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Everything posted by Pipou

  1. Pipou

    FFUR'85 (2008 edition)

    Thanks ! Exactly what I have been searching for. It works better now the frame vary from 25 to 60 (without disabling infantery feature) I have noticed that Object LOD affects also the performance
  2. Pipou

    FFUR'85 (2008 edition)

    Good job ! Immersion is great ! But I have some performance problem (for exemple 1st mission of 1985 campaign) with or without dxdll With the original game my FPS vary from 25 to 60, but with FFUR, from 5 to 60 (5-15 when attacking malden for exemple) Maybe is the grass, or AI script, any idea ? I'm not sure is related to the graphics (more a CPU problem) And where can I find a exemple of 'good' settings (geometry performance, ect ...) ? For info, my specs is XP 3200+ 1G ram 6600 GT
  3. Pipou

    Patch 1.05 Graphics Issue!

    I have the same graphic card, and the same amout of RAM, but I didn't notice any problem. From my experience : This lod problem appears when you are out of video memory. With 128Mb card, even in low, I need the AGP aperture size (RAM allocated for video memory). I have try with serveral value 32, 64 -> Not enough 128 -> Good Maybe, with the "new memory system" in 1.05, the game uses more RAM and then, there is no memory left for the agp aperture (this can explain the crazy HDD, HDD is use beacause no ram left) Try to use -maxmem (if it's still effective in 1.05) with a value X, where X = Memory available before launching game - AGP aperture size - some extra for security For exemple, I have 600 Mb free before launching game, my aperture size is 128 Mb, I will use something like -maxmem=400
  4. I have a "low" system spec Athlon 3200+ 1 Go RAM 6600 GT 128 Mo I have done a lot of test with the ingame setting and the Nvidia control panel setting. My conclusion is that the shadow system and the vegetation impacts mainly the framerate. Trees (object low) + Shadow (low) + Shading (low) = poor framerate Desert + Shadow + Shading = ok Trees + No shadow + Shading = ok I desactivated the shadow. I can set other setting in low and normal Terrain -> normal (vis 1000m) Object -> normal Texture -> low (video memory limitation) Shading -> very low PostProcessing -> low AA -> normal (this setting doesn't impact so much my framerate 2 or 3 fps diff) Anisio -> low (same as the AA) Shadow -> off An interesting feature for "low spec" would be an optimization of the shadow for vegetation (no shadow for little foliage, simple shadows for trees). The second setting which impact mainly the framerate is the post processing high setting. Keep it low. PS : There is some weird things in the Nvidia tweak guide linked on page one. The optimizations (more performance, less quality) like anisiotropic filtering is set to off ?? I have better perf with 'on' setting.
  5. I think you misundersatnd the first two mission... These are very easy! Just don't shoot. You are a not too brave farmer... OK, you hate the russians, but afraid from them. In the first mission, when civilian join to you, just run like hell tu the south end of the forrest and keep yourself alive. In the second mission, if i don't shoot, the russian soldiers kill me when they see me. I'm just a poor farmer
  6. Pipou

    Radeon 9600pro 256mb

    Go in System information>Material Resource and look at "conflict" (i'm not sure for the term, i've a french version of windows). For fastwrite Search if you motherboard supports it
  7. Pipou

    Radeon 9600pro 256mb

    For the fastwrite, don't change it in the SMARTGART panel but directly in the BIOS (Avanced Chipset Setting, AGF Fastwrite i think, or something likes that)
  8. Pipou

    Radeon 9600pro 256mb

    Try Catalyst 3.10 But what's the values of AGP aperture size in the bios ? I think that 64 or 128 Mo will be fine for a 256 Mo Video card. And try to switch the fastwrite off or on
  9. Pipou

    Radeon 9600pro 256mb

    I have made searches on a french ati forum, and the AGP Status must be enable. If it's not available: -try to use catalyst 3.7 or higer (the last ones are catalyst 3.10) -download the last AGP drivers for your motherboard
  10. Pipou

    Radeon 9600pro 256mb

    What's your AGP speed and AGP aperture size in bios ? Fastwrite enable ? And this "AGP Status: Not Available", it's not normal i think
  11. Pipou

    Joysticks problem

    I just want to know how to play with the joystick only without disconnect the wheel. Someone knows how OPF chooses the controller when there are twice ?
  12. Pipou

    Joysticks problem

    I have a problem since i've buy a wheel. OPF olny considers the wheel for control and not my joystick. I've try to switch connection but always the wheel recognized... For Jeep it's fun but for the Helicopter ... Joystick : Microsoft Sidewinder Precision pro Wheel : Logitech Wingman Formula Force GP Twice connected on USB