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Everything posted by panzergrenadier3

  1. panzergrenadier3

    Panavia Tornado

    Low altitude = low drag = deployed brakes high altitude = high drag = undeployed brakes
  2. panzergrenadier3

    Panavia Tornado

    No, lowdrag is with deployed brakes. Because.... if you are in low level flight and drop the bombs (low drag) the brakes have to be deployed that the bombs fall slower. So you have enough time to get far away enough with your plane to don'T take damage. If the brakes aren't deployed in low level flights, the bomb falls in normal speed, hit the ground and explodes. But you are not far away enough and get damage on your plane from your own bomb.
  3. panzergrenadier3

    Panavia Tornado

    No, the high- and low-drags are right. In low-flights you have to use the low drag bomb (with opened "wings" that works like airbrake) that you're not hiting your own plane. If the bomb falls in normal speed, you'll take damage on your airplane in low-level-flights. Take a look here . The cluster bombs cannot be changed by me. I'm not able to make a new model (can only modify existing ones). But I think for the Tornado the priority is to have the cluster bomb effect, not a 100% perfect realistic bomb. If there is someone out who will do the right cluster bomb, I'll add these off course.
  4. panzergrenadier3

    KC-10A Extender

    Hope this addon comes for OFP as well.
  5. panzergrenadier3

    Retexture Addon and make a standalone version

    With textpathswap you can see wich textures are needed for a p3d and you can change the path (needfull for creating a new pbo with existing p3ds). The easiest way to make the config is to change the existing one. Please remember to ask the autor of the original addon for permission to change his/her work. If you need some help with that, pm me. I have some expirience with making "new" addons from existing ones.
  6. panzergrenadier3

    Panavia Tornado

    This form the cfgAmmo of the Taurus: minRange=3200; minRangeProbab=0.3; midRange=7400; midRangeProbab=0.9; maxRange=12000; maxRangeProbab=0.5; I don't know if this is realistic, but I think it's ok for a taurus in OFP. Or are there better ideas? Now only left: - ALARM - Stormshadow - Position correction of the Mk84 - Some basic corrections on the Tornados itself - Maybe a few new skins for german and british Tornados.
  7. panzergrenadier3

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    @Dragon44: Very nice addons. What do you think are they ready for release?
  8. panzergrenadier3

    Panavia Tornado

    That's a thing, that can be changed in a few minutes. But thanks, I didn't have noticed that. Some new pictures: KEPD Taurus 1 KEPD Taurus 2 Build as anti ship weapon. But it is funny to attack bigger tank groups   edit: WE.177 is ready. Now all bombs are that brightness . Here are some pictures from the nuke: nuke 1 nuke 2 nuke 3 nuke 4 Used are the nuke scripts form Xenom & Indy. Good night!
  9. panzergrenadier3

    Panavia Tornado

    Me again. BL-755 ? Now with textures from ACES. Texturesparts from ACES textures also used on the Mk82 wich now can be droped as highdrag and lowdrag . The Mk84 is not made for dropes from low altitude!!! GBU24 droped looks nice too.
  10. panzergrenadier3

    KC-10A Extender

    Lokking very good! How to make a plane compatible to that addon?
  11. panzergrenadier3

    Panavia Tornado

    Mk82 Snakeeye LD are there. I've decided to take the low drag variation, I like that more than HD. BUT: There is no difference in firing the weapon, only the other model for the released bomb. For now I use this cluster - bombs . These are not in final position and count. ASRAAMs would not be implemented but maybe AMRAAMs. Meteor would also not be a weapon of my tornados but maybe IRIS-T. Maybe because there are some weapons like that. The only difference are the name for OFP. Sorry, but don't want to make this addon to much complex. That's the reason why I want to make the 1000lb bombs but not the 500lb. What's about a napalm bomb and Maverick? I don't know if napalm could be used with the Tornado but Mavericks can be mounted for sure on the Tornados. Ok, no country using this, but it is possible. P.S: The Mk82 will be changed. They will be as HD and LD on the Tornados.
  12. panzergrenadier3

    COP Cars near finish

    Yes, you should let help anyone on this single textures. For that you don't have to give away the whole addon.
  13. panzergrenadier3

    Should I Get OFP?

    It's worth it for sure. Go to addon section from ofp.info (Link) . There you can find almost every addon that's released for OFP. Mods can be found in mod section. And there are some links to other OFP newssides with addon archives. FFUR are great mods, of course. But I think it's better to take the time and build together an own addon, effekt and so on pack.
  14. panzergrenadier3

    Panavia Tornado

    Yes, this are the answers I'm waiting for . Will see what I can do. Maybe I can implement the explosion from the existing B61. Thanks alot for this great idea!
  15. panzergrenadier3

    Upcoming lost brother addons

    Wow, great looking plane this Kfir. Would be hard to wait for your stuff! But I think waiting is worth it!
  16. panzergrenadier3

    Panavia Tornado

    WTD 61 Tornado from Manching. Have forgotten to change the cockpits from the A.M.I. Tornados to the newer one form the other ones. That's will take some time (hope just a few days).  Are there some suggestions wich weapon can be added? Atm there are the following one: Mauser Gun  Sidewinder Skyflash HARM MK82 LGBU CBU Kormoran AS30 Seaeagle Brimstone JP233 Bombletlauncher MW1 Bombletlauncher Flare  Planed are the following: Alarm JSOW (edited to StormShadow) KEPD 350 Taurus Any other wishes?
  17. panzergrenadier3

    COP Cars near finish

    Have you done it with an Alpha-Chanel?
  18. panzergrenadier3

    ADF mod

    Wich kind of job do you have for the textures?
  19. panzergrenadier3

    COP Cars near finish

    Have you tried to make the sign and writing as single textures and set them on extra model parts?
  20. panzergrenadier3

    COP Cars near finish

    You don't should save as *.jpg. Try to save it as *.tga. Much better quality. But looking good so far!!! P.S: What are these for buildings in background?
  21. panzergrenadier3

    Panavia Tornado

    ... RSAF Tornado I like this plane
  22. panzergrenadier3

    ADF mod

    I think you should release the mod for OFP as far as it is. Maybe finishing some works that don't need much time. There are still many people out there, who play OFP. And if the most things are done for OFP.... would be bad to don't see it in OFP. Another question: Will the F/A-18 be there in US colours too? If I remember right, there was a guy making some great textures for it and gave it to you.
  23. panzergrenadier3

    Panavia Tornado

    Here is the next update. A.M.I. desert Tornado RSAF Tornado WIP Textures off course not ready. But I've started on this one.
  24. panzergrenadier3

    Panavia Tornado

    Next special print is ready. This time from the JaBoG 32. Markings for the saudi arabian Tornados are ready. Now I only have to create the body skin for IDS Version. Saudi ADV skin is the same like UK light grey. Hope I can post some screens after the weekend (if nothing is going the wrong way this weekend).
  25. panzergrenadier3

    Panavia Tornado

    @-=FW=-Platty: Thank you for the saudi markings. If all needed things on the Tornados are done, I'll start the saudi one. Maybe it's a thing for the second release. For the MFG Tornado there are 3 possibilities: 1. MFG1 Patch 2. MFG2 Patch old 3. MFG2 Patch new Wich one should be on wich MFG Tornado?