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Everything posted by Pedroshin

  1. Pedroshin

    Game performance is not satisfying

    Nicely done! I am also dissatisfied of the performance of this game, and I've always been a huge OFP fan. I have: 2 7800GT 256 MB in SLI; AMD X2 4400+; 2GB of RAM; Hitachi HDT722525DLA380 250GB (30GB Partition for OS and OS-related Programs and the 2nd 220GB Partition for everything else); SAMSUNG SP1213C 120GB for storage; GA-K8NXP-SLI Nforce 4. Supports SATA II. Running the game between Normal to Very High + 1280x1024x32 @ 75Hz (View distance 1200, Shadows Low, AA and AF disabled) causes FPS to dip as low as 25 FPS in most of places, 20 FPS near cities, 15 FPS inside cities and 10 FPS in vegetation areas. It only barely touches 40-35 FPS when I'm looking at the sky in an open field... It's funny that I still can only get an average of 26-42 FPS with 640x480x32 @ 75Hz+ ALL Very Low or Disabled + Distance view 500. This means graphics MUCH worse than OFP. Might I just as well add that I ran OFP with an average of 40-80 FPS with 1024x768x32 + All Very High or Enabled + Distance view 3000 with my old ATI 9800 XT 256MB and Intel P4 3.2GHz. Tried everything for my Nvidia cards and Dual core processor. I'm using 92.91 drivers. They are the best all-round drivers for me in most games. 93.71 gave me some problems with a couple of games. I still have some hope that Nvidia and/or Bohemia Interactive will address ArmA's issues, including SLI issues, in the next official driver release, which is taking some bloody long time to be released (latest driver was released about 4 months ago). They seem to be only focusing on 8800 and Vista drivers lately...
  2. Pedroshin

    Hardware Issues: Tips/Tricks/Solutions

    Hello, sorry for repeating this on some other threads, but it should have gone here in the first place... Tried everything for my Nvidia cards and Dual core processor. It's funny that I still can get an average of 26-42 FPS with 640x480x32 + ALL Very Low or Disabled + Distance view 500. This means graphics MUCH worse than OFP. I mean.. I have: 2 7800GT 256 MB in SLI; AMD X2 4400+; 2GB of RAM; Hitachi HDT722525DLA380 250GB (30GB Partition for OS and OS-related Programs and the 2nd 220GB Partition for everything else); SAMSUNG SP1213C 120GB for storage; GA-K8NXP-SLI Nforce 4. Supports SATA II, dunno if that's 1.5 or 3.0 or something in-between. I run BF2, Rainbow Six: Vegas, Oblivion and the rest of other games perfectly so what the hell is this? Might I just as well add that I ran OFP with an average of 40-80 FPS with 1024x768x32 + All Very High or Enabled + Distance view 3000 with my old ATI 9800 XT 256MB and Intel P4 3.2GHz. It's amazing how this game gains so few FPS when you change graphics from Very High to Very Low (including changing the resolutions). It makes me think that there's really something wrong with it. Turning Anti-Aliasing On/Off seems to make only a 2 FPS difference while in other games it can make a 10 FPS difference. This would be a good thing if the performance was good to start off with. When I run at Normal to Very High + 1280x1024 in ArmA with my current setup FPS can dip as low as 25 FPS in most of places, 20 FPS near cities, 15 FPS inside cities and 10 FPS in vegetation areas. It only barely touches 40-35 FPS when I'm looking at the sky in an open field... Please fix it. I've already defragged, optimized, updated, installed dual core optimizers and all that stuff... Unless someone tells me they have a system like mine and get the same results I won't consider the problem to be my setup. By the way, just saying that it seems to run smooth or run good is not enough to do an analysis of how well the game runs for the rest of you. You must say the FPS and besides saying if the graphics are low, medium or high you should specify the resolution. I LOVED OFP and I LOVE this game but, to my disapointment, I HATE the performance... and I'm not really into doing a full system upgrade just because of one game... I'm using 92.91 drivers. They are the best all-round drivers for me in most games. 93.71 gave me some problems with a couple of games. I still have some hope that Nvidia will address ArmA's issues, including SLI issues, in the next official driver release, which is taking some bloody long time to be released (latest driver was released about 4 months ago). They seem to be only focusing on 8800 and Vista drivers lately...
  3. Pedroshin

    Horrible Performance...

