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Everything posted by PONDLIFE


    Town generator

    The generator of Towns!!! Just put the module somewhere on the map and there you have an instant town.

    What Now????

    It's all patched up to the latest and no errors on installing, thanks for the cheat I managed to get past it...shame though because I was enjoying that level. Regards

    What Now????

    Could someone explain why after clearing the north landing zone and then making my way to the RACS defence line the mission doesn't end or continue, The helicopters take out the tanks and theres a waypoint just after the SLA checkpoint but standing around does nothing. Ive checked that theres no enemy left, is there a way to get past this mission, Ive tried reloading and restarting the mission many times, but its the same each time. Help!!!

    What Now????

    Could someone explain why after clearing the north landing zone and then making my way to the RACS defence line the mission doesn't end or continue, The helicopters take out the tanks and theres a waypoint just after the SLA checkpoint but standing around does nothing. Ive checked that theres no enemy left, is there a way to get past this mission, Ive tried reloading and restarting the mission many times, but its the same each time. Help!!!
  5. I'm really trying to get into Arma and style of play but what i need is some single player missions that allow me to practise using my squad tactics and help me improve. Ive tried some user missions, but most dont give me chance to get to grips with ordering them into position or setting tactics without hell breaking out and either they all get shot or I loose to many of them to continue. The training levels were not really up to much and I wish i had the knowledge to make the levels myself but i dont. Maybe someone could recommend some user missions that are easy or are willing to make some that ease the player into rather than me panic and the squad get murdered. Hope this makes sense! Regards Pondlife.

    Disengage you stupid buggers!!!

    The Team Switch is Nothing more than an extra life, it doesnt allow you to switch between team members and then back again and then command the previous troops! I thought it was a bug at first as i had bought the earlier released Czech Version but after putting it on bug tracker i got a reply from BIS saying " It was the best option and the best solution" ?? yeah right, play Ghost Recon it works well in that. Hope that helps you out with that....

    Very strange, mutated character model

    http://img2.myimg.de/lolbc0.jpg This ones quite cool, reckon he could throw six grenades at once with these hands!

    Very strange, mutated character model

    http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin/ikonboard311/ikonboard.cgi?act=ST;f=68;t=57878 something like that? screen shot further down thread.

    Team Switch Problem

    can someone tell me if they get the same problem? whenever i team switch i am unable to command the squad afterwards. they refuse to move or do anything after i have switched back to team leader! sort of ruins the game for me. Doesn't matter if i use original missions or user missions, same problem. Czech version 1.02 with English patch.

    Targeting enemies

    Is it possible to enable AI squad members to target specific enemies without them engaging ? I'm trying to get a couple of snipers locked on to specific tartgets while i can concentrate on the remaining, but even with the command hold fire used as soon as i try and set up one he opens fire before i can set up the other! Just wondering if i'm missing an obvious thing here. I've tried messing about in the editor to see if i can get it to work, but no joy yet.. Regards.

    Targeting enemies

    Thanks, just gave it a go following your advice and it works! I was pressing the wrong mouse button so they just attacked the target overriding the hold fire..Cheers for sorting that out.

    MHZ Clock problem - 1.05

    I can confirm that, overclocking my CPU caused the game to Hard lock after a while playing- As people have said, it's not the games fault it's just pushing the hardware a bit more than others. Set the CPU to normal and the crashes or lock ups should disappear. As psycosmos said (wise words) Unless you know what you're doing leave the overclocking alone or be sorry.

    official complaint to BIS

    I think people on here are going to have to agree to disagree and that is a shame after all it's a forum for discussion. I'm not sure if any of the questions or statements were aimed directly at me but here goes my explanation..... Why don't I return the game if I'm not happy? It's now approaching three Months since i received my copy so I can't see them accepting it's return, Plus the Czech republic isn't very local to me.

    official complaint to BIS

    BIS are a small company compared to others, unfortunately how many people are going to stick around long enough to warrant the support that it needs? If you take a look at the whole forum, It has many more problems and annoyances than fun moments...thats the sad thing. People are already talking about de-patching their game and thats going to make online gaming hard to find a server that has the right version for you to enjoy the game. I am one who enjoys the single player campaign, the ironic thing is if i was to play online i wouldn't have the command problems that make single play impossible. I just pray they get things get sorted.

    official complaint to BIS

    True todays hardware must be a nightmare for developers and bug issue hunting, maybe what they're trying to achieve is a bit ambitious given the amounts of different computer specs out there, but the overall impression is'nt good. The concept of Arma is fantastic, and what they have running at the moment is commendable, but maybe they over stretched the ambition from OFP in the time scale before game2 is released. Maybe thats what worries me most! And yes Balschoiw, it's on the same command page as I used to issue the hold fire, you know that, I know that, unfortunately thats where command stays.

    official complaint to BIS

    I wasn't pointing the finger at BIS, I was trying to point it in the right direction. Improve what we were given, dont take it away. Maybe it would be nice to have someone from BIS on here to reassure people on what they are aware of and what they are working on, not this wait and see policy thats turns out to disappoint many. On the pluses what they did for the grass problem is great, also the aiming is much improved. As i said in an earlier post the AI is a lot better at taking out the enemy in my opinion, I suppose thats what makes the basic faults stick out more. To quote Balschoiw "within two or three weeks BIS have turned out a 400mb patch" that is true for some, but for others it's been two or three months and we have made BIS aware of the problems yet they still appear after the latest.

