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Everything posted by Peabrain

  1. Peabrain

    Squad arm badge in multi?

    I thought 256x256 pixels was the largest size possible. Can anyone verify that they've got it working at 512x512? Thanks P
  2. Peabrain

    Evolution V1.0 Large scale respawn coop

    If you are talking about enemy reinforcements from nearby towns, then how about them spawning in those towns and then actually move from there (by road) to the town under attack? Btw, if you implement enemy reinforcements, then it would also be realistic to have new friendly spawnpoints (Forward Operating Bases) appear as you capture towns/terrain. What I mean is that you would for example spawn from the town you just captured and perhaps have vehicles also spawn there after a certain amount of time to simulate the logistics of moving equipment from the main base to the FOB's. P
  3. Peabrain

    Evolution V1.0 Large scale respawn coop

    Firstly, kudos and thanks to KilJoy for an excellent mission...great job. Second, I have a small question/suggestion: Whats your take on implementing FOB's (Forward Operating Bases) in the mission? The reason I ask is that in some situations it seems the mission could maybe benefit from spawning points closer to the action than the original base...especially when in comes to the last cities and the only transports available are ground vehicles (in which case you're in for extremely long rides). Moving your positions forward when having captured terrain would not be unrealistic from a tactical view and it might help gameplay a bit, especially in the last phases of the mission. IMHO, the mission is great but tends to lose momentum towards the end, mostly due to the long time it takes to just get to those last cities...or is it just me being lazy? Maybe not a good idea, but just a thought. What do the rest of you think? P PS: Sorry if this has already been suggested in this thread. Its very long and I simply didn't have the time to read through all of it.
  4. Peabrain

    Body Armor In ArmA

    All the body armor debate aside (and regardless of whats "realistic" or not) can anyone please tell me if its even possible to edit any current body armor setting or simulate the use of body armor in ArmA by simple changing of a config file or anything like that? Sorry for the perhaps stupid question, but I'm not familiar with scripting and my forum search only found this thread. Thanks P
  5. Peabrain

    Squad arm badge in multi?

    Hehe, ok that explains why its not showing. Thanks for letting me know. Sorry, don't know about the normal/specular maps. P
  6. Peabrain

    Squad arm badge in multi?

    Hi First of all, apologies if I'm hijacking this thread or the problem someone else described here (the logo not showing up), but I have a related problem: In game, our logo seems to show up fine on all the vehicles but its not showing up as an armbadge. Any ideas on what could be wrong and/or suggestions on possible fix would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance Cheers P