote, pro or contra Gamespy?
