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Everything posted by Poet

  1. Poet

    Operation mercury

    Great intro and Cutscenes, really nicely done. Still not got past the 1st mission, wasnt sure which chopper to get onboard ( there were no instructions ) so picked the one on the right, fly off to a town, "ecavuated" all the hostages and 3 times now when I return the chopper is upside down bouncing around. Â Edit : I had my Terrain set to "Low" , I changed it to "v.Low" and the chopper still slid down the hill, but it didn't crash, took a while for it to stop moving and the last guy to get in though...
  2. Poet

    Music addon

    It isnt if you're an established or well known Mission maker. But out of 5 missions I posted for feedback there, I got 1 person replying on 1 mission ( not complaining, Sinister really helped with the mission ), but I do see lots of people posting Betas there and getting pretty much ignored. OFPECs a good place, but I still think we need a really good site for Mission makers. But back on Topic, LKK.Burnix : All you have to do is put the music/sound files you want to use for all Missions into the description.ext file for the campaign ( same as you would for a mission ) and then you can use them in any mission like you would the normal BIS music/sounds.
  3. Poet

    Music addon

    Not at all Avon. Just doing all my own beta testing, the BIS User Missions board isnt really the place and theres nowhere else unless you want to wait days for maybe 1 person to reply, and I'm too impatient for that.
  4. Poet

    Music addon

    Not claiming to be any expert here, but I thought all you had to do was declare the music in the Description.ext for the campaign, then its available for all missions? At least I hope thats how it works, otherwise my Campaign's gonna be bloody massive when its done ...
  5. Poet

    Music addon

    I think what LKK.Burnix means is that he wants the music files available to every mission in his campaign, rather than any music file that gets used more than once being copied into each missions music folder. Can't you just put all the music into the Campaigns' /Music folder making it available then for every mission?
  6. Poet

    Life story 2: life and liberty???

  7. Poet

    Ofrp release

    Sounds cool, look forward to it! But it should be law for addon makers to release with lots of missions! ;)
  8. Poet

    Custom voice sounds.

    Hi, I've converted some Q3 Threewave CTF sounds for use with OFP online. I've converted them to .ogg, and put them in my users/xxx/sound folder. - I saw someone else ( can't remember who ) using Custom sounds and he had text pop up everytime he used them, how do I do that? - Is there a way that I can send the sound files to my buds before playing, so they dont have to download them mid-game, where would they put them? Any help greatly appreciated. Â
  9. Poet

    Custom voice sounds.

    Great Stuff! Thanks for your help. Though I do have a couple of Novelty samples, the others are useful ones from the CTF sound pack, because I always struggle finding the right radio responses mid-match so decided to nick the Q3 ones I'm already familiar with...
  10. Poet

    Ofrp release

    Really nice stuff, excellently done too. Only a shame that the OFrp Team didn't make more missions to test, I've had enough of the editor this weekend and want to play for a while .... for this amount of quality addons I'm surprised there aren't more missions. How are any user made ones coming along? Miles?
  11. Poet

    Ballistic addon studios

    As part of the weapons upgrade, is there any chance of seeing the Aimpoint for the mp5 have some kind of alterable intensity? I find it really hard to make out the faded red dot on night missions ( colour blind to similar shades of red,green and brown - they sort of melt into one ... ), and the option to switch to a fuller intensity ( like the 3d model on Aimpoint.com ) would help my aim immensely.
  12. Poet

    Ofrp release

    ... and appears ...
  13. Poet

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    Combat Photography for the visually impaired??? What is it you're firing in that first sample? Sounds terrifying. ( Actually, sorta sounds like BF42 on my friends Uber Computer. ) Though why are you collecting Gold Mario Coins? Â
  14. Poet

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    Red Sky at Night... Screen from an upcoming project, lots of destruction, oh yeah baby!
  15. Poet

    Speed - The mission

    Found this fantastic mission browsing a German site. Not that I speak a word of German mind. Don't know if this is WTLW or not. I've not seen this mission before on any of the major sites. Its all in German, but don't let that put you off, you'll know whats going on. And I was nearly in tears laughing halfway ... Makes you wonder how many other missions never get to see the light of day because of minor language barriers? Download is here.
  16. Poet

    Speed - The mission

    Finished it! w00t! I am Sandra Bullock! ( the things I'd do to myself if that was true .... ) Great Mission, original and different, and very well made, right down to the little touches like the LB's flying overhead. The German was no barrier at all. Though you need to know which way to turn to get to the Airport ( but any OFPer worth his salt knows the roads of Nogova backwards anyway ... ).
  17. Poet

    Top for tanks

    Really? Â You should check out the Realism Sim Battlefield 1942. The Tanks in that game bounce constantly, and a hand grenade exploding next to a Tank usually spins it 360 Degrees! Games have much to teach us! Â
  18. Poet

    Red Hammer Studios

    Yeah, I blame that Shawody guy too. Terrible nasty cheesey  music, there's just no need.  But what is this all about anyway? A group of Addon makers have decided to increase their numbers ( and no squelshing involved! ) so they can put MORE work into producing great Addons for us the players to use. Surely that has to be a good thing?
  19. Mmmm Sweet .... needs more wheels though.
  20. Though I'm not complaining, I'm a firm believer that the more realistic the better as far as OFP is concerned... Its a shame that the BTR-80 is ATM faster than its real life counterpart. I had naturally assumed it was that fast, with all those wheels it certainly looks the part. I had envisioned some cool missions with several of those awesome looking machines charging into the fray at top speed ... ah well... Question though? Whats the closed UN/US counterpart to the BTR-80? And has one been made for OFP?
  21. No I'd not heard of it, though I probably saw it while I was looking, I didnt know it included the option to launch with Mods. Though it does require that I type in the mod folder name manually, which is a bit of a pain when you want to launch 3 or 4 or more mod folders at once. Yeah I'm a lazy sod. But that way you'd be able to keep pesky Addons that cause problems ( such as the wonderful Commanche from DKM ) off to one side, only calling them in when needed.
  22. Did you pack up the file missing an LOD texture? It only happens at distance, and when the mission starts up. What texture resolution are you running your game in? Did you test them all?
  23. I get the same white texture issue with the BMD3. Running at 256k textures, anything other than up close and it goes white. They all are superb though.
  24. Poet

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    http://www.dkm-mod.mkdi.net/ Though it doesnt mention you also need the M-109 ADATS as well as the Tunguska. Both available on their download page.