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Everything posted by RedRogue
If you are going to shoot someone breaking into your home in a buglary attempt, saddly you better shoot to kill. Because like Mr. Frag said a Firearm always constitues intent with deadly force. So if you injure and attempted burglar he can sue and odds are win for medical bills and pain&suffering because unless they are threatening bodily harm you cannot legally use deadly force to stop them.
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (denoir @ June 21 2002,19:18)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (SpaceAlex @ June 21 2002,17:44)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (denoir @ June 21 2002,02:38)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Pedophilic posts are not ok. Not now, not ever. Do it again and I'll remove your posting rights. <span id='postcolor'> Wow. Your attitude has changed a lot since you're a moderator. We have lots of mods here. But is that good or not? <span id='postcolor'> Aw, are you still upset that I changed your too large signature to the Fluffy Bunny™ ? <span id='postcolor'> Considering that most likely, like mine, you or which ever moderator changed it without first requesting of him directly to change the image in his signature. That action there is the 1st step in the very post pointed too in the changing a signature image. To me this comes in close but not quite to a abuse of power, as without warning me I had no knowledge that whoever had done so, until I stumbled across an old post of mine. And a  better course of action if someone ignores the requests to change an oversize image in their signature (which whoever didn't make) would be to remove the image. You never know, maybe I take offense to little fuzzy bunnies.
I get the same message. What he is refering too is that WinXP has/had a lot of issues with CD burning software like EasyCD Creator 3 and 4 and 5 without the update. Apon installing this software WinXP will disable it and give you this message because It knows it will not work. However, after uninstalling the software and deleting all related registry entries WinXP still gives you this annoying message. For some reason it never realizes that the applications or devices that have been disabled for incompatibility no longer exist.
My Dodge Neon gets me around just fine. Haven't had a problem in 55000 miles yet that wasn't covered under warranty or recall. Oh, if anyone here does by chance buy a Neon. Get ride of those *** **** Goodyear Eagle GA tires ASAP. Several people I know and myself have had accidents because those tires are the worst wet weather tires I've ever had. There where times I couldn't touch the brakes on a flat road that was wet with those things without locking the wheels.
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Red Oct @ June 17 2002,06:48)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">isnt never winter nights a online RPG? or is it also single player? it looks cool but is it like everquest ware you have to pay to play (which is a total rip-off) Â <span id='postcolor'> How is paying for services rendered a rip-off. These MMORPGs have to pay for the excedingly expensive amount of bandwidth, Server costs, Live team costs from something. Box sales alone would only keep the game running for a few months at best and would be a 0 profit return, something companies don't really waste their time or resources with.
Like Maximus said, Shoot em in the knees and let them crawl.
1. Unplug your microphone 2. Run the OFPPREFERENCES.exe 3. Complete the Voice Setup with your microphone unplugged 4. You may get an error message because your microphone is unplugged, but this is what you want 5. Now you can hear ingame voice and use RW without the interferance. But you will not be able to use the ingame voice yourself.
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (TopGun16 @ June 14 2002,00:31)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I'm checkin' the FAQ now...thanx a whole heap. Â BTW red rogue...I have XP.<span id='postcolor'> Eww, well then I don't really have a clue about what's going on. Figured you where running 9x because you mentioned it doesn't happen on the first startup and only subsequent ones and it goes away after a reboot. Common problem I've seen with 9x memory managment. With XP however... no info to give.
*Cough* Troubleshooting Forum *Cough*
http://palpatine.chez.tiscali.fr/Page13/page13.htm First hit off of www.google.com entering "German Railroad guns" You didn't even try did you, now stop trying to get other people to do your work. Hell I shouldn't even give you that link.
Seems like a Win95/98 problem. Windows 9x where/are horrible at mangaging memory. Every time a program closes not all the memory it was using is freed up. Its just kinda lost and after enough times it causes problems. A Reboot clears all the memory holds. I would sugest upgrading to WinXP or just keep on rebooting when ever this happens.
