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About Perun

  • Rank
    Staff Sergeant


  • Interests
    Art and flashpoint :)
  1. Hello everyone, I recently discovered that it is possible to adjust your formation by sending your troops a commands advance, stay back, left and right flank. When I looked for how to force to use AI commander to use these commands I failed. I think that BIS didn't give scripters possibility to use these commands which is basicly a shame. Also about it, its a shame that I cant combine those by saing soldiers for example 2x advance and 1x flank left to move them 80m in front and 40m in left of actual formations. This would add players very powerfull tool how to control AI soldiers. Basicly it would be very nice if they would give players/scripters more easy ways how to tweak the formations, because in vanilla they are useless.
  2. Perun

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    Script for AI to take hull/turret down possition to some target or place. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=119490
  3. Perun

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    If you want to counterhack - you can still try find out passwords for ftp://www.p8h8.info/ But I think you will not succed :) But maybe you will be lucky :)
  4. Perun

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Oh - thanks. I'm sorry for that spam. But I don't have enaugh time to read all the posts and its not written in any summary.
  5. Perun

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    http://www.arma2.com/bin/null/thecode/ Can someone tell me what does these signs meens?? They are definetly chinese. But I don't know that language... It looks like some false hint for me - but I'd like to know what they mean.
  6. Perun

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    Does enybody know how this works?? http://www.arma2.com/bin/null/thecode/
  7. Perun

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    But someone should really start some kind of summary thread. So newcomers could have quick view to the game :) I don't feel like one to do it so I beg someone more appropriate to do it.
  8. Yeah, yeah - still playing OFP :) since the demo ... but now I'm going to buy a new machine - OA is now what I have been looking for all the years <3
  9. I'd like to write something about the original topic. Yes maybe it is not looking like a best solution, but it definitely is the best solution, because there is no other solution except then render grass at higher distances. You must count with capabilities of DirectX.
  10. So make a script. Well actually Im working on something like this (now for OFP, late I will transfer it into Arma 2). But if you want to, you can make another or try to help ;)
  11. Perun

    Pointer type

    It would be really nice if we should have some pointer type in Arma 2 scripting. Since a=[1]; b=a; a=[2]; b will result [1] (but as http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Array (part array references) says it should result [2]) its impossible to make 2 variables work with same memory space. This thing can be very useful and also can much shorten some parts of scripts. Explanation for those who don't exactly know what pointer type should do. Pointer is a variable type which contains address to some other variable (can be also pointer). There is always a function which works with the pointer type and when this function is called with parameter of address (which is saved in pointer) it always return a memory space which is at this address. Example: let's have functions and operations $X - returns memory address of variable x #X - returns memory space at address x X=Y; - assign value y to variable x then A=1; P=$A; #P=5; now A will contain 5 So then if you will create in ofp/arma/ arma 2 some dynamic called variables with call format ["%1_variable = []",a]; you can feel free to do something like this call format ["_b=$%1_variable ",a]; //at this point _b is pointing at your created variable hint #_b; #_b = "test"; instead of call format ["_b=$%1_variable ",a]; call format ["hint %1_variable;",a]; call format ["%1_variable = ""test"";",a]; You can see there is the way with pointers is much easier to take in and there is also less way where to put some mistakes. And in some case if you would have too many of commands where you call "call format xxx" there is also some influence at speed of the script. It depends on how it should be the transposition of address and memory space done by programmer of translator. And also there is much more use for pointers. You can easily make your scripts easy to take in (or inspectional/lucid? translation comment: překlad podle slovníku ze slova "přehledný"). There is also possible to make very complex and easy to use data structures (more complex then arrays in ofp/arma/arma 2 which are really strong tool when correctly used). And when I'm mentioning Arrays - I REALLY MISS function to add value V at position [1,2,3]. For example db set [[1,2,3],V] then db select [1,2,3] (should be same as (((db select 1) select 2) select 2) )
  12. Perun

    Climb over tall obstacles

    Thats bullshit man :D What I should rather see is possibility to cut wires. But this is bullshit :D If this was possible, there will not stay any obstacles for infantry.
  13. Perun

    Tanks as artillery?

    Yes, thats a little problem. Arma 2 artillery system doesn't support LA (low angle) artillery support. Thats why it always take too long until splash comes.
  14. Perun

    ultra realistic mode

    Ok, no problem with it :)
  15. Perun

    New Game Theme

    Middle ages? 11th ~12th century - Europe? Dynamic evolution of vilages and towns? Battle system like in Mount & Blade? Building of castles like in Stronghold? YEAH I SEE IT!!! YEAH I LOVE THE IDEA!!! I ABSOLUTELY WANT IT!!! THIS IS THE HOLE IN THE MARKET!!! DO IT!!! I'm preparing to mod Arma 2 in that way, but I don't know how much free time to do this will I have, but I'm looking forward to see game like this for years.