RN Malboeuf
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La Samula & Syr Darain download http://www.armabase.de/cms/alexsworn/FTP/Addons/@AS.rar and the Data for SAR Tool and VisitorX etc. http://www.armabase.de/cms/alexsworn/FTP/Addons/Syr_Darain_arbeit.rar Pictures can be found here. http://deadeye.pytalhost.com/manual/index.php?topic=259.msg328#msg328
Is there any way to reload scud ? i.e to make it repeat all the launch stages in loop ?
I'm glad to represent here patch 1.08 for Liberation Mod. New additions: New island "Zastava" with ww2 era soviet buildings pack Several new missions and mini-campaigns New units added: -soviet 45mm movable gun -soviet 76mm movable regimental gun (also in camo variant) -soviet heavy tank KV1s -soviet machine-gun DT -soviet 76mm regimental gun -german 81mm mortar - fully animated,indirect fire supported New features: - demountable MGs on armoured cars - animated tank's repair - lots of new animations added And of course a lot of minor bugs fixed.  Also there's an additional pack of 3rd party addons compitable with libmod. Note that this addons are not neded for the mod itself , but they are widely used in campagns released by the moment by our fans. you can find a bunch of this camps in this pack. Units list: JMG Stuka - Scanger Messerschmitt Me-109 - Trenchfeet DB3 and I16 - FDFMOD U Boat 99 - unknown TCP_TestDog - teaCup Islands: Bear Lahta - Sour Don  steppe - Crazy soldier [GSS] Objects: FML objects - Farmland Mod BRG Nature Packs - Berghoff Russian biuldings - WWIIImod There's one important issue: if you play on cadet  - switch off "Extended armor" in the difficulty options menu (look at the screenshot if you can't find it). In other way you'll get problems with the mod playbility. If you are playing veteran mode - there's nothing to worry about. Screenshots; 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 This is the last major patch for Liberation mod. We will continue our work for Arma - wait for the news to show up Download link Liberation Mod patch 1.08 Compatible addons pack
please have fun [/img]http://www.armabase.de/cms/alexsworn/FTP/Addons/island02s.png[/img] [/img]http://www.armabase.de/cms/alexsworn/FTP/Addons/island03s.png[/img] [/img]http://www.armabase.de/cms/alexsworn/FTP/Addons/island04s.png[/img] [/img]http://www.armabase.de/cms/alexsworn/FTP/Addons/island05s.png[/img] water 20m above Sealevel [/mg]http://www.armabase.de/cms/alexsworn/FTP/Addons/island06s.png[/img] <span style='font-size:27pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:red'>Download hier</span></span> http://www.armabase.de/cms/alexsworn/FTP/Addons/Inseln02.rar Link to us http://www.uni-paraiso.de or http://deadeye.pytalhost.com/manual/index.php
Liberation 1941-45 Mod patch 1.09 released New additions: - island "Zastava" was redone and adopted for new fortification pack. Special fortification line was created on the island based on real military regulations. Dug-in camouflaged pillboxes are placed in carefully selected locations to create a joint defence formation. - 2 new missions - soviet tank BT-7 in different paint schemes, including captured nazi - soviet tank T-60, AT-gun Zis-2 and famous 76mm gun Zis-3. - soviet tractor "Voroshilovez" and civil GAZ-0330 bus - camouflage nets, grave pack and other objects - a lot of minor changes and bugfixes You can find more info and screenies at our site http://ofp.gamepark.cz/_hosted/lib4145/ Link: http://ofp.gamepark.cz/_hosted/lib4145/files/patch1_09.exe Before asking any questions make sure you read mod readme and FAQ
Ghelicopter.sqs (beta-3) or fast-rope
RN Malboeuf replied to Benoist's topic in ARMA - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
