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About Popa

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  1. Good work so far Rabidus! Are you including any area specifically designed for practicing section attacks? Some medium size area in close county with good micro terrain (I.E.: a forest with ditches, streams etc.)
  2. VGTQkOiuqXI MILES I am requesting a MILES training tool for force on force tactical training. Preferably the system would force you to sit down. Thanks for your time.
  3. Great work smookie! Im running the lastest build and im having problems with changing sides while up against a wall. The lean left and right buttons dont work. Was that feature removed?
  4. Ah hellfire! I'd expect it from Jack but not you. Disappointed I am young padawan...
  5. Here are two videos showing the operation conducted by Havoc Company on sunday the 19th of Demember. Uploaded by Rob; LMG 2 section, 1 platoon. LMmtfULbmQo Uploaded by Popa; Platoon Commander 1 platoon. wo9l-1a2sM4
  6. Thanks for the reply Dr_Eyeball. That is very encouraging news about the fireteams, squads and platoons. Im looking forward to these releases but i understand it wont be in the initial release. One final question related to this topic, would there be the ability for a squad leader to also be a fireteam leader as per the British, Australian, Canadian etc. section (squad) battle structure? In it the Section Commander commands all 8 members of the section while also leading charlie fireteam during fire and maneuver etc. situations while the sections second-in-command leads the other fireteam, delta.
  7. The December update is on the way. I hope its just a few days away but i dont know. Im getting annoyed with checking this thread and only seeing updates of people having pointless arguments. I cant bloody wait for PR:Arma2 and im voting for them! Question for UK_Force: 1/ I've seen in videos and screenshots that there was only 6 people in a squad. Is that the limit or can i increase that to 8? 2/ Will it be possible to create a platoon of squads within your side? So say there are 50 players on your side. Is it possible to create a platoon of 3 squads, each squad with 8 men, totaling ~25 players which can operate independent but in co-operation with everyone else? 3/ This thread: http://www.realitymod.com/forum/f441-pr-arma2-suggestions/79677-medivac-system.html has gotten a lot of attention from fans. I know its not in the works for v0.1 but can you give us an indication of what you have in mind for the future. Replacing wounded people (who need medevac) with AI would leave the medevac team to extract someone while freeing the wounded player to respawn and continue the combat. Thanks!
  8. Ya i sent you a PM on the Project Reality Forums on the 18th. Don't worry though, enjoy your holiday!
  9. Great news UK_Force! I do have a question about rally points. How are they going to be limited with regards to where they can be dropped? Are we going to see rally points hidden in caves behind enemy lines giving the ability for a constant stream of players to "spawn flank" enemy positions? In the "squad management" (i thought we'd have sections? :( ) screenshot, i dont see a commander? Are commanders not required? Maybe the platoon structure is not set for v 0.1? Does the scoreboard screenshot have a total of 50 players or 72? I know they are AI but is this an indication as to the numbers your hoping to get on the servers? Sorry for all the questions but i am quite excited about this project! P.S. I've had no response from epoch yet, if the answer is a no then thats fine i'd just like to know.
  10. Hey UK_Force, i hope you see this post under all the rubbish in this thread. First off, could you answer the following question from Jack: I also interested in this.Also, when i played PR:BF2 back in 0.5 to 0.7, i noticed that there was great team-play and coordination within the squads but none at all between the squads. Ie. the commander would never say "squad 1 give covering fire while squad 2 flanks left". I would like to know how you have changed the organisation and structure of the squads (sections now?) and the platoon. How are you going to improve inter-section coordination? Are you going for a platoon sturucture with limited squads in each platoon with each platoon under a company commander? Or is it like current PR:BF2 where you create squads willy-nilly?
  11. I'm delighted that you are back! I was checking the PR website everyday for updates but im glad your making the updates here again! I seriously cannot wait for this game. I remember the days of the first and second offical PR:Tournaments. Great games! BIS COMMUNITY: Do not give these guys any hassle or you'll end up hanging from my meat hook!