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The website and forums should now be safe and back up, let us know if you have any further issues!
Just an update on the website situation. It would appear Marcel's work PC was infected due to out of date flash & java stuff, it is very possible your PC may be infected if you have used the website recently and don't have up to date software and a decent virus scanner (e.g. AVG, Avast etc). For now the website and forums will be down while the infections are cleaned off and we'll bring the site back online as soon as we can. So we highly recommend you scan your pc and ensure things like Java are up to date if you have visited the site since the initial breach. Hopefully most users should be safe but its better to be safe than sorry, so update your programs and run a virus scan to be safe! If you run your own websites (gunter) I would suggest doing this ASAP.
As stated before, it appears our official website, public and team forums have been hacked, and logins are not working for the most part, Macolik has had a couple of warnings regarding - JS/iFrame.TD.2 however I've not been getting any warnings myself from AVG browsing using either chrome or firefox. Currently our webmaster is unavailable so there's very little we can do at this time except warn people off from using the site and forums by posting here, until the matter can be addressed directly. If you have experienced any problems or warnings please let me know, and I highly suggest running a thorough scan if you have been using the forums. From what I can tell the virus perpetuates itself by stealing ftp login info which can then be used to infect other websites to further the spread of the infection. Gunter I had noticed you have posted on the forums recently, I personally haven't been able to login to them all week so was curious what you have been using to browse the website/login?
I'm sure you will see some variants pop-up as and when our texture artists have time to do them. We don't have too many team members in that area right now our focus has been much more on the gameplay side of things recently than content, but yes hopefully sometime in the future! Some of you may have noticed are forums are still down, it would appear to have been a hacking attempt that could be ongoing so its very likely we'll have to shut them down for a while. I hope we can get things back up and running soon, until then I would suggest you make sure you have decent anti-virus protection in case anything malicious has been slipped in. Hopefully the one warning we experienced was an unrelated false positive but right now we just do not know so please be careful!
Yeah we're still pretty clueless as to the cause and reason for its continued malfunction, if anyone does recognise it please let me know on here.
Yeah we're aware of the issue on the forums (its also affected our team forums) but we're not sure what's caused it yet. Mars has been a bit busy so hasn't had much time to take a look but hopefully we'll have it back up and working properly in the next couple of days, sorry for any trouble this may cause feel free to post on this topic until then though :) I think I posted a screeny of the M16 haltrack that Mars was working on a while back before he moved focus over to the M10 Wolverine, the great thing about the quad 50 unit is it will also function as a stationary AA platform as well so expect to see those roll in with Gnat's aircraft overhauls for 2.7 sometime in the future. 2.63 has had a few minor delays due to real life, I'm hoping things will be ready for release any day now though, a couple of days to finish up the battleground mission overhauls and finalising the patched files with keys and everything should be ready for release. We're hoping to run some TvT (and probably Coop) events post release so if any server admins are interested in hosting an event with their regulars/clan mates let me know and we'll be in touch!
This was disabled as for our own wounding system to work we needed to ensure the original healing methods didn't activate. However the same functionality is then re-added as part of our own system when the module is not loaded. So while its not activated the same standard classes, the above is not strictly true. As I said before it is possible to still heal without our wounding module, but the procedure to get AI to do it may have changed somewhat, and support for the standard first aid systems is untested and may be limited (but standard medic healing is still possible without them). 1. We plan to add a few AA pieces when we come to do 2.7 to go alongside the aircraft updates from Gnat. Hopefully we can get at least 1 mobile and one static AA unit per side so everyone won't be forced to use german AA in the future :D 2. Our primary distribution will be Six networks with PwS as our suggested method, its just the easiest and quickest way for us to get the files out to everyone. I expect as always we will still provide an archive download but these are likely to be slightly delayed and released afterwards in some cases due to the extra time getting the file uploaded and authorised by hosts for download.
Yeah module, not mod(ification), it's possible there's a problem with ordering the medic though I'm pretty sure I've done it, not sure if its been tested recently though so I'll try to remember to take a look, have you tried to order the units themselves to go heal at the medic instead, its possible the wounded man might be the one that has to initiate it now with our setup, though as everything I do now uses our wounding system its been a while since I've tried it without to remember heh. Little news on the 2.63 update, fix wise Macolik's been all done with fixes and a few small updates for a while, but due to a few rl issues that crept up on me release got a bit delayed. I'm hoping to have my own work caught up soon though so we should be back on track for a release I'm hoping this coming weekend. Battlegrounds PVP is getting a bit of an update which should hopefully promote teamplay and bring the gameplay more in line with the coop experience with the same wounding system, as well as grouping players in 5-man squads instead of lone players to make it a bit easier to find your friends and stick together. A few other tweaks and balances as well as incorporation of the TPW suppression system as seen on the Neaville Battlegrounds mission should make for some great improvements to the player versus player game.
When using our wounding system, as mentioned in the documentation (that big pdf file that no one ever finds) you cannot heal AI units, the system is PURELY intended for players. If you want AI to heal and be healed, don't use the module.
