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Everything posted by Blackhawk

  1. Blackhawk

    Bad things about Arma2

    Join a clan, I'm sure lots of clans don't play Domination or Evolution.
  2. Blackhawk

    Dragon Rising has been released

    PC Gamer UK gave DR 69%, and they gave ArmA II 83%. Enough said.
  3. Blackhawk

    No dedicated server on MW2 as well...

    Signed the petition. To be honest I really liked Search and Destroy servers on COD4, the one life only rule added a bit of strategy to the game, especially on clan servers. Which I liked. First Codemasters and now Infinity Ward, and I always trusted IW because the COD series was designed and originated for the PC.
  4. Blackhawk

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Everyone's got to read this thread. A Russian guy who uses a translator is basically boasting to everyone about his pirated copy of DR. He even shows some pictures of himself playing the game. http://community.codemasters.com/forum/showthread.php?t=389566
  5. Blackhawk

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Taking into account the history of Codemasters supporting released games - This one won't be any different.
  6. Blackhawk

    Dragon Rising has been released

    I cry in my car when I think of going home to play OpFDR.
  7. Blackhawk

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Ha, some guy is getting people to complain to the BBC Watchdog program. It's all going to hell over there. Makes me be thankful for the community we have here.
  8. Blackhawk

    Dragon Rising has been released

    The community over there is falling apart and Codemasters deserves it. Trying to port a "Realistic Modern Combat Simulator" to consoles is bound to lead to something bad. From the moment I heard OFPDR was going to be on consoles I knew there was no hope in hell that game could be as realistic and in-depth as ArmA II. Quote from the OPFDR Forums : NeckSadomasokatorrrrrrrr: "CM analised very well the strengths of the original Operation Flashpoint." Next post - Blue fellow : "And threw them out the window."
  9. Blackhawk

    OA - Campaign Suggestions

    Definitely no warfare missions. If I want to play warfare I'll go online and do it.
  10. Blackhawk

    Which Internet Browser Do You Use?

    Google Chrome
  11. Blackhawk

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Hoping to get my copy tomorrow, pity there isn't a special mission included for the Amazon version.
  12. Blackhawk

    Delta force game series

    Delta Force 2 was revolutionary. The first real tactical shooter in my eyes, how one shot could kill you.... Still waiting for the proper remake of DF2, hopefully DF:AF will be it..
  13. Blackhawk

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Well, what little reviews that have come seem good, no drop below 7, and having read some, I don't get the feeling this game will be bad, just a disappointment compared to OFP. One of those games I'll be playing on Saturday night..
  14. Blackhawk

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Well, I've preordered it, lets see how it goes...
  15. Blackhawk

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Combat looks quite entertaining and dramatic, don't mind that.
  16. Blackhawk

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Seems some of the diehards are getting a little impatient with CM. http://community.codemasters.com/forum/showpost.php?p=5635634&postcount=10
  17. Blackhawk

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Not really, we're just pointing out that Codemasters have been lying to their customers and OPF-DR is nothing like the original.
  18. Blackhawk

    Where do you live?

    Surrey, United Kingdom
  19. Blackhawk

    I lost The Game

  20. Blackhawk

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Yep, Viiiper is one massive OFP-DR troll, lies after lies after lies.
  21. Blackhawk

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    There's some stupid thread on the CM forums on what score people think the game will get. "the critics will probably enjoy it because it is going to be the first realistic, shooter for systems/pc in awhile!" This is awarded the "Most biased comment of the year".
  22. Blackhawk

    Indian army

    Wouldn't say the Indian Army is extraordinary.
  23. Wow, very nice, I always wanted the Euro pack but I thought it would be a waste of money, great move by EA here.
  24. Blackhawk

    Patch 1.03 Satisfaction Survey

    Good work BIS, I can now complete the campaign without having to use endmission, also some performance issues have been fixed, gained about 5 FPS in cities. Overall - Voted Good.