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Everything posted by panzergrenadier3

  1. panzergrenadier3

    Some Deltas

    Cool! Can't wait for it! Very usefull this units...
  2. panzergrenadier3

    Lets talk usmc

    Very cool! AH-1 Z... nice to see!!! Any new pics of the UH-1 Y or AH-1 W or UH-1 N?
  3. panzergrenadier3

    Uscg pack beta

    Cool, great work. Can't wait for the other stuff! I like the raft very much!
  4. panzergrenadier3

    Uscg pack beta

    Do I think right? You have done a Dolphin (Dauphin) Helicopter? Nice Pics!
  5. panzergrenadier3

    Hunt the intruder - out-flank him

    Maybe you can add this to your great roundels: http://supah.chaotic.nl/nogovanroundel.gif sorry cause of my post about the EA-6 B. I've forgotten to read the pre-posts.
  6. panzergrenadier3

    Hunt the intruder - out-flank him

    What's about this baby: http://home.arcor.de/jimbo_ac/LockOn/6.jpg
  7. panzergrenadier3

    F-117a nighthawk

    ok ok, don't hit me
  8. panzergrenadier3

    F-117a nighthawk

    Nice to be ignored ! A simple "no" would be enough. THX
  9. panzergrenadier3

    F-117a nighthawk

    Please give the alpha to us. That would be help for waiting for this great stuff (Final)! Please! Very,very good job!
  10. panzergrenadier3

    Utopia aircraft shelter addon

    Where is this nice Mirage from? http://ofp.gamezone.cz/news/pics3/cwk2.jpg
  11. panzergrenadier3

    Aces airport textures release

    thx very much!
  12. panzergrenadier3

    Aces airport textures release

    Is it possible to make them match with Eden groundtextures? I would use this for my Airport, it's bigger than the normals. But my Island uses Eden groundtextures *sorry*. Very good job!
  13. panzergrenadier3

    F18 pack v1.3 by hudson & pennywise

    I agree to. This speed isn't unrealistic but to much for that game
  14. panzergrenadier3

    Hunt the intruder - out-flank him

    What's about creating an EA-6 B Prowler from the A-6 Intruder? http://www.wapers.com/vehicles/ea6b/ea6b11024.jpg http://www.capitolsource.net/images/prog/ea6b.jpg
  15. panzergrenadier3

    Us woodland camo netting

    very cool. was waiting a long time for that
  16. panzergrenadier3

    Tomahawk nearly complete

    What's about the hight of the LCC? I think it's a little bit to high. And wy don't you use a MAN Truck? Maybee the one from MMP/BwMod?
  17. panzergrenadier3

    Woodland hummers

    Oh no, please not these textures!
  18. panzergrenadier3

    Chernobyl island

    isn't down: http://www.angelfire.com/extreme4/kiddofspeed/chapter1.html
  19. panzergrenadier3

    Chernobyl island

    This is a very cool idea!!!
  20. panzergrenadier3


    At first: We know that Tomasz is not involved. And the fact that you feel sorry, shows to me that I was right (see my pre-last comment bevore this one). I can't promise that you get permission to continue your work. I have to speak with DarkSchakal about that. He is the one who has to take the decision. I think I can do that tomorrow. For me it would be ok. But (I repeat) DarkSchakal has to take decision.
  21. panzergrenadier3


    And that is what we all want: Fun for the OFP community!
  22. panzergrenadier3


    Download our latest Airwolf and this Redwolf... than you'll see. I don't think that XPETIT has done it with bad thought. I think he wanted to make a good addon, has seen our work and that it is easier to change some stuff as to build the complete addon (and that is right). And he only hasn't  not think about that he has to ask. That is ok, I think. We are not angry about using our work! We are only a little bit angry about he has not asked. Don't delete the addon from your webspace. And pleace let him release his future addons on your space. He isn't a bad guy I think. Everybody has to learn the rules of a community. Let's take this case under "mistake cause of unknowlegde".
  23. panzergrenadier3


    @XPETIT: You have made that out of our model! There are also the most textures and sounds from our Airwolf. The model is not your own work. You only have done some changes to our. And like DarkSchakal says: You have not ask for permission! And that is the main problem. Now I speek only for myselfe, not for our Mod: But it is nice to see that there is a Redwolf for the community. @Airwolf: You're right, there was a single launcher, sorry. Our Redwolf do have that, but not this one.
  24. panzergrenadier3


    There was no ADF Pod and Chaingun on Redwolf
  25. panzergrenadier3


    I think that is made out of our Airwolf! And I hope you have permission from Schakal or RedWolf!