PwS downloads the full mod, that is the entire point of it so you don't have to find previous versions, or update to the latest with the correct patch for your version. However if you already have an existing I44 that is NOT compatible with 2.62, and install manually over the top of it (for example if you patched the 2.0 version to 2.62) you'd definitely have problems. I would suggest you remove all I44 files and redownload directly through PwS without attempting to manually patch any of it. Please do not paste full RPT files in the main text body of your reply it makes it very hard to read the thread with a stack of code and error reports in the middle of the page. If you do need to paste a lot of text either use ' ' brackets or a linked external site like pastebin.The client rpt is of no use in this case, I'm pretty sure Linux servers should still produce a log file somewhere (no idea where though it should definitely be possible to produce both rpt and log files for troubleshooting) so you might need to bug either the hosting company or some other server admins to find out where or how this is done. But by the sounds of it your server is NOT loading the mod. Most likely the mod shortcut line is incorrect, probably giving the wrong location to where I44 is installed on the server machine so it doesn't load when the server is started, which results in the server being unable to load I44 based missions.
It looks like you're not loading the mod correctly though I'm not sure if you mean you're getting those errors on the servers log or on the client when you try to join. Either way you need to ensure you're using the mod line to load the I44 mod folder.
Kellys Heroes have a great guide for Dedicated Servers here: http://www.kellys-heroes.eu/files/tutorials/dedicated/ but I don't think it deals with any Linux specific information.
If you can report the issue with a bit more detail (e.g. which rifle / grenade combo in particular if any cause it to occur) over on Dev-Heaven (https://dev-heaven.net/projects/inv44) thanks!
The visual icons were removed, but it still functions in the same way you just need to be close enough to activate them and they will be available on your mousewheel menu try rolling it up and down at any time to see the currently available actions.
Yeah the Jagdpanther model is final, it just needs to be fully coded and have its sights developed, the M10 model is also very nearly done and coding shouldn't take too long. But rather than hold the patch back for them we decided to get the fixes out ASAP to help stabalise the game before expanding it again. With the smaller active team it tends to be better to try and focus our efforts otherwise we wander off and produce some cool but otherwise lengthy projects which would end up delaying the relatively simple fixes :) The mod will continue to be made as team members come and go or just take a break it all just takes time!
Yeah this is a big problem, with I44 I came on as a mission maker but ended up working on just about everything else at one point or another just as things needed to be done. While conversions such as domination can and have been made, it obviously isn't using content like Omaha in a dynamic scenario. While I'd love to have the time to develop something like that alongside other work its just not possible. I would guess most mission makers have a similar focus in producing their scenarios for a certain setup, and while some may lead themselves to an easy conversion, others may not be as straightforward or fit the context and content of our units and environments. Our focus for missions has really moved away from large open dynamic missions while its something I'd love to have in the mod we just don't have the mission scripters to produce it. With many larger groups producing their own missions, and versions of Domination etc available the general consensus to any major mission production in future would be more small scale commando hidden and dangerous type campaigns/scenarios than large scale war simulators. However if there are any budding I44 enthusiasts that would like to help make missions of any type we're also open to applicants!
Don't worry we're far from stopping work, but the road to 2.62 was much longer and tougher than we planned for, a few of use have been working non-stop so are pretty burnt out, but we do have some new blood that are already picking up the pace, but we probably won't see the fruits of their work for another patch or two. Keep an eye on our forums for news on the upcoming bits and pieces though! But I have to say it was nice to finally have time to catch up on some of my summer and last xmas's steam sale purchases after only loading A2 for most of the year, its nice to get to cruise the DLC cases on LA Noire finally :D The flak vierling (along with some other AA assets) are planned to go alongside the plane updates Gnat's been working exclusively on, so we'll be finalising the flak and hopefully adding in some better fire effects if we can find a decent way of producing it rather than just by the current hit collision or pre-scripted effects we currently use but we'll have to see how things go with development before that. Everthing seems pretty set for the 2.63 patch now again its largely fixes but we have thrown in a couple of cool little bits, Iuka and Macolik have added a great little spinning grenade script that I think adds a nice little touch to the visual. Also fingers crossed we should be including McNools winter version of Neaville unless anything crops up in testing, we had hoped to release this weekend but we may be forced to hold it back a few extra days just to finalise missions and test everything before release. For the watch, you can always remove these items from players inventories, crosshairs are disabled by difficulty levels set before picking a mission on the server (recruit, veteran etc have various aids turned off).
