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About Remy

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal


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  1. Remy


    What ever i don't care... you win just don't reply to this thread any more
  2. Remy


    what makes you think i was talking to you??? dumb s**t.
  3. Remy


    hey here an idea. Don't f**king reply to this thread then i will have nothing to reply back to... ok??? and im not f**king 12 you f**k ass hole... or i wouldn't be replying back to these stupid threads... so just us all a favor don't reply to this thread and no one will reply back
  4. Remy


    Shut the f**k up
  5. Remy


    Why the #### do my threads always get out of control and into a big argument... all i was saying at the beging of this is to say thank you for who ever had someting to say in my old tread that all... nothing to do about bombers or how old you are.. and what age you should be playing this game at...
  6. Remy


    sorry correction i wouln't be playing this game if i was 12.
  7. Remy


    Fu-ck you im not fuc-king 12years old you stupid bit-ch... fu-ck man i would be playing this game if i was 12 fu-cking years old you dumb fu-ck. go suck a cock
  8. Remy


    WHAT THE FUC.K ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT BOMBERS?? I stoped talking about that on my last poast you stupid bit.ch. I was just saying thanks you fuc.king idiot.. go f**k a goat you peace of shi.t
  9. Remy


    thank you for replying to my first thread... it would have said thank you there but they d*amn fuc,kers took it off.. well i will be beging a new thread as a soon as reinstall the game..
  10. Remy

    Bomber are a mint idea

    d*amn.... sound like a fun thread.. but where was it?? what section??
  11. Remy

    Bomber are a mint idea

    where is this Cereal thread thread you keep talking about red???
  12. Remy

    Bomber are a mint idea

    You can't object... no one is to reply to this thread any more!!!1
  13. Remy

    Bomber are a mint idea

    well well i think it time to hang up my jeans and call it a quits don't you?? don't answer that its a retorical (spelling?) question.
  14. Remy

    Bomber are a mint idea

    i don't really care about bombers any ways i stoped playing this game... so i really dont give a flying fu.ck. Dont get me rong this is still a bomb game, but i just wanted to play some more s**t like il 2 sturmovik.
  15. Remy

    Bomber are a mint idea

    god d*amn.... it doesnt have to be that realalisitic... they aready have a bomber but you have to be d*amn low to the ground for it to be affective. so you don't need f**king escorts and that all that other bull sh.it