Thats what I thought too so I asked him again specifically about boot camp and he said to him it was a joke, no biggie at all. And thats what all the guys at the MOS as you describe it related to him.Hell he is still overweight and lazy as hell most of the time. But maybe Boot Camp for support personell is alot easier than the mainline. I would actually lean on that heavily as he recieved 0 combat or defense training, because he is just suppose to be a tech. Although I did get a kick out of one thing he told me. The base he recieved his specialty training at was an Airforce base with combined Marine/Navy/Airforce school. Its in Mississippi, but I can't remember the city. The things I got the greatest kick out of was 1. The Marine/Navy barracks where literally condemed with the surrounding abandoned barracks being torn down. 2. The Navy/Marine barracks where right next to the flight line. So they got to enjoy the 20minute C-130, Learjet, and trainer jet preflight engine checks nicely. 3. The signs you see on the beaches telling you what you can and cannot do have stated at the bottom. "Sexually abusing the wildlife is strictly forbidden"... still get a kick out of that.
Considering I just asked a friend visiting as of late the same question since he is off to his first duty station as an airman apprentience for the US Navy. I was a bit surprised by his answer. He did a joint Boot Camp with Marines, Navy, and Airforce recruits. Guess the military is trying to save money. But anyway, his responce to the question is that Boot camp was basically a joke. And this is from a guy that avoided all physical labor in his life. He said the only people that had it semi rough where the Marines and the Airforce recruits going for flight status. Other than that he said it was just a lot of yes and no sirs. Running and workouts that where hard sometimes but nothing that would kill you. And to top it off the Airforce basic is only 3 weeks long. I think he said the Navy and Marines where there for 60 days.
Hey here is a thought, if its an OT post why don't we put it in the OT forum. Man, I must be a freakin genius... Â
Hey here is a thought, if its an OT post why don't we put it in the OT forum. Man, I must be a freakin genius... Â
? How do you get it to show your FPS in OFP? Do you use a 3rd party program or is there a FPS view hidden somewhere?
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Hardliner @ June 12 2002,20:00)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">During WW2 USA was not interested untill its "own" interests were endangered. Japan attacked because USA cut their oil. The Gulf War was no different.<span id='postcolor'> If you would do a bit more research into the growth of Japanese Imperialism during WW2. You would find that Japan's sole source of scrap iron, steel, coal, oil, aluminum, and pretty much every other material for an industrialised nation was the United States. Japan sought to have their own national source of these materials instead of buying them from Japan. This is what started the invasion of Manchuria. In responce to Japanses aggression into Manchuria and China the United States restricted the still very much needed supply of scrap iron, steel and oil for Japan's economy and war machine. The only nearby obtainable source of oil was the Phillipines, and to obtain them would mean going up against the United States. So the plan for the attack on Pearl Harbor was born. With the intent to render the United States inable to counter the Japanese advance until the Japanese had already consolodated their Pacific Empire. The United States declared war on Japan but not Germany. As Germany had not attacked the United States and it would have been difficult if not impossible to get the population and the Congress to declare war on Germany. However, 2 days later after the declaration of war on Japan, Germany declared war on the United States due to their alliance with Japan. If Germany hadn't done so, it is highly questionable when and if the United States would have gotten involved in the war in Europe. I however believe that due to the fact that the United States would have sold supplies and materials to Britian and Russia anyway (It would have been foolish not to) that the determination of the British people would have lead to a stalemate between Germany and Britian, for Britian would not have fallen without bitter bloodshed that Germany could not hope to sustain. And in time the Russians would have beaten back Germany and freed Europe from Nazi oppression. However the Europe that emerged under Soviet control would have been quite a different one that today.
Hey Assault if you do the numbers like I did once. Canada actually has a higher crime rate per capita. Of course the numbers I was using then where from 99 and Canada's crime rate wasn't that much higher per 100k citizens.
