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Everything posted by PeterEyres

  1. PeterEyres

    C1987 Handgrip Weapons

    excellent work, do you plan on doing similar M4 versions?
  2. PeterEyres

    SLX Mod WIP

    Right. Removing Wounds and GL3 doesnt make any Difference. HOWEVER. My clan has started to move everything out and move things in gradually. Currently we have these working and tested (stressed on a long evo game) PBO's working fine so far: AI_Turn_Move AI_Skill All Anim.Pbo's Findcover GL3 Impact ModVehArmour ModVehCore Netcode Shout (modvehcore requirs this) Vehicle Effects Wounds
  3. PeterEyres

    US Army 2009 Units

    Sounds excellent. Always thought BIS were extremely lazy when it came to attachments and the M4/M16 I mean the models are already there (the silencer, ACOG, M68, PEQ-1, M203L) So why not give us more combinations? Is there going to be a silenced M4MWS with 203 and ACOG? :D:eek:
  4. PeterEyres

    SLX Mod WIP

    @Solus We'll give it a go, I'll literally try anything to get it stable on the server, as for the short time it does work, we love it. I was thinking earlier if the blood has an effect, i remember any blood addons in ofp and arma1 always had issues. Not sure how it works in SLX with regards to disapeering after a certain amount of time. Usually it lags up after a large firefight, or quite the way throuhg a mission. My servers rpt files dont seem to be working properly but I think thats down to having two servers with seperate installs for each one of a seperate hard drive What does the GL3.PBO control btw? @Typhoon. We've also moved RagDoll out because of the msg and an attempt to solves the instability, its not the culprit, but it does stop the error message. Interesting that the Sincgars radio is causing errors however. I've yet to utlise it fully in a mission yet, but its certainly a nice visual touch.
  5. PeterEyres

    Revive Script

    Hi Norrin, I wont send you my mission if you are taking a step back for a while, I've made a workaround in this mission (teleport flag on the marker) and its still a very rare occurance. Hope you take a rest and come back refreshed
  6. I despair at this forum sometimes
  7. Jackal, excellent news m8. Do you have a release time for the SAS pack? And are you including your own Diemenco's?:yay::yay:
  8. PeterEyres

    How to fix Arma 2 in 11 easy steps...

    I think there is a general annoyance from players that to acheive the full potential of this game, you have to be proffecient at scripting. Or you have to memorise by heart, thousands of comand references and the exact words for word class names of weapons, units and ammo. My biggest bugbears in the game?: 1: Ai Lag: Sorry guys, but the enemy ai constantly warp around the screen, they often like to break out and do a moonwalk, the constant prone/crouch/stand up/spin around, stop/turn/walk backwards/drop prone/glitch across the screen. Its rediculous. The Ai should find the nearest cover or concealment, or run to the nearest part of terrain that will provide a good chance for them preserving their life. There just isnt a sense in this game that the AI wants to stay alive. Even if it means retreating from a battle, we need it sorted. There is NO suppresion in the default game. Its is merely be seen/be shot, whoever see's or shoots first is the winner. No it isnt hardware, this happens even on singleplayer with beastly machines, and its even worse on MP servers sitting in mahoosive data centres with access to extreme bandwidth levels, and with arma.cfg files tweaked as per recommended for server hardware/bandwidth Fix this and it might well become an awesome game It isnt as bad in PvP obviously, a Arma2 needs to cater more for PVP. Most PVP missions simply don't utilise the wide open world that arma provides. More to the point, I've yet to find a server that can successfull cater for large numebrs of organised people fighting for control of the Island. The netcode is abysmal 2: Ai Skill. They should be able to detect you at longer distances granted, but then prepare themselves by getting to cover, but their accuracy is far too good, smoke is useless etc I could go on. 3: Vegitation, its more of a hinderance. And I know what most will say. Grass/Bushes aren't cover...no but it is concealment! Why can the ai spot you and accurately shoot you through thick tree branches, and yet you are left frantically searching the screen for a glimpse of a uniform through thick vegitation that lags your computer. Now i wouldnt mind if this enemy fire is suppresion fire, they know you are in the general area of the concealment, but no, I usually end up with a bullet in the head and a couple on my back, if prone. 4: Features in the game that require scripting/programming The attachTo command is pretty simple I'll admit that, but why is it that mods can successfully implement cargo systems into all missions (even if designed for vanilla Arma) but yet BIS leave out such abillity to drive a truck upto an ammo crate and load it in? This is just one of numerous examples.
  9. PeterEyres

