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Everything posted by PacUK

  1. Awesome stuff just what I needed! Thanks Wokstation! Gonna make use of a small bit of that on the Invasion 1944 mission Free Fall so I can drop some much needed supplies to the front lines!
  2. That link should be a full 2.2 installer shouldnt need any of the others
  3. You could try this new one - http://www.filefactory.com/file/b4598ah/n/I44.exe Let me know if its any good!
  4. Hey everyone, Now that you've had the mod a while and played the missions I was looking for some direct feedback on the issues that have come up with the missions themselves (not unit bugs) if you have any please check post on the following topic on the I44 public forums: http://ofp.gamepark.cz/invasion1944/public/index.php?topic=311.0 I've got a small list of issues already (e.g. d-day landing prone bug) but I'm sure theres a couple I've forgotten or missed. I'm hoping to fix as many as I can before I start converting them over to CO so the same issues don't crop up again on our next release. Cheers!
  5. I didn't include the old wounding module in all missions as it can affect respawn/revive scripts such as Norrins revive in multiplayer missions as well as AI behaviour towards players previously wounded, its very easy for anyone to unpack the missions place the module and re-save them to include it should they want to, and just as easy to include in your own missions merely by placing the module in the editor, you don't need to sync it with units its presence alone is enough.
  6. Damage levels have been discussed over and over, they are designed for use with the wounding module at the moment, and it will be addressed in the CO release (but its very unlikely there will ever be a 'patch' for the vanilla ArmA2 version).
  7. Not sure about this one as its a general feature of ArmA2, we might implement a optional module at some stage to prevent the zoom if theres a demand for it but this is the first and only request I've seen of removing it. The recoiless rifle seems to be a relatively rare weapon and often only in service in later periods of the war, it may be created and implemented at some stage but for now there are no plans. Generally though the bazooka seems to have had better penetration so much more useful against german tanks, whereas the less armoured japanese tanks were better suited to its use so most reference I found for it was use in 1945 in the Pacific. Last one was a blast I'll be there if I can make it! The problems with the AI or more specifically the weapons will be addressed. Using AI addons like DAC or UPS will see better performance as generally the standard AI routines suck anyway so these will help. Hopefully they will be a bit more efficient in future versions though. Bear in mind the mod was largely tested by me and a couple other players so the issue only really came to light with large amounts of players thats only possible post-release. Well I44 explosives aren't working because you are running the mod with CO which we don't yet fully support (the next release is for CO though so be patient). Weapons resting is in development but when it'll be finalised I can't say as I am not the one working on it. I think you'll find there's a demand for ALL types of gameplay. If you want to run an event of a certain type, RUN ONE! The I44 team is not responsible for the games you all want to play, and we have a limited team so can only produce so much. D-Day and D+1 were in production by me since before this time last year and only finalised a few weeks before public release. Personally I enjoy CO-OP and still want to see D-Day with 32 players CO-OP :P CO-OP = Cooperative, all players on one side versus enemy AI. PVP = Player versus player, there are several gametypes which support PVP: -Deathmatch, free for all everyone vs everyone generall all real people -Team Deathmatch, two or more teams of real people fighting against each other with kills determining the winner over a set period of time. -Capture the flag, two teams of players fighting to capture the enemy flag and return it to their base for points -Capture and Hold, two teams of players fighting for control of zones, can be for points gained from holding an objective, or the first to hold certain zones etc. Theres a ton of other game types as well and many more can be made by inventive mission makers (for example Insurgency missions). The initial released focused primarily on COOP missions because thats what I play so thats what I made. Free Fall is my first real TvT mission and is developing as I get feedback from players and how I find it plays in test sessions. We do hope to include more variety in the future but for that to happen we need new team members who are experienced mission makers!
  8. UPDATED 13/11/2010: Invasion 1944 Free Fall MP TvT Mission v0.7 DOWNLOAD HERE Addons required: Invasion 1944 Modifaction for ArmA2 Game mode: Team versus Team Players: 1-64 Overview: -Both sides start in the airbase (which are not capturable, all equipment there respawns and kills/personal score does not count towards winning to lessen base camping). -Each side has infantry, paratroopers, pilots and armor, only players of the correct class may use their allotted vehicles. -Points are gained by capturing and holding three key zones (two supply dumps and the town of Gorka). -Holding a supply dump for one minutes gains 25 points, while holding Gorka gains 50, server admins can set the score limit via parameters (currently 1000, 5000, 10000, 20000, 50000). Version 0.7 notes: -Rescripted zone capture system -Points gain faster but now need more to win Version 0.6 notes: -Gameplay and unit structures changed so much since previous version its probably best to start fresh ;) Future plans: -Paratrooper only transport planes. -German Transport plane (next I44 mod update) -Other goodies! Let me know how it runs, how it plays, where it lags, and when it breaks! See you in the skies!
  9. PacUK

