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Everything posted by Pinocul75

  1. Pinocul75

    184 cpu test with arma2

    A french test with arma2 1.03 with all details http://www.hardware.fr/articles/778-11/arma-2.html
  2. Pinocul75

    addon sync in arma3

    hello, would require a system to autoload addons in arma3 as "addon sync " which will help people to download the correct addons / mod for specific servers before connecting.:j:
  3. Pinocul75

    addon sync in arma3

    thank for that ! maybe you can send your source code to bohemia :)
  4. Pinocul75

    184 cpu test with arma2

    Normally, he continues with its test on the same platform for several months, they would be wrong if he changed the arma version with the new processors, otherwise, he should redo all the tests each time lol sry for my bad english
  5. ..... < about the France and similar i wrote TBA because i got no confirm on the date ... > thx, good I'm not stupid just 505 ( or bi ) have stupid marketing !!
  6. stupid marketing, the news on the internet in France we announced for 26, then 18 http://www.clubic.com/actualite-276964-arma-images-infos.html
  7. France : TBA Wtf ! where did you found this information ? source ?
  8. Pinocul75

    New beta patch 1.16

    when I runs diagonally right, I make one or two steps to far when I release the buttons, It's fuc***g old bug
  9. Pinocul75

    How will the "border" be generated?

    Same Pac Man lol
  10. Pinocul75

    Ping: ?

    Same problem All ping serveur with ?
  11. This When you Want !!! Play ctf  =         Joining in Progress causing lag and disconnection (JIPing player can break the game for the players already ingame) Dedicated server bandwidth control wrong (not working as intended because of bad DS framerate measurements)
  12. Pinocul75

    ARMA 2 - Building Destruction

    VBS1 Destruction buildong Maybe in arma 3
  13. Pinocul75

    ArmA 2 Press Coverage

    Hello, New Arma2 screen (i think) from www.clubic.com http://www.clubic.com/shot-jeux-video-12276-0-arma-2.html
  14. A teammate noticed this after using the 1.09 Beta uninstaller. That's why I never used the uninstaller. same CAA10 is missing
  15. Make sure you delete the contents of your current ArmA\beta\ folder first, you probably have an old version of the 1.07 beta in there.
  16. hi, When I launch the patch, it tells me that I have a version 1.7 yet, I have a version 1.85163! The patch is not installed