    SLX Mod WIP

    Hi Solus after further testing we are still getting a weird issue after multiplay sessions. This time the server doesn't seem to be effected as much in terms of memory usage. But we get to a point in a game where everyone's client uses up to a gig of memory for the arma process.....enemy bodies start getting back up and switching back to dead again...players heads dissapeer and textures goes away. We've tested this in revive script missions and non-revive. We all also get a message about the ragdoll.slx (cannot play/edit mission, missing ragdoll.slx. But it is defo in the SLX mod folder. We've now decided to get rid of the ragdoll.pbo (server and client side) and will see what happens.
  10. Love the work you are doing boys, and the Flare system alone will save air operations within arma2.
  11. Well...its unique which i suppose is good, we brits have always been that way ;)
  12. PeterEyres

    Deploying Mortar tubes and artillery?

    could you post how you've done it? or a template perhaps?
  13. PeterEyres

    Deploying Mortar tubes and artillery?

    ive seen it done in a mission, still can't work out how to get it working properly despite de-PBO'ing it
  14. PeterEyres

    Revive Script

    I'm using this as a template for my mission. I have only changed the players names...s1,s2 to accomodate up to 10 players. Most of the time, people are able to revive. I dont want any respawns. The game will end when everyone is unconcious, but occasionally when a player dies they simply respawn straight away at the Respawn_West marker (which i have placed miles away from boot_hill or the combat) (does this have to be in, if I dont want respawns?) Why is this happening? Cheers
  15. PeterEyres

    SLX Mod WIP

    think there is an issue with the mod when using norrin's revive script (latest version) reviving at certain times will lag the player reviving and they will be stuck in perpetual dragging mode! is this likely to be the SLX wounds system or the Ragdoll interfering?
  16. PeterEyres

    SLX Mod WIP

    I have just uploaded the 1.35 to the server and have tested through a large mission, everything *seems* to be alot more stable. Will have more players on hand later to give it a proper test.
  17. haha generally its a horrible looking gun, but you reproduced it rather well :D
  18. PeterEyres

    Island Panthera for ArmA 2

    probably the best custom made WRP I've ever played across the Arma Series. A few dodgy textures here and there that you probably already know about. Cant' wait for a well design PVP CTI/Warfare. The rivers/terrain/bridges and enterable buildings will really give it a new dimension. Plus the map is particularly awesome for CAS.
  19. PeterEyres

    Blind Fire & Supression..would be nice...

    SLX does a good job of adding supression. The Ai defo get pinned by supression and will move to better cover. The ai also suppress your position
  20. haha to be fair I prefered the early Rainbow Six to all the new Las Vegas crap, it had soul a bit like OFP but yes, OFP was amazing, so ahead of its time it was untrue, okay it took until 1.96 to be a truly solid game, its a shame were now approaching 2010 and it hasnt really moved on that much, graphically yes...net code? sadly no.
  21. PeterEyres

    SLX Mod WIP

    Hi Solus, Absoloutley love the mod, really saved Arma2 for me recently, our squad had got a bit sick and tired of the olympic marksman ai who only shoot when they can actually see you, and by that time you are already dead, usually shot through a thick layer of trees/grass and foilage. Makes my blood boil, really does! Its really levelled the playing field and upped the immersion. We've been using it on our dedicated server but we always seem to run into problems after a mission has been running for a while. Suddenly the server and client memory usage would spike up to over a gig and the game becomes unplayable. The server eventually crashes with a out of memory error. Our server has 4gb! So we've had to switch back to vanilla. I will try the interium fix now and let you know if your MP fixes have solved it Also do you plan on signing the addons and producing a server key? This is almost vital to stop crashing and conflicts between players joining without CBA and SLX etc
  22. PeterEyres

    XAM 1.3 Released

    The No tags option has always infuriated me. Yes its realistic, but in real life you can recognise people's faces/build/mannerisms/clothing in staggering detail. In ArmA you are lucky to get a poor quality distinguishable custom face, and even then its far too hard even at short to medium distances.
  23. PeterEyres

    Grass off on dedi server

    have you got a sample of your cfg file at hand?
  24. PeterEyres

    XAM 1.3 Released

    Just installed XAM on our Server. We think its mostly brill, however, the difficulty levels are screwed. No tags? etc I know XAM ships with Simulation and Extreme Simulation (which have their pro's and cons), but is there anyway to overwrite it back to default cadet/vet mode etc?