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Everything posted by Rastavovich

  1. Rastavovich

    Firing the kozlice

    wonder what where the others of many ways? unit fire "kozlice" or unit fire ["kozlice","kozliceball","kozliceball"] might work
  2. Rastavovich

    Dkm-mod updates

    Yes there is a new config for 1.4. No eta on the server (seems to be a major problem), but we hope it will be less then a week till it is back up.
  3. Rastavovich

    Dkm-mod updates

    VIT_APC_Arena1 - 3 are declared in the latest vitapc_config.pbo. Due to a not complete packed archive, this file is missing. It was included in the patch file, but since our server is down atm you have kind of bad luck, I don't know if any other site mirrored the patch.
  4. Rastavovich

    Ofp + v.56** a big nono for me

    Thnx Cosmic Evolution, that seems to have caused it. Edit: Seems that is not the only cause for my rebooting system...
  5. Rastavovich

    Dkm-mod updates

    Thanks, for your efforts Killswitch we will check that. Our mainsite went down due to server problems.
  6. Rastavovich

    Ofp + v.56** a big nono for me

    Well, I don't know what problems you encounter with that vid drivers and that card, but I have the same card/driver and now my OFP restarts my PC quite often.
  7. Rastavovich

    Dkm-mod updates

    Hmm, your CTD are caused by missing models... Check carefully your -mod folders aswell. No, you need a vitapc_config.pbo.. dunno why it wasn't in the pack, download the patch 1.3-1.4 to get the latest vitapc_config.pbo.
  8. Rastavovich

    Dkm-mod updates

    @Easytiger: I think you have somewhere an old vitapc.pbo in your addon folders, check that please. @ag_smith: download the 1.3-1.4 patch from our site, there the latest vitapc_config.pbo is included.
  9. Rastavovich

    Dkm-mod updates

    What you are moaning about, the .pbo is openable without problem.. you should allready know how to unbin a config, since it was discussed a hundred times before, if you don't.. try the search function. @Lt_Damage: As we stated before there might be a second line of vehicles, which will fit then to the Sigma/RHS system, in the future.
  10. Rastavovich

    Dkm-mod updates

    Yes the blood textures were introduced in 1.3 pack, so they are aswell in 1.4. In the last patch only the groups were on east side, but that is fixed (Now all are west).
  11. Rastavovich

    Dkm-mod updates

    The arena system is mounted on two tanks of the pack. It provides countermeasurements against incoming missiles.
  12. Rastavovich

    Challenger 2 beta released

    Is there an init line entry to ensure this as its closer to rl. No, it is set with the probability of .5 (it is calculated over the init position of the tank, so it will work aswell in mp games). You can make sure it appears with moving the tank a bit around in missioneditor (1 meter more/less to the north can make the difference).
  13. Rastavovich

    Custom "cfgmovesmchide"

    You should try to lower the "turnspeed" to 0.
  14. Rastavovich

    Coca colas new water dasani

    The whole story makes me wonder if my "Instant water powder"-idea would have any chances on the market. Take the powder, add some ordinary tab water... and you will have delicious (.....tab...) water....
  15. Hmm, missunderstood the topic it seems (getting old it seems) Anyway, as CD wrote some additional information would still be handy.
  16. Rastavovich

    Setpos into vehicle...

    Wouldn't you need in that case "_x moveincargo BH" foreach units groupname anyway.
  17. Rastavovich

    Setpos into vehicle...

    "_x moveincargo BH" foreach [s1,S2] should do it quite good in your case
  18. It might be helpfull to see the script....
  19. Rastavovich


    In that case you should use the modulo function <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _dir = ((getdir player) + 50) Mod 360 hint format["%1",_dir]
  20. Rastavovich


    Nope, that ain't possible, due the simulation "shotmine" is hardcoded into the .exe
  21. Rastavovich


    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class Mine: TimeBomb { hit=750 indirectHit=750 indirectHitRange=5 simulation="shotMine"; model="m19_at_proxy.p3d"; defaultMagazine="Mine"; }; if you are talking about the config.
  22. Rastavovich

    Army kills comanche!

    Well, even if a lot of money was spend, not all of it is lost, since quite a lot of it was spend for basic research which will be used in next generations equippment.
  23. Rastavovich

    Aircraft variables.

    The ability to accelerate it IIRC calculated over the weight of the model and the maximum speed set in the config. A plane of low weight accelerates faster, while a plane with same speed but higher weight reaches higher speeds. The low weight should use a shorter runway then aswell. BTW, I would use an afterburner script (not that hard to build in), cause there you have more freedom to set the limits.
  24. Rastavovich

    Why would the clouds in the sky be red-brownish?

    The phenomenon you saw was infact desert dust. It came from africa. Swiss television just mentioned it in the news.
  25. Rastavovich

    Are you addicted to addons?

    Lol, nearly the same here, I finished OFP:R just 2 weeks ago. Even if I start the game around 50 times a day, I never find the time to play a mission. The only real playing: sometimes I place my little tuned mini on an island and race around with it to get my head free. But after 10-30 mins I am back on codewriting. Maybe I should contact a doctor.