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About Quboid

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  1. Quboid

    Updated patch 1.02.58134

    Just thought I'd weigh in - I came here to ask how to install it when it said (correctly) that 1.02 was already installed. I fired it up anyway and it has the new build number and AA options. They only have a slight performance hit for me and a big quality improvement so I'm a happy chappy!
  2. Quboid

    Cheats for goty

    What's the problem? It's my game, I paid for it - twice - mind your own business. There's little worse than cheating online but in single player, it's my choice.
  3. Quboid

    Cheats for goty

    I tried those but they don't work. Shift minus doesn't do anything, with numlock on or off.
  4. Quboid

    Cheats for goty

    Are there any single player cheats for the GOTY version (1.96beta), for any/all the campaigns? The cheats I found don't work for recent versions. I know, cheats are lame but then so am I... I've searched for this but I haven't found anything that gives up to date info.