Just a small bit of news on the next update, we had planned for a larger patch for 2.63 but due to general lack of interest from a large portion of the team, its doubtful there will be anything big included and will mostly focus on bug fixes and mission improvements, there might be one or two small surprises but content like the Jagd or M10 will be held back for 2.64. We're hoping to have this finalised and published in the next week or so. We will primarily be providing the update through Play withSix (and therefore six-updater too) initially, possibly supporting an archive update later, but no guarantees, so we highly recommend familiarising yourself with Six, with websites repacking and redocumenting the last release we had to deal with a number of confused installation procedures, required updates that made our job infinitely harder than a Six only release would have. Its very likely all future releases will be done this way as the archive patches are becoming so much of an issue to document (and for people to then follow the instructions) we end up spending more time supporting users than actually getting to work on the mod and when interest from the team is dwindling its not time we can afford to waste. I did answer this on our public forums so go there for full info, but no we are not currently working on one but may do sometime in the future, nothing is planned or set in stone though. I'm not familiar enough with those variants you've named to know what they are so can't say. Things like the howizer, do you mean the M7 Priest etc? Hard to tell as many have different names etc. Right now no there are no plans to expand it further. Marcel who made the sherman's current project is the M10 so that takes up all his available time. You can try posting the script/mission over on our user content > scripts forum and someone may be able to help you there. Its not something thats intended to be done, however it is possible to get stuck in the bayonet animation where the gun is held at the waist, and appear like you're firing from the hip. I believe we covered this on Steam and was related to an old version of CBA/incorrectly loading it. Hopefully you're all fixed now.
Make a note of it on dev-heaven and we can address it ASAP, generally if its not noted there it will get missed, link on the first and many many other pages. a) Finding a good sample of the actual or something close to what users expect (generally the noise you hear in SPR, at least thats my only point of reference other than MOHAA) is pretty hard, I beleive right now we use a car's engine, if you have access to a landing craft and some high tech recording gear anyone, do shout :) b) Only the standard ArmA2 map ones, we could change the ambient sounds on Omaha_v2 (now that we have learnt how with Merderet) however it would have to be somethng that matches the environment for all situations, not just d-day landing. The alternative is to use a canned sound played during the sequence which generally don't sound great in A2, also again we need a high quality, free sound sources for these types of effects. c) This is mostly luck as I just ran it once (while writing this) and watched the entire boat I was on without taking a shot while the boat next to me took a shell as soon as its ramp dropped. You have to remember this is A2 not COD. These sequences are heavily scripted but largely the fire patterns and actions are governed by A2's AI which doesn't like running towards that amount of fire power. As the mission is set as a first wave I'd say 25% losses was pretty good going. Unfortunately the vehicle only has the one exit spot and the AI has to be forced to move to get out of the way (the development of that script alone took countless re-designs and re-coded more times than you'd think possible) otherwise you end up with a real AI pile-up at the end of the ramp. New allied waves constantly spawn in on new boats as do DD tanks. Don't expect to get up to the top of the bluffs on your first try, I highly recommend getting your sniper into a covered position, and using Team-Switch (T by default) to advance and locate mg's for you to pick off by switching back to your sniper while reinforcements pour in. I think it takes about an hour or two generally to push forward enough to start attacking the actual bunkers up on top of the hill and clear out the last few enemies. Watch out for hint prompts as to what is required (such as filling number of men at each stage to advance to the next, this often requires waiting for another wave to land). Granted that mission is nowhere near perfect and now pretty old as it was originally developed for ArmA and converted to A2 by Joffre, with a lot of its scripts still running in sqs it certainly is showing its age, and as I know myself from making the MP version there really is only so much you can do with the engine. If anyone manages to make something that can improve on it we'd love to hear from you!
That 'search thread' button is very useful... but yes you can, use 'Custom Action 18' in 'Custom Controls' (I think default is unbound) to bring up the hand signals menu, select the power button at the bottom to enable or disable the quick-keys on numpad.
That's great news mark! You may want to post that info on one of our user content forums over on our main site too: http://forum.invasion-1944.com/viewforum.php?f=10
On that note if there is anyone making missions/campaigns etc, you might want to post links/info over on out User Content forums.
Sorry for the delay Raptor I am hugely burnt out with I44 after the release and reception, I swear I've sat down to write several replies and had thought I had got to you already will send a reply now. This is kind of how some foxholes were done in the original OPF release. The problem is we don't have any code to allow people to fire from a seated crew position (though I know it is possible to do but requires quite a bit of magic so doubt we'd be getting it anytime for A2) so would require static weapons when seated. I've been hoping to setup some AI routes+positions for these types of structures (trenchline etc) which would allow the AI to navigate and use them as they would a building, rather than avoiding them as just an object. But I'm very stretched for time right now so don't know if or when I'll have time to do it.
Heard from Mac that there should be a script in there apparently but must have stopped working, unfortunately he's away right now and I'm not sure where to even start looking for a fix so he'll look into it when he gets back.
We've got a large number of I44 specific markers in the editor already, more than I know when to use or understand, so if you need more think you will have to make them yourself for us because I simply don't know of anyone in the team who has time to research and develop those any furter than they are. Report issues like this on dev-heaven, reporting them here on the forums will just get lost/forgotten, thanks! There's been no change from 2.6-2.62 in any version changing whether soldiers could be black or not, its completely random and always has been. Its not a major point in my opinion as this is not a 100% historical document, if its essential for your mission you can set up unit profiles choosing faces, skins, voices and have that in your configuration files for the mission. Otherwise its very busy work to change the available faces for each faction, finding non-caucasian skins, and removing them from the list, something that will at least takes hours or possibly days, when we could be doing something else, like making a mission, or adding new content/features.