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About P.I.T.A

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  1. What exactly would this change? All you could introduce is mechanical failure of the oxygen system so the pilot has to decrease altitude, but I highly doubt this would be included judging by how basic vehicle damage still is.
  2. While awesome, it's best left for ArmA4 or 5, implementing it into ArmA3 will waste alot of time, and probably kill any semblance of performance. Right now some genius needs to make the AI appear not utterly brain-dead, and ArmA3 will become one of the greatest games of all times.
  3. P.I.T.A

    FFUR'85 (2008 edition)

    is there a MP server for FFUR?
  4. P.I.T.A

    FFUR'85 (2008 edition)

    hi, im new to FFUR and i just love it, but im in a tiny problem... before i installed the 1.05 patch tanks went up in flames and ppl burned and stuff, but in SP i couldnt get past the alert mission (a russian always RPGs the M113 before we can get out so we either all die or all fall out rly wounded and just get slaughterd by the commies, now in the 1.05 patch the SP works ok (its hard, but i guess its more realistic then) but nothing burns anymore! I WANT BURNING RUSSIANS!!! =( otherwise awsome mod! i love the new explosion graphics and the tank gun firing animation is AWSOME! also the AI is rly cool, but sometimes its annoying when it drags dead ppl around in the middle of combat then just drops them somewhere also, i couldnt get any plane to attack any ground targets (just flys over then you can hear it in the distance)