    Invasion 1944 - Free Fall

    First if you use a dedicated server on one of your machines you can still play locally but as thats the server any of you would be able to rejoin without restarting the server directly. Travel time is something I want to address, possibly with spawn camps setup by infantry etc. Also tanks will probably be altered to respawn on the spot with low armour, fuel, and health so that players then have to make use of the supply points and bring up trucks to put the vehicle back into action, instead of driving the long way to Gorka. Cheers for the feedback and check your pm about editing ;)
  10. The DAC version included was up to date at the time and was included as several of the missions made use of it. We included it with permission so that users didn't have to download DAC as well seperately to run certain missions included with the mod, as well as make it easier for new missions to be made from their examples. I think its now available in a script format, we may switch over to that in future versions mainly depending how much time I can devote to updating those missions that use it.
  11. Ah then its possible that you have a corrupted file in one of your user made mission folders. If for example one mission has an error in the description.ext its possible for the game to CTD when the game goes to load the list of missions for the editor. To check this open your RPT file and check through as it can point to any problematic files and the exact line the error occurs on in some cases. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/RPT
  12. Are you getting it every time the game loads? Or when you return to the menu from the game? It may be related to some issues we had on Omaha so when the menu scene for it plays it might suffer a crash. Yeah you "should" be okay to run with 1.08 ;)
  13. Hmmm well I definitely have had problems with bunkers and night time engagements myself, a common problem is the AI can't actually see very well out of the models hole (an issue with the engine not just I44 I think) especially at night time. Have you tried maximising skill levels to see if they respond any better? Also as noted their are some weapon issues affecting the AI that will be addressed in the CO release so you may find improvement after those fixes go into the mod. Feel free to send a link of the mission to me in PM if you'd like me to take a proper look at anything in particular that might be causing it.
  14. The installer will extract the following directories to whichever directory you select to extract to: -@i44 -Keys -Missions -MPMissions It will not overwrite any existing folders or files from A2 or other mods, if those folders already exist only files inside them that already exist will be overwritten e.g. your Keys folder will be fine it will just add the additional I44 key files to that folder. You can also extract to any other folder you want and then manually move the folders its a bit pointless, you'll need double the disk space to install and then move the files but if you're unsure it can be done. But if you do forget to copy any files or folders the mod won't work as expected. Hence why we included the installer so all users had to do was point it to their Arma2 root folder and click install.
  15. Yeah Combined Operations is ArmA2 + Operation Arrowhead, when intalled as CO you still have ArmA2 available as a seperate exe file from the ArmA2CO exe. There is the option of running Operation Arrowhead standalone which we won't be supporting with Invasion 1944 (none of us have just OA to test it). Unfortunately its just too much work to maintain two versions of the mod, and the vanilla ArmA2 version almost didn't happen at all after the 1.07 patch. Thankfully 1.08 seems to be running fine with the mod so we can at least stop using the beta patch!
  16. Yes sorry! development is moving over to CO, so any new units we add will be for the CO version of the mod. You should be good for a few more weeks though so perhaps put it on your Christmas list?
  17. Thanks everyone who made it to the event, it seemed to go pretty well and definitely something I'd like to do again with a bit more prep work. Cheers for the feedback on the mission, it'll all go towards improving it for the release version for CO! Hopefully we'll be getting a quick-fix out for Omaha island this week so that next weekend we can give Citizen Soldiers a try! Look forward to seeing you all again next time!
  18. Damn that moviemaker! Sweet little vid though!
  19. Just a note I *think* I got the EST time for the event wrong so it might well be 3pm EST ;)
  20. Well thats Combined Operations/Operation Arrowheads interface for a start which the mod is not yet fully compatible with, that would be the start of the problem. As JdB said the Hawker was designed to be used at a distance so the model is low detail to minimise resources. The B17 and Bomber formation did make it in but are bugged unless theres a secret way to get them working that JdB never explained. The Flak Vierling is still unfinished and was just not disabled prior to release as they can be used in the distance without anyone actually seeing the unfinished texture. Omaha has a few issues so can take a few minutes to load, Jojimbo has fixed these and the island now loads in super-fast times so will this new version will be included in the next release. Yeah it would be awesome but it also requires pretty much 100% new content, new terrain, new textures, new units, new vehicles all to fit in with the winter campaign. With a team of less than ten its very doubtful you'll see this in an expansion anytime soon ;)
  21. Yeah its the commands: "colorCorrections" ppEffectAdjust [1, 1, 0.0, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1, 1, 1, 0.628942], [0.791589, 0.638219, 1, 0.0]]; "colorCorrections" ppEffectCommit 0; "colorCorrections" ppEffectEnable true; In the mission init.sqf and other init files that gives that effect, we put a few variants into module form to save people scripting them by hand.
  22. I'm guessing you're a CO user, in which case when we release the CO compatible version :) Not at the moment but it is something we are looking into implementing in some future version of the mod! This is being looked at by our coder Canukausiuka so should improve with the next release. Yes we are, Vex_man is currently working on a Ju 52 so the german paratroopers have something to jump out of. If we're lucky we might have a few more to add in soon... B@Co is also still working on our P51's cockpit interior which was a last minute addition to the current release. The C47 and BF109 might get some love too if someone can find some time ;)
  23. Sorry but its very doubtful you'll get a patch for the ArmA2 only version, developing 2 versions of the mod is practically impossible, and would cause much longer delays producing both versions. Its quicker and easier for us to just work on the CO release. Its not ideal but we have a larger number of people demanding a CO compliant version than we do people wanting the ArmA 2 version patched.
  24. No it should be pretty smooth we're just adding support for CO's features so any missions should work fine.
  25. Just to let everyone know so far v1.08 has been working fine with Invasion 1944 so I would say you're probably safe to update if you haven't already! If anyone does experience any issues after updating let us know!