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Duke_of_Ray @ June 12 2002,01:22)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I just get sick of all the people who girpe and complain about America, including American citizens. America is the best country in the world and the nation that has helped almost everybody in some way. Without America WW1,a war in which we didn't belong, and WW2 would have been won by the Germans. America never even was repaied by its Allies,except for Finland and I than them for that. America has doen so much for all kinds of people but its seems that only the bad things get talked about. I admit America has done some bad things, like the bombing of Kosavo, but they have done so much more good than bad. We tried to get food to the people of Afghanistan, tried to help Samalia, gave aid to Europe when they were at war, fight terrisom, and many other things. So why do people trash America? I don't know, and as for those guys down at Camp X-Ray, well they have it a little to good.America should fully support Isreal! Isreal is doing the same thing America is and that is fighting terrisom and that snake Arafat well he is just as bad as Osama Bin Landen.<span id='postcolor'> If you want some answers you only have to look at your own post. When you make statements that are very egotistical and demenstrate a superiority attitude no wonder dislike is brewed by those recieving it. 1. "America is the best country in the world..." That is basically an insult to every person of every other country in the world, perhaps they like or love the way their country is. One cannot declare the United States as the best country in the world because there is no standard to compare it to. 2. "Without America WW1,a war in which we didn't belong, and WW2 would have been won by the Germans." Without U.S. economic and military force in WW1, the most likely outcome would have been a perpetual stalemate on the western front with the eventual peace treaty leaving much of captured France in German hands. Without the Treaty of Versallies (Spelling?) WW2 as we know it would have been much different. Without economic and military alliance in WW2 Britian would have most likely sucome eventually to German pressure, either into a peace treaty or cease fire of sorts. However you completely overlook the Russia contribution in WW2, which tied up approximately 2/3ds or Germany's military making the landings at Normandy possible and actual advancement into occupied Europe probable. 3. "America should fully support Isreal! Isreal is doing the same thing America is and that is fighting terrisom and that snake Arafat well he is just as bad as Osama Bin Landen." With that statement you just alienated a great part of the world.You have a great many people that support and believe in the Palestinian cause, and also a great many people that believe and support the Jewish state of Israel. There is no clear cut right and wrong here. It has been the continual support of the state of Israel that has been the greatest factor in all the bad blood in U.S./MiddleEast relations.
Ah but only if we could Ralph. It would be intresting to see the world have to deal with its problems all by itself for a change. Plus think of all the civilian improvements and programs could be made by saving all that economic and mlitary aid money to the world. But of course doing so would really put several countries in a horrific bind because their entire economy is from U.S. aid. Bu t that really isn't an American problem now is it, so it shouldn' t concern us then should it. What we could do with the 20 billion in foreign aid given each year.
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (RedStar @ June 11 2002,20:39)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (RalphWiggum @ June 11 2002,20:29)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I laughed at RedStar's list. So US shouldn't intervene? hell, fuck no! if US didn't take action against Butcher of Balkans could have finished their genocide happily. oh wait..let me guess..Kuwait ppl were happy that Iraqi soldiers were fucking their sisters and executing ppl<span id='postcolor'> genocide, torture, execution, rape. They learned those from the best. Thats exactly what the US troops did in WW2, Korea and Vietnam. P.s. dont give me the usual freedom and democracy sh1t the US didnt care what was happening to the people in Kuwait they just cared about the price of oil.<span id='postcolor'> So its was only the American troops that did the "dirty" deeds in WW2. Aparently your history education has a huge gapping hole in what the Russians did to the German people during their offensive and especially after the capture of Berlin. Or what the Japanese did to the Chinese populations on still unatolled levels. Oh and let us not forget what the Germans did to the French, Belgium, Poland, and Netherland populations. If you want to keep on going with this every surviving American, British, German, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Italian airman that dropped a bomb deliberately on a civilian center is a war criminal. So please spare us your propaganda BS.
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (WKK Gimbal @ June 11 2002,21:03)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">It's all a load of bollox<span id='postcolor'> The most sensible statement yet on the subject. Don't let Redstar bother you Ralph, he's just wallowing in his own self-glorification.
