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Peace keeper II

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Posts posted by Peace keeper II

  1. Just for the fun of it I collected some "BS" from all the official web pages

    Quote[/b] ]“On Xbox, it offers twice as much action as in the original PC game, with the inclusion of the enhanced Resistance missions. We are refining the controls and interface for maximum playability, and beefing up the graphical effects to take full advantage of the hardware.â€

    Or should we say twice as less and same explosion as in the old one(strangely not in a screen shot)

    Quote[/b] ]

    Codemasters will publish a customised Xbox version of the multi-award winning game this autumn. The Xbox edition is being developed by Bohemia Interactive Studio, creators of the original PC title, and will contain the entire original game along with an additional prequel campaign called Resistance.

    A groundbreaking title, Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis is the ultimate realistic war experience. Gameplay enables players to participate in a Cold War conflict just the way they want to and draws the player into a deeply believable military environment.

    So they decided to leave out the best bit, who cares about the campaing editor ruled

    Quote[/b] ]Real time lighting and weather, including accurate star constellations for navigation.

    Oh and It's dark 2100 hours summer time? That north, everon

    Quote[/b] ] Says Marek Spanel, Bohemia Interactive Studio’s Director: “This is not another run-and-gun shooter; Operation Flashpoint: Elite simulates modern warfare on a level never seen before on any console, providing a totally new playing experience. You’ll need brain power as much as quick reflexes; act before you die, think before you act, and find cover before you think.

    Oh, find cover from your psychic AI?

    Quote[/b] ]“We have adapted and improved the game for Xbox while keeping the sheer scope and complexity of the gameplay."

    Well to my opinion the complexity went away with the editor!

    Quote[/b] ]Atmospheric and immersive, Operation Flashpoint: Elite works

    Atmospheric games disappeared along with the triggers and music

    Quote[/b] ]Operation Flashpoint: Elite is powered by an enhanced edition of Operation Flashpoint

    Or as some would put it ''dehanced''

    Quote[/b] ]Operation Flashpoint: Elite delivers unprecedented freedom and lets you run the war the way you want to. Listen, watch, run as a regular grunt, drive a tank, attack enemy convoys from your gunship or sneak behind enemy lines in covert operations. In Operation Flashpoint: Elite’s missions you can go anywhere, drive anything, shoot anyone, take command of your own squad but never forget: if you see the flash, it’s already too late.

    Oh, but you cant make convoys!?

    Quote[/b] ]All weapons are accurately simulated taking into account ballistics and your fatigue as well as the effects of recoil. Vehicles are simulated using an advanced physical simulation to create realistic behaviour on the ground, in water and in the air.

    Oh, well if realism is a car flying 100m in the air (happens sometimes at the bridge) then I havent lived in reality for the entire of my life. nener.gif & goodnight.gif

  2. You know we should be angry at notworthy.gif Bohemia notworthy.gif for even putting that option in the game, games that suck ass have DLC but when you get on the best game off all times NOOO mad_o.gifmad_o.gif

  3. Oh well after playing it for 1+ yrs. it does get a bit booring, and OFP had stuff coming everywhere but once you get on Xbox noo. confused_o.gif Just sign it and change back to Xbox 1, Can't someone else do it? (for BIS)

    Oh well soon I'll propably get on ArmA.

    ? Someone said that they were playing on OFP:Elite with 360° ?

    Just sign it and get over it, it cant hurt you.

  4. Oh well, I dont have anything else to do. Because OF:E is too booring to be played at the current time surely notworthy.gif Bohemia notworthy.gif could scamm some nerds to making it for them, or as Homer would put it Can't someone else do it?

    Matrix banana



  5. welcome.gif

    DLC Petition help.gif me with this by signing

    * F-15 & MiG-29

    * C-130 & Antonov AN-12 (With car transport and para drop ability)

    * AC-130

    * NYPD Style cop car

    * Ambulance

    * Terminal airport with ATC tower

    * Triggers (with text and in-game traks)

    * Editable squads

    * East and Res. teams for basic and team missions.

    11 Vehicles/ Buildings /Abilities

    Please sign this by just posting: sign, and make comments short please, we can't ask too much otherwise they'll go crazy_o.gif

    Besides they could make these ArmA compat.

    Please notworthy.gif Bohemia notworthy.gif pimp my Flashpoint!

    Personal comment, If they put this stuff out I'll look like this  yay.gif

  6. I could not agree more they really * nener.gif * up, all the distinctive features of OFP were not there! Really the need to be patched back to reality! So please notworthy.gif Bohemia notworthy.gif pimp my Flashpoint

    Party banana


    Dance to the beat!

  7. -some new aircraft would be nice, such as the A-4 Skyhawk or the Mig-25 foxbat, or even the F105 Thundercheif.

    -Firing ports on the AFV's that are not just texture effects.

    -Rigid Hull Inflatible Boats, or even some zodiaks with outboard motors would be nice.

    -Uh-1 Hueys, CH-53 Super stallion, C130 hercules (for LAPES insertion of humvees and such)

    -respawn option for enemy infantry accessible through the map menu

    -snow efffect during the winter months of the calender.

    -The USMC amphibious assault vehicle

    -The LCAC hovercraft

    -The HK MP-5 NAVY

    -The OH-6 with benches or a set of 5-in rockets

    Uh, A-4 F105 rofl.gif no no no, F-15 and MiG-29 is the way to go! The MiG-25 is an airplane made of tractor pieces tounge2.gif And this stands for everyone: remember what time period the game is in! 80's

    The F-15 made it's maiden flight in 1972 and was introduced in 1976 But the MiG was introduced in -83 mad_o.gif but I figure guba stole some.

    PS. C-123 would be less stressing for the console/net play
