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About patrioten

  • Rank
    Private First Class


  • Interests
    OFP and Danish military
  1. patrioten

    Helicopters Carrying Vehicle in Trailer

    omg! that simple??? I have spent a week bitching how to make it work :D
  2. patrioten

    ECP 1.085 Released!

    Ha hvor har du vćret gravet ned? Ha where have you been buried? The EECP still exist: EECP topic STGN Yeah I know STGN... but what about a status on the 1.085 compatiable version? you got a clue about that?
  3. patrioten

    EECP - Enhanced ECP

    Yeah! I was asking for that in the big topic about ECP 1.085..
  4. patrioten

    ECP 1.085 Released!

    Hey what about the EECP version which should work with ECP 1.085? One of my friends says it has been cancelled?
  5. patrioten

    Operation flashpoint: chase

    HAHAHAHAHA That was veeery funny haha keep up the good work
  6. patrioten

    Lying down animations

    Well thanks for the help anyways. I'll try it when I get the chance
  7. patrioten

    Lying down animations

    HUH??? I didn't get your point there
  8. patrioten

    Lying down animations

    uhm what kind of object should I use as simulation?? I dont think i can use a house do I have to use the M2 as "model" It is a static bed not anything that moves.
  9. patrioten

    Lying down animations

    Thanks mate I'll try it ASAP And what about the proxy?? Can I see in buldozer if the man is lying down?
  10. patrioten

    Lying down animations

    Help... anyone?
  11. patrioten

    Lying down animations

    I am thinking about making beds like medic beds and stuff like that. And I need a "lying down on the back" animation Can anyone help me? /Edited: What do I have to write in the config in order to let the person lye down playing wounded?