    Any hope 1.05 will work better on the 8800 cards? Add the 7800 to that as well... Tried everything for my Nvidia cards and Dual core processor. It's soooo funny that I still can get an average of 26-42 FPS with 640x480x32 + ALL Very Low or Disabled + Distance view 500. This means graphics MUCH worse than OFP. I mean.. I have 2 7800GT 256 MB in SLI, AMD X2 4400+, 2GB of RAM. Hitachi HDT722525DLA380 250GB (30GB Partition for OS and OS-related Programs and the 2nd 220GB Partition for everything else). SAMSUNG SP1213C 120GB for storage. GA-K8NXP-SLI Nforce 4. Supports SATA II, dunno if that's 1.5 or 3.0 or something in-between. I run BF2, Rainbow Six: Vegas, Oblivion and the rest of other games perfectly so this must be some kind of joke right? Might I just as well add that I ran OFP with an average of 40-80 FPS with 1024x768x32 + All Very High or Enabled + Distance view 3000 with my old ATI 9800 XT 256MB and Intel P4 3.2GHz. It's amazing how this game gains so few FPS when you change graphics from Very High to Very Low (including changing the resolutions). It makes me think that there's really something wrong with it. Turning Anti-Aliasing On/Off seems to make only a 2 FPS difference while in other games it can make a 10 FPS difference. This would be a good thing if the performance was good to start off with. When I run at Normal to Very High + 1280x1024 in ArmA with my current setup FPS can dip as low as 25 FPS in most of places, 20 FPS near cities, 15 FPS inside cities and 10 FPS in vegetation areas. It only barely touches 40-35 FPS when I'm looking at the sky in an open field... Please fix it. I've already defragged, optimized, updated, installed dual core optimizers and all that stuff... Unless someone tells me they have a system like mine and get the same results I won't consider the problem to be my setup. By the way, just saying that it seems to run smooth or run good is not enough to do an analysis of how well the game runs for the rest of you. You must say the FPS and besides saying if the graphics are low, medium or high you should specify the resolution. I LOVED OFP and I LOVE this game but, to my disapointment, I HATE the performance... and I'm not really into doing a full system upgrade just because of one game... I still have some hope that Nvidia will address ArmA's issues, including SLI issues, in the next official driver release, which is taking some bloody long time to be released (latest driver was released about 4 months ago). They seem to be only focusing on 8800 and Vista drivers lately...
  4. Pedroshin

    Hardware Issues: Tips/Tricks/Solutions

    Tried everything for my Nvidia cards and Dual core processor. It's soooo funny that I still get an average of 28-42 FPS with 640x480x32 + ALL Very Low or Disabled + Distance view 500. I mean.. I have 2 7800GT 256 MB and a AMD X2 4400+. I run BF2 and the rest of other games perfectly so this must be a joke right? Might I just as well add that I ran OFP with an average of 40-70 FPS with 1024x768x32 + All Very High or Enabled + Distance view 3000 with my old ATI 9800 XT 256MB and Intel P4 3.2GHz. Please fix it. I've already defragged, optimized, updated, installed dual core optimizers and all that stuff...
  5. Pedroshin


    WTF? Here Athlon X2 4400+, Kingston 2GB PC3200 DDR and 2xClub3D 7800GT. AMD Dual Core Optimizer and Windows Dual Core Fix both installed. Results - Normal settings There's something unbelievably wrong with my system. What drivers were you using and which version of ArmA? I'm at 92.91 Nvidia drivers + 1.04.5121 ArmA. BTW I get lower ArmA mark than you with ALL AT VERY LOW. I've run both at 1280x1024. Dunno if it makes any difference. What the hell is wrong here!!