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Everything posted by Rastavovich

  1. Rastavovich

    German Patch 1.01 released

    The file should be 1.854.399 bytes. So I guess the patch was not properly applied (which is strange since you say there was no error output)
  2. Rastavovich

    German Patch 1.01 released

    Could you give me the filesize of your arma\dta\bin.pbo?
  3. Rastavovich

    German Patch 1.01 released

    Are you sure the patch updated everything without error message? Did you use modified .pbos?
  4. Rastavovich

    Can Someone Tell Me What i did Wrong

    Errormessages would help to find the error. 2 things I saw: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> magazines[]={"AK74","AK74","AK74","AK74","SmokeShell" ;,"SmokeShell"}; the ; inside the weapon array will cause trouble, that can be seen several times. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">magazines[]={"PPSH41","PPSH41","PPSH41","PPSH41","PPSH41& quot;,"HandGrenade","HandGrenade","HandGrenade"}; what is """, also visible in several entries.
  5. Rastavovich

    Turn-out option unwanted

    forceHideGunner = true; forceHideDriver = true; forceHideCommander = true; are used for that
  6. Rastavovich

    Why doesnt this script work?

    Try <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">fired="[_this] exec {\rktskyraider\cluster.sqs}; if ((_this select 1) in [{RKTRocketRail},{RKTRockeyeRail}]) then {if ((_this select 1) == {RKTRocketRail} && (((_this select 0) ammo {Zuni})%4 != 0)) then {(_this select 0) flyInHeight 400}}" the single " in the eh confuse the engine
  7. ah, my bad, didn't read through the script example.. maybe your black comes from the modelpart behind the hiddenselection? what happens if you dont apply a texture at all, is then everything black there?
  8. Problem is in using .pac files which do not support alpha channel IIRC. Use .paa instead.
  9. Rastavovich

    Mine script

    Actually that script would be called over the init-eh of the mine. But it would be configured over the trigger. Else it would be quite a bit harder to get a list of vehicles that can set it of.
  10. Rastavovich

    Mine script

    Your modified script cannot work, because you actually took out the distance checking of the mine and ordered instead to just explode. I would suggest you use a trigger with a fixed name (needs to be set by the missiondesigner) and a script that checks for the units that can activate that trigger. In that case you can fast set up if mines are detonated by one side or by all, and you need only one trigger for all mines/bombs/whatever. Assuming you have a trigger called "MineActivator" with Activation: All, Multiple times, you can use: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _bomb = _this select 0; #check  _activatedBy= list MineActivator;  _index = (count _activatedBy) - 1;  #check2   ? (_bomb distance (_activatedBy select _index)): goto "boom"   ? (_index > 0): _index = _index - 1; goto "check2"   ~1   goto "check" #boom  _bomb setDammage 1  exit Edited: _index was initialized with value out of range, but noone spotted so far
  11. Rastavovich

    animation confiq

    It defines which mode the character is in and which animations are binded to the keys in this mode. Ie: the player has his rifle in his hand and stands. This would be CombatActions. The player moves now forward, the engine looks in CfgMoves.Actions.CombatActions.walkF and finds there the animations it has to play now for walking forward, in this case the animations defined in class CfgMoves.States.CombatWalkF.
  12. Rastavovich

    Cfg Problem with armed cars

    Wild guess <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">}; ... class jeepMG: jeep {}; class wood_usmc_m1025_m2hmg: jeepMG The code you represent here with "..." misses one closing };
  13. Rastavovich

    cpp problem

    The problem is that #define are single line based, so everything you put in the other lines will be seen as different entries. To use multilines use \ at the end of each line. ie: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">#define Wood_WOUNDS wounds[]= { \ "xicht_a.paa","xicht_a_zranen", \ "xicht_b.paa","xicht_a_zranen", \ "xicht_c.paa","xicht_a_zranen", \ ... \ "\HYK_USsol\wl\aarm_L.paa","\HYK_USsol\wl\aarm_Ld.paa", \ "\HYK_USsol\wl\rarm_L.paa","\HYK_USsol\wl\rarm_Ld.paa" \ };
  14. You forgot the closing } of class MILES_M249 : SoldierWB { ... that causes that all other classes under it are seen as subclasses of this one (and those are not shown in editor).
  15. Rastavovich

    Weapon modes via Action-Menu possible?