    official complaint to BIS

    I apologise if I have upset a few people on, that was not my intention. What concerns me the most is what majority are happy with Arma in it's current state? True BIS will come out with more patches in due time, but how long should i have to wait before i can actually play Arma for what it is supposed to be? The mention of different mods made by the community is a valid point, I have downloaded many of these, but with the bugs in the game even after a couple of patches still present, i cannot play them as they were intended on my computer but others can! I guess the point I'm trying to make is how long will it be before someone from BIS comes on here and says whoops?? The game has only recently been released here in the UK, but unfortunately I have had my copy a few months now and to be perfectly honest, It's in a worse state now overall than when i originally bought it. BIS have been on here to state that theres a driver error with ATI cards that causes lag during play, that was the day after the patch release, yet they stated during work on 1.05 that they've optimised the game and its running better? I admire BIS on the work thats gone into Arma on what should be a great technical and tactical game but it's flawed from the very beginning for some people and the patches seem to be taking one step forward, two steps back... an example. they've improved AI in the game, yes they have, but now the team follow orders less well than they did before, Hold Fire command is great until you try and switch to engage yet they don't ( that wasn't a problem until the latest patch). I could go on, but I guess you know where I'm coming from, alot of us have had the patch just over a day and found faults with it, BIS have been working on this along time and they didn't? I just want the basics working BIS, thats all.. leave the extras to the modding community please. P.s. I don't play CS or Battlefield, but I'm guessing most people here could if they bought it.

    official complaint to BIS

    It does'nt say that on the packaging.

    official complaint to BIS

    I'm with Haredogg on this one, maybe it is frustration on his behalf, but I know where he's coming from. This Forum does seem rather split; you have the people who can play the game and ignore the bugs or patiently wait for the next patch, but God forbid anyone who says anything negative about BIS, and on the other side you have people like Haredogg, myself and I'm sure plenty others who are annoyed and disappointed by the treatment from BIS and rightly so. Having purchased the Czech version of the game on release there, i have been waiting ( patiently )what is now a good couple of months to have some of the so called bugs fixed. There are still people out there who are unable to get the game even started on their computers, or crashing for no obvious reasons, but it seems when they complain the response is either thread locked by a Mod or Flamed by many for saying a bad word about Arma! You should understand that some of the problems that people are suffering from is unacceptable from something that they have paid, like myself good money for a game that does'nt even work as it should or not at all. Yes BIS have released patches for the game, Yes BIS have a good re'pore with many on this forum, but that doesnt give them the right to release this game in it's current state even after patching. What i can't except is the fact that so many bugs on the list have been ignored from day one. Sure they've made some improvements, But i like many don't want an a new Motorbike, Harrier or weapons added to the game while the bugs listed on the official list are ignored and some people still unable to get the game working properly-save that for when it is running stable. At the moment, Arma that cost me alot of money to get sent here is unplayable in it's current form, maybe not for you, or others, but you should be able to see this issue from other people point of view. So what do I do now? Do i have to wait for the next patch to arrive? Do i have to marvel at all the extra things BIS includes in the next patch while still ignoring the listed bugs? Maybe BIS will release their next game on a loan basis! I'll pay them the money when their product is actually complete and working on mine and others computers. So BIS, THIS GAME IS BROKEN. Don't add extra bits that just increase the problems...FIX WHAT DOESN'T WORK ALREADY! If you need the Money ask, Don't Mug me.

    New Patch, Old Problem.

    As much as I like Arma and appreciate the work that BIS put in to the latest patch, the Team switch locking up squad members is still there! I was hoping that would be one of the bugs that BIS would have sorted out as it makes playing the campain impossible. I waited patiently for this mother of all patches in the hope that i could begin to play the game as intended, but looks like its going on the shelf again until its fixed.. PLEASE BIS? I've done a fresh install and applied nothing but the latest patch. Czech version. Worst thing is it does'nt seem to be a common problem for most people so is it getting ignored?

    Day of Days

    Think you put the pbo file into the addon folder of Arma. Mission sounds good, Think its time to try it out.

    Team Switch Problem

    I'm glad I'm not the only one to suffer from this problem, my trouble is it happens on every mission that team switch is available! Anyone manage to cure this problem or can someone tell me if it is a bug that BIS are aware of?

    Commanding AI to start Engine of Heli

    Isnt it the same as AI driving all vehicles ? I dont see a way of telling them to switch engine on or off (with out them dismounting) but if you command them to move then they switch engine on by themselves.

    Error On Startup

    Could anyone give me a clue as to why I've started getting this error message when i try to load the game DXT1..DXT5 support missing I've had the game about a week and a bit (Czech version) and its been fine till today, Ive tried re-installing but after the game goes past the starforce disk check and black screen it then crashes to desktop with the above error. Before anyone asks, it is a legit copy shipped from Czech. Regards Pondlife.

    Patch 1.02 Released for Czech and German ArmA

    Did they manage to fix the satchel bug so you can detonate the charges without the A.I. knowing your position ? Regards.