I am putting together a mission and I need your help. Â What I want to happen is to have the Transport plane fly over the island and eject the paratroops.
I am using Hawk C-130 V1.3 addon as the drop plane and the kmk Move AC Script in controlling the aircraft. Â I can get me and my paratroopers to ejects, but its a single point drop and sometimes they die as they "stack up" or don't match up with thier chute and fall to earth. Â I would like to drop them in a stick.
In the Group leader Ini Field I have the following; {_x moveincargo vAC} foreach units group this;
At the dropzone I have a trigger with the following; {_x action["EJECT",vAC]} foreach units group player
I de-pbo the HWK_C130.PBO addon and it has a script in it, located: SCRIPT\parasoldiers.sqs
The parasoldiers.sqs contains the following:
_helo = _this select 0
_allcrew = crew _helo
? (count crew _helo)<=2:exit
(group _helo) setspeedmode "limited"
_helo sideChat "Approaching Drop Zone, Jumpers hook lines, check your gear and get ready to jump"
[_helo] exec "\HWK_c130\script\openramp.sqs"
_helo animate["jumpprepare",1]
_helo animate["r1",1]
_helo animate["r2",1]
_helo animate["r3",1]
_helo sideChat "Jump in 10 seconds"
_helo sideChat "5 seconds"
_helo animate["r1",0]
_helo animate["r2",0]
_helo animate["r3",0]
_helo animate["g1",1]
_helo animate["g2",1]
_helo animate["g3",1]
_helo sideChat "Green Light, Green Light, GO, GO, GO"
_helo say "eng20"
_array = []
"if (_x != driver _helo && _x != gunner _helo) then {_array = _array + [_x]}" foreach _allcrew
_allcrew = _array
? count _allcrew == 0 : goto "done"
_c = 0
_helo sideChat format ["%1, GO",_allcrew select _c]
unassignvehicle (_allcrew select _c)
(_allcrew select _c) action ["getout",_helo]
_chute = "ParachuteWest" createvehicle [0,0,10]
_chute setpos (getpos (_allcrew select _c))
(_allcrew select _c) setvelocity (velocity _chute)
(_allcrew select _c) setpos (getpos _chute)
(_allcrew select _c) moveindriver _chute
_c = _c + 1
? _c != count _allcrew : goto "eject"
_helo animate["g1",0]
_helo animate["g2",0]
_helo animate["g3",0]
_helo animate ["jump",0]
_helo animate ["jumpprepare",0]
[_helo] exec "\HWK_C130\script\closeramp.sqs"
Is there a way to activate the script with a trigger? Â I so how? Â If this is possible how can I activate the scripts within it. Â I had no readme fill. Â Thanks in advance.
Aircraft is named: vAC