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About Punisher_1509

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    Private First Class

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  1. Hi folks, I have a question to the 3D modeller who can build this NAVY SEAL HALO Parachut Soldier for ArmA. Maybe the Helmet HGU-55 could also as an addon for Fighter Pilots instead of the Helicopter Helmets. http://inlinethumb50.webshots.com/38065....MG] I also wish me a scipt where you can use them on a SF Night  COOP Mission !! http://thumb0.webshots.net/t....MG]
  2. Hi folks, I have a question to the 3D modeller who can build this NAVY SEAL HALO Parachut Soldier for ArmA. Maybe the Helmet HGU-55 could also as an addon for Fighter Pilots instead of the Helicopter Helmets. http://inlinethumb50.webshots.com/38065....MG] I also wish me a scipt where you can use them on a SF Night  COOP Mission !! http://thumb0.webshots.net/t....MG]
  3. Punisher_1509

    Addon Oil Facility

    Hi folks! I want to see more infrastructur facilities in ArmA. Is there any one who is be able to build something like this? http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/2171/conflictdeniedops200801de0.jpg I hope someone could build these
  4. Hi folks! I want to see more infrastructur facilities in ArmA. Is there any one who is be able to build something like this? http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/2171/conflictdeniedops200801de0.jpg I hope someone could build these
  5. Hi folks! I want to see more infrastructur facilities in ArmA. Is there any one who is be able to build something like this? http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/2171/conflictdeniedops200801de0.jpg I hope someone could build these.
  6. Punisher_1509

    Wishlist for the next 1.06 patch

    Hi Guys! I hope the next 1.06 will have these changes for ArmA. Here is my wishlist. 1. Â New pilot Helmets like the original HGU-55/P with GBU 12 Â oxygen mask. Real fighter Pilots don't wearing a helicopter helmet! 2. Â New Tactical Vests like this one: 3. Â Realistic Weapons sounds!!The other one sounds so ugly 4. Â Better performance the 1.05 patch was not enough!! 5. Â Better Cockpit textures that you have the feeling you will flying a real one!! 6. Â Weapons textures have to be better!! 7. Â Buildings textures have to be better !! 8. Â Multiplayer game have to be more stabilized!!! 9. AND THE MOST WANTED!!!! An Oxygen editor tool FOR ARMA TO CREATE MODS AND ADDONS FOR THE COMMUNITY!! I HOPE MY WISHES WILL BE REALIZED!!!!!!!!
  7. Punisher_1509

    Vietnam sounds!

    These sounds are fantastic!!! Please finish them and do it to the ArmA Community! OUTSTANDING WORK !!!!!!
  8. Punisher_1509

    LCWF Mod For ArmA

    Hey Zerg! With which 3D Programm have you done this nice Renders?? 3D Studio max, or Maya???
  9. Punisher_1509

    LCWF Mod For ArmA

    Could you texture the UH-60 with colors for the U.S Navy ?? Your works are so nice, could you build a U.S Navy Flight Carrier too?? Â Â
  10. Punisher_1509

    LCWF Mod For ArmA

    Absolutly Great Work Zerg!!!! You are the Master of modding for ArmA. Â Â Your Render looks so great and your new texture of the UH-60 as well!! Â I'm looking forward to see more of this great stuff Zerg!! Â Will you create some new Soldier units as well?? Do some Special Forces Equipment!! Something like this [/code]http://img247.imageshack.us/img247....MG]
  11. Punisher_1509

    ArmA Addon request thread

    I think a Apache Helicopter would be very cool. But with real Cockpit Graphics that's works real in ArmA, not the Bullshit Textures from BIS.
  12. Punisher_1509

    Delta Force Units for ArmA

    How can I create such helmets or the equipment??
  13. Hi all! I wish me for ArmA some Delta Force Units.I like the Equipment of these Units! Who could make a addon with these Units for ArmA? Here are some examples for such a Special Forces Unit!
  14. Punisher_1509

    RKSL Studios

    That is fantastic!!! I love the Hercules C-130 Plane and your Harriers are looking absolutly great too!! Please make so on. I hope you guys would release the C-130 with an automatic opening ramp animation for high altitude jumpings. The most things I hate in ArmA are the texture inside of the vehicles and the building textures. They are looking so unreal! Â Â
  15. Punisher_1509

    OFP addons into ArmA!

    This plane looks great!!! What do you think to create an Hercules C-130. I think it would be a great addon for ArmA too!