    Yes that is possible.. but it requires some scripting plus the use of fire-eventhandler of the vehicle that uses the weapon. The idea behind is, that you fire a dummy weapon and then let a script (triggered by fired-eh) fire the "real" weapon in the right firemode.
  16. Rastavovich

    Dkm-mod updates

    We decided to release a new beta of the Challenger 2 (V.95b this time) with some fixed issues and some new scripts. What changed: -changed: some config values -added 2 more groups -changed: only 3 tanks per group now -fixed: Groups were under side East -fixed: Loader was sitting in the roof -added: New marking script: Tanks are marked like they are in british army (at least we think they are:). The markings can be set aswell by user. -added: If you place a tank or a group the loaders will placed automaticly (if you have place for them in group). -dunno, maybe we did some more, but i forgot about it... The DKMM_RSC was updated aswell (V1.4 now) and contains some new scripts for CR2,VITAPC and a small update of some  Black Eagle ones. EDIT..... The upload of the VITAPC pack (V1.4) is completed. Changes: - Fixed: several scripting errors with new DKMM_RSC - Changed: New Arena scripts added (look much better now) - Changed: Config optimized - Changed: one weapon model - BTR-80 has now a working smokelauncher - Autosmoke option removed for now (didnt really work anyway) For all those who have allready V1.3 of the pack and don't want to download 17+mb again we will provide a patch (~100kb)with the two files that changed in it. Unfortunally you have to unpbo/pbo the file yourself and place the files in it. The patch will be uploaded tomorrow. Head to our page to get the new stuff (click my sig).
  17. Rastavovich

    Check for reload

    Since you have a static weapon (which is basicly a vehicle) you could use the fired-eventhandler to call a script as soon as the current magazine runs out of ammo. fired= {if ((count _this select ..) == {playthesound}}; can't remember exactly which index you should use, look in the comref, it should be the one that returnes the magazine.
  18. Rastavovich

    Unit simply doesn't show up in game!

    oymans example misses one }; directly before class CfgVehicles, so your CfgVehicles is seen as subclass of CfgModels. Tip of someone who knows: add also an initeventhandler which sets the animation to 0.5 at the beginning;)
  19. Rastavovich


    ffMagnitude=XX; ? ffFrequency=XX; ? Ignore those, they were for force feedback aiRateOfFire=5.0; // delay between shots at given distance aiRateOfFireDistance=500; // at shorter distance delay goes lineary to zero maxLeadSpeed= maximum speed the weaponhodling vehicle can go and fire the weapon.
  20. Rastavovich

    SQL, PHP & Photoshop help

    try W3Schools Online Web Tutorials PHP and SQL, don't know how much they go into detail, but for the beginning it should be ok.
  21. Rastavovich

    Dkm-mod updates

    No the // in front of the line shows the engine to ignore this line while parsing through, its only a comment to show how the value 11411 in the weaponSlots entry is reached.
  22. Rastavovich

    Dkm-mod updates

    The config was outsourced in one of the later VITAPC versions, to enable config modifications/repairs without forcing a big download, so your 3 file setup is correct.
  23. Rastavovich

    Suspension in plane?

    In your script you have use several times _vehicle instead of _plane. Not sure but maybe the ?(!local _vehicle): exit, just closes the script because local _vehicle should be false (since never defined), and the inverse of it is true. PS: I would not check for damage in that script, I would use a alive check. And it might be a bit more cpu efficent to handle the complete suspension over the engine eventhandler, so the script doesnt run, when not needed.
  24. Rastavovich

    Suspension in plane?

    which eventhandler you use for calling the script?
  25. Rastavovich


    Hiddenselections have to be defined in a config. Accessing them over scripts is then done over the setobjecttexture command.