BAS_mah60 From OFP FX folder: - Stuff that might apply to FAST Roping <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ;BAS Fast Roping script - TJ 2003 ;KISS _helo = _this select 0 _player = _this select 1 _units = _this select 2 _allcrew = _units ? (count _units) == 0 && ! (player in _helo):Hint format ["%1,\n\nNO UNIT WAS SELECTED TO FAST ROPE!!",name player];_helo animate ["switch1FRope",0];exit _helo animate ["sidedoorl",0] _helo animate ["sidedoorr",0] #start @ _helo animationphase "switch1FRope" ==1 || _helo animationphase "switch1FRope" ==0 ~0.5 ? _helo animationphase "switch1FRope" ==0:exit ?! (local _player):exit ? (count ((_units)-[driver _helo,gunner _helo])) == 0 && (player in _helo):goto "player" Leader _helo groupchat "OK team, Standby for a fast-rope insertion." ;Get units in group to fastrope. _array = [] "if (_x != driver _helo && _x != gunner _helo && _x != player && _x in _helo) then {_array = _array + [_x]}" foreach _allcrew _allcrew = _array ~1 ? (count _allcrew) == 0:goto "next" player say "eng13" #loop ? _helo animationphase "switch1FRope" ==0:goto "next" ;get the AI to rope out, one by one [_helo,(_allcrew select 0)] exec "\BAS_MAH60\FX\AIGO.sqs" (_allcrew select 0) animate ["goggles",1] ~0.3 [_helo,(_allcrew select 1)] exec "\BAS_MAH60\FX\AIGO2.sqs" (_allcrew select 1) animate ["goggles",1] _allcrew = _allcrew - [_allcrew select 0,_allcrew select 1] ~0.8 ? count _allcrew !=0:goto "loop" ? player in _helo && driver _helo != player && gunner _helo != player: [_helo,player] exec "\BAS_MAH60\FX\AIGO.sqs" player say "eng20" #next Leader group _helo groupchat format ["OK, thats everybody, %1 Stand by!",driver _helo] ~9 ? (local driver _helo):_helo animate ["switch1FRope",0] exit #player Leader _helo groupchat "OK , Standing by for a fast-rope insertion." ~0.5 [_helo,player] exec "\BAS_MAH60\FX\AIGO.sqs" Leader group _helo groupchat format ["OK, thats everybody, %1 Stand by!",driver _helo] ~9 ? (local driver _helo):_helo animate ["switch1FRope",0] exit <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ;BAS Fast Roping script - TJ 2003 ;KISS _helo = _this select 0 _allcrew = ((crew _helo)-[driver _helo,gunner _helo]) _helo animate ["sidedoorl",0] _helo animate ["sidedoorr",0] #start @ _helo animationphase "switch1FRope" ==1 || _helo animationphase "switch1FRope" ==0 ~0.5 ? _helo animationphase "switch1FRope" ==0:exit ?! (local player):exit Leader _helo groupchat "OK team, Standby for a fast-rope insertion." ;Get units in group to fastrope. _array = [] "if (_x != driver _helo && _x != gunner _helo && _x != player && _x in _helo) then {_array = _array + [_x]}" foreach _allcrew _allcrew = _array ~1 ? (count _allcrew) == 0:goto "next" #loop ? _helo animationphase "switch1FRope" ==0:goto "next" ;get the AI to rope out, one by one [_helo,(_allcrew select 0)] exec "\BAS_MAH60\FX\AIGO.sqs" ~0.4 [_helo,(_allcrew select 1)] exec "\BAS_MAH60\FX\AIGO2.sqs" _allcrew = _allcrew - [_allcrew select 0,_allcrew select 1] ~0.9 ? count _allcrew !=0:goto "loop" player say "eng20" #next Leader group _helo groupchat format ["OK, thats everybody, %1 Stand by!",driver _helo] ~10 _helo animate ["switch1FRope",0] exit <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ;BAS helo fast roping script - TJ 2003 ;KISS _helo = _this select 0 _player = _this select 1 ? (format ["%1",BAS_posArray] == {scalar bool array string 0xfcffffef}): BAS_posArray = [];BAS_addObject = loadFile "\BAS_MAH60\FX\addObject.sqf";BAS_remObject = loadFile "\BAS_MAH60\FX\remObject.sqf";BAS_writePos = loadFile "\BAS_MAH60\FX\writePos.sqf";BAS_readPos = loadFile "\BAS_MAH60\FX\readPos.sqf"; BAS_posArray = [_helo,BAS_posArray] call BAS_addObject ? _helo animationphase "switch1FRope" ==0:exit _helo groupchat format ["%1 STANDBY to lower ropes.",name _player] _helo animate ["sidedoorl",0] _helo animate ["sidedoorr",0] #loop _helo exec "\BAS_MAH60\FX\Ropes1.sqs" ~0.6 _player groupchat format ["%1 STANDING BY.",name _player] _vehic = "BAS_60fastrope" createvehicle [(getpos _helo select 0)+50, (getpos _helo select 1), 0] ~0.6 _player action ["GETOUT",_helo] #check1 _ropePos = ([_helo,BAS_posArray,1] call BAS_readPos) _startpos = [_ropePos select 0,_ropePos select 1, (_ropePos select 2)-4] _vehic setpos _startpos _player moveindriver _vehic ?! (_player in _vehic):goto "check1" @ (getpos _vehic select 2) <=0.1 _vehic setvelocity [0,0,-2] _player action ["GETOUT",_vehic] _player setbehaviour "combat" ~0.1 _player playmove "combatrunf" _player playmove "combattocrouch" deletevehicle _vehic ~10 ? (count crew _helo)<=2:_helo animate ["switch1FRope",0] exit If you need more, just un pbo it, don't think you have to make it from scratch. -
It is basically an abuse of power from the BIS admins. That is really what it comes down to. They must not see how posting and then locking a thread gives a clan a TERRIBLE reputation. BIS admins are normally level headed too, in my opinion. But, not on this issue.
