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About Redline

  • Rank
    Private First Class


  • Interests
    OFP, that\'s it, LOL.<p>nah, also, Internal Kung Fu (www.hsing-i.com)<p>and swing dancing!
  1. my player's name is: player1 the init field of the LEADER of the squad i want to join is: E21 = group this and my trigger says this: player1 join E21 thanks in advance!
  2. Redline

    Helicopters in of+ai soldiers = weird&stupidity!

    infantry and armor that actually get a visual on  an attack helo: 1) Are very lucky to be alive 2) Will do all to avoid the attack helo because their odds are VERY LOW vs that attack helo. 3) It's best for them to hide and take hard cover. if they choose to attack this helo, the helo should break contact then return and engange at long range with rockets and missles. Tanks and infantry attacking helos will waste a lot of ammo they need to fight other infantry and vehicles. All vehicles have primary missions and generally should stick to them.
  3. Redline

    Turrets all point one way?

    in a script can't you place a target downrange and make the tank 'select target' ?
  4. Redline

    Mission ending objectives are dumb

    >I read the breifing, it said good job and all that. And it also showed me as a casualty!! THAT'S GOOD CODING!
  5. Redline

    Brigade size engagements...

    i'm looking into making a armored cavalary battallion and a motor rifle battallion battle it out. but when a unit dies it gets teleported back to base and repaired and deployed back into the battle. still just kinda thinking it through
  6. cool, great idea (duh) will try when i get home thx
  7. i also want the player to 'place' these or at least walk around his assigned firing position and 'activate' (arm) these flares. thx
  8. Redline

    Omg the desert storm mod kicks a$$!

    I started to make a campaign too... just a couple days ago... it's really rough so far... i got 7 missions outlined (story & plot) and mission one has units, waypoints, and most triggers set...
  9. Redline

    Mission ending objectives are dumb

    my MAIN objective in the campaign missions I make is THAT the player lives. I won't end the mission for a failed objective at the same token I won't make a mission that ENDS because all objetives are met, that's friggen annoying. The player should end the mission when they want to. They can conclude by looking at the mission log if all objectives are met (and by pop-up messages) why I posted this? I don't know...
  10. yes please email it to me @ richdiaz99@yahoo.com thx!
  11. not SIDE just the active PLAYER unit. thx
  12. sweet I found ONE solution to keep the player from dying... when the player gets to 50% health just use the following script and use a 1000 divisor... another way to implement this is make the player immune to damage until you want him to be injured... basically windows of opportunity to get hurt... because if a player APC gets destroyed while he's in it I don't want him to die... i gota control the campaign somehow... from: http://www.ofpeditingcenter.com/coding/units.shtml How to make tougher units By snYpir. This script allows you make units in the game harder to kill. This is done by reducing the damage taken by a unit during the game. A call to this script would typically be made in the init field of a guy who you want to make tougher. It is called as follows: [name of object, damage factor] exec "toughunit.sqs" the name of the object would be 'this' if u are using the call in an init field of an object. the damage factor is the divisor for the damage taken. if this value is 2, for example, the dude will be twice as tough (damage will be halved). this allows you to have different levels of toughness for different soldiers if you want. Don't forget that this script will work for any object, not just soldiers. so, a typical call to this script would be: [this,2] exec "toughunit.sqs" In the script file itself, if you look at the top of the file you can see a section with variables that you can change. These are described below. _pause = 0.5 This sets the time interval between loops. Should be less than one. _damageFactor = _this select 1 By default, the damage factor is set by the second parameter in the call to the script. If you wanted to make all units who run this script have the same damage factor you could change this value. _noResurrection = false If you change this line to true a unit will die as soon as it's damage is greater than one. So if a huge explosion instantly kills a unit, the damage will not be reduced and the unit will stay dead. If this value is false (default) the damage will be halved even if the unit is dead, effectively bringing the unit back to life. NOTE Although this script will make the player tougher if this is used, the player unit cannot be brought back to life. So if the player suffers heavy damage, the mission will end even though it will appear the player is alive. Download the script file here. script
  13. what about KEEPING a player from dying, just say he stays at 10% health...
  14. Maybe this would work: kill the helo let it crash save the position of the dead helo in a variable move the dead helo off map move a damaged helo to where the dead helo landed so in effect just use 2 helos.
  15. Redline

    Omg the desert storm mod kicks a$$!

    heh, really? well as long as the creator gets credit.