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (RedStar @ June 11 2002,20:13)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Epyon9283 @ June 11 2002,19:19)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I really don't understand why the hell the US would have a problem with the ICC.<span id='postcolor'> This is why William Clinton, ex-President, For his merciless bombing of the people of Yugoslavia for 78 days and nights, taking the lives of many hundreds of civilians, and producing one of the greatest ecological catastrophes in history; for his relentless continuation of the sanctions and rocket attacks upon the people of Iraq; and for his illegal and lethal bombings of Somalia, Bosnia, Sudan, and Afghanistan. General Wesley Clark, Supreme Allied Commander in Europe, For his direction of the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia with an almost sadistic fanaticism ... "He would rise out of his seat and slap the table. Â 'I've got to get the maximum violence out of this campaign -- now!'" George Bush, ex-president, for the murder of hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians, including many thousands of children, the result of his 40 days of bombing and the institution of draconian sanctions; and for his unconscionable bombing of Panama, producing widespread death, destruction and homelessness, for no discernible reason that would stand up in a court of law. General Colin Powell, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, For his prominent role in the attacks on Panama and Iraq, the latter including destruction of nuclear reactors as well as plants making biological and chemical agents. Â It was the first time ever that live reactors had been bombed, and ran the risk of setting a dangerous precedent. Â Hardly more than a month had passed since the United Nations, under whose mandate the United States was supposedly operating in Iraq, had passed a resolution reaffirming its "prohibition of military attacks on nuclear facilities" in the Middle East. In the wake of the destruction, Powell gloated: "The two operating reactors they had are both gone, they're down, they're finished." He was just as cavalier about the lives of the people of Iraq. Â In response to a question concerning the number of Iraqis killed in the war, the good general replied: "It's really not a number I'm terribly interested in." Â Â And for his part in the cover up of war crimes in Vietnam by troops of the same brigade that carried out the My Lai massacre. General Norman Schwarzkopf, Commander in Chief, U.S. Central Command, For his military leadership of the Iraqi carnage; for continuing the carnage two days after the cease-fire; for continuing it against Iraqis trying to surrender; for burying soldiers alive, deliberately. Ronald Reagan, ex-president, for eight years of death, destruction, torture, and the crushing of hope inflicted upon the people of El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua and Grenada by his policies; and for his bombings of Lebanon, Libya and Iran. Â He's forgotten all this, but the world shouldn't. Elliott Abrams, assistant secretary of state under Reagan, For rewriting history, even as it was happening, by instituting lying as public policy. Â He was indispensable to putting the best possible face on the atrocities being committed daily by the Contras in Nicaragua and other Washington allies in Central America, thus promoting continued support for them; a spinmeister for the ages, who wrestled facts into ideological submission. "When history is written," he declared, "the Contras will be folk heroes." Caspar Weinberger, Secretary of Defense for seven years under Reagan, For his official and actual responsibility for the numerous crimes against humanity perpetrated by the United States in Central America and the Caribbean, and for the bombing of Libya in 1986. Â George Bush pardoned him for Iran-Contra, but he should not be pardoned for his war crimes. Lt. Col. Oliver North, assigned to Reagan's National Security Council, For being a prime mover behind the Contras of Nicaragua, and for his involvement in the planning of the invasion of Grenada, which took the lives of hundreds of innocent civilians as well as supplying Iran during the Iran-Iraq war. Henry Kissinger (who has successfully combined three careers: scholar, Nobel peace laureate, and war criminal), National Security Adviser under Nixon and Secretary of State under Nixon and Ford, For his Machiavellian, amoral, immoral roles in the US interventions into Angola, Chile, East Timor, Vietnam, and Cambodia, which brought unspeakable horror and misery to the peoples of those lands. Â Â Gerald Ford, ex-president, For giving his approval to Indonesia to use American arms to brutally suppress the people of East Timor, thus setting in motion a quarter-century-long genocide. Â Â Robert McNamara, Secretary of Defense under presidents Kennedy and Johnson, a prime architect of, and major bearer of responsibility for, the slaughter in Indochina, from its early days to its extraordinary escalations; and for the violent suppression of popular movements in Peru. General William Westmoreland, Army Chief of Staff, for the numerous war crimes under his command in Vietnam. Â In 1971, Telford Taylor, the chief US prosecutor at the post-World War II Nuremberg Tribunal, cited the "Yamashita" case as grounds for indicting Westmoreland. Â Following the war, a US Army Commission had sentenced Japanese General Tomayuki Yamashita to be hanged for atrocities committed by his troops in the Philippines. Â The Commission held that as the senior commander, Yamashita was responsible for not stopping the atrocities. Â The same ruling could of course apply to General Powell and General Schwarzkopf. Yamashita, in his defense, presented considerable evidence that he had lacked the communications to adequately control his troops; yet he was still hanged. Â Taylor pointed out that with helicopters and modern communications, Westmoreland and his commanders didn't have this problem.<span id='postcolor'> And this is perfect proof that if you want to anything can be turned in the most negative way possible. You could not name 1 person in a command position involved in a war that does not fall under someone's definition of a war criminal. The victor makes the rules and makes history, there are no real rules or laws to war.
-http://www.stopworldwar3.com/features/hrw101301.shtml There is one English site on it, but I do not know how impartial the site is as I have never been there before, nor verified their articles. All I can say on the topic is, who makes the rules and laws of this war crimes tribunal? If I where a nation that has managed to garner a general mislike in the world I would be very skeptic on something like this. It would seem to easy for someone to make laws and arrest overseas personnel for reasons other than true war crimes if there are any. As for a reality of invading any NATO European nation. I would highly doubt that because I don't see anyway you could sugarcoat that enough to feed it to the American people in a way that they would support you. Economic and military sactions on the other hand are more likely.