Ghelicopter.sqs (beta-3) or fast-rope
RN Malboeuf replied to Benoist's topic in ARMA - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
I remember the way OFP BAS UH60's did fast rope could be activated by people in the chopper (cargo/pilots). The chopper has to be hovering around 25altitude no faster than 15 mph in order for the action menu to show Fast Rope(insertion). I hope this can help a little bit, make it more realistic so actual people can be pilots. -
The Addons are a big problem. I miss right textures and rvmats. I'm working on it. However, there are about 200 Addons with textures must be equipped. In addition, there are errors in the LODs.
@the rig model is binarized or else id have fixxed it long time ago I have no problems. The model has in the final version animations.
Is the beta. At the addons will still worked. Animations are in the works. I have no permission to work on the oil rig. I intend to do that anyway. This will be another addons with memory points add. The island is for the patch (1.12 final).
here http://deadeye.pytalhost.com/manual/index.php?topic=259.0
update beta download http://www.armabase.de/cms/alexsworn/FTP/Addons/@AS.rar and the Data (SAR ans VisitorX Data) http://www.armabase.de/cms/alexsworn/FTP/Addons/Syr_Darain_arbeit.rar
|ACS|-Armed Combat Services: (scroll down for Joint Ops) Website: link removed Gaming Servers: - America's Army - Armed Assault (Coop Missions Mainly) - Battlefield 2 - Call of Duty 4 - Swat 4 ** Games supported besides above: - Counter Strike Source - Operation Flashpoint |ACS| Info: On Nov 23, 2007, EagleStar formed a new gaming group along with the help of D@wg called the Armed Combat Service. As of today the Armed Combat Service has taken off in the right direction featuring 6 game servers & 30 plus members. Many old faces are here as well and the future is very bright so make sure to wear shades. So far the clan has assembled an excellent swat4 team along with ArmA, AA, & the new COD4 game. |ACS| ranks are based off of the Army structure. We are a para-military group. We use actual tactics that the U.S. and other allied nations use. This is ensured by about 5 or 6 guys with past and present experience in the Armed Forces. We use Fire teams to complete missions. In the ArmA department we are about 15 members strong, with about 10 truly active members. So, if you are a mature person that is patient enough for tactics look us up. You must have Team Speak and strongly encouraged to have a microphone. ****************** |ACS| is also interested in gaming with other clans that demand there members to be mature and are interested in using actual military tactics. Let us know if you are interested by visiting our ArmA section of our forums. (you can get to that by our website up top)
|ACS| now has a TS IP: (no password)
Especially in the addons will work. The railway is still problems. We are working on it.
So, I am an OFP player as well as an ArmA player. I was wondering if there was anything like the 21vb Glider from OFP. This addon in OFP enabled a steerable parachute. Is anything in the works or is anything out? I have seen the NEW way to do this in mission like Evolution but that doesn't work for everything like pilots bailing out and what not. Please let me know.
It's possible to adjust plane flight model a bit with aileronSensitivity, elevatorSensitivity etc. I wonder if there's smth in helicopters config ? I found several parameters (they were in ofp too) with uknown meaning Any info on it ?
MIG 15 addon by Bdfy and Volksturm
RN Malboeuf replied to lee_h._oswald's topic in ARMA - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
can you forward me (at least indirectly if it's some kind of mystery) to the source that brought you to such a conclusion ? yes, we care. -
what's this ? i wonder how many such customers are there...
i wonder for how much ? 1000$ instead of 1500$ ? and we get it (( better graphics, easy gameplay (look at the dispersion) etc- arma is already quite far from simulation ( arma2 can be even further away.
MIG 15 addon by Bdfy and Volksturm
RN Malboeuf replied to lee_h._oswald's topic in ARMA - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
even though i can't understand your 'lol'ing about selling his _own_ addons, it's clearly said in the readme that model was made by volksturm FSX's Mig-15 costs 150$ you think there can be altruists to buy it and convert to arma ? get real -
Why not ? financinal question can be thrilling 1500 is sure very high price, but why there's no demo or smth ? Usual people can only see screenies, read some reports (i saw a thread at armaholic), read advertismen. there's just no way to get healthy opinion out of it... that's where myth about super simulator game appears. let's imagine i'm an insane millionaire who wants smth to be implemented in Arma/Arma2 (fast ropes or thermal vision). What amount of money i need to 'sponsor' feature devepment in arma ? or i misunderstood all this completely ?
i bet a lot of mission makers can only dream about your job i just can't believe that you have the same editing experience actually working on bis product as all the rest ...nevermind though, it's a curiosity - i know that job is job, hobby is hobby, even though it's great if you can combine it
@Dslyecxi You mean VTK is created with the help of arma modders ? or it's ACE is created with bis/bia employees efforts ? anyway - looking forward to your ace release i guess it's something less advanced then in Red Faction (one game i can think of with destrictable landscape) ?