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Everything posted by Poet

  1. Poet

    Us rangers balance pack by orcs

    Downloaded the patch and installed, still getting missing LSR_Weap error message ...
  2. Poet

    Vitapc pack 1.1 finale

    I couldnt imagine playing OFP these days without "Battlefield Insane" - replaces most sounds, and doesnt sound like you're 3 miles away from your own gun while firing like some other Sound Mods. Get it here : http://svd.s20.xrea.com/
  3. Poet

    New verison of afghanistan island v3

    Check out the MOM section of Avons FAQ : http://www.theavonlady.org/theofpfaq/ Â Â and you'll find Naguals Southern Afghanistan Missions with a link to version 2 of the Island as well. Â Oh, and you might as well have a bash at my lil ol' Hero of the Day mission while you're there in the MOM section ( one of the finest collections of choice missions there is ). Â Â
  4. Poet

    The "community"

    So long as you enjoy what you are doing, what should it matter what anyone else says or thinks? I make ( *made ) missions for me and me alone, if others enjoy them, then bonus, if not, then I've not lost anything. I once spent 3 months solidly working on a Map for the Quake 3 Rally Mod. It was ( I think ) original and really damn cool, but only one other person in the whole Mod community had a positive word to say about it. The rest whined and complained about every part of it. The Mod team sadly folded a few weeks later, so my map never got played by the masses ... The point is, I still boot up my copy of Q3Rally and have a blast round my track and always have a smile on my face knowing that I acheived something that pleased me and that I enjoyed doing it. A. Â Its a game. B. D1ckheads are a sad part of life on planet Earth. C. NEVER NEVER TAKE THE INTERNET SERIOUSLY!!!
  5. Poet

    The "community"

    IBTL. Bit of a sweeping statement? I think this is a great community compared with some others ( BF42? ugh! C.S? OMFG! ), not fair to say the whole community sux. Yeah we have some spoilt kids and whiners, but this is planet earth after all ... and no, I dont like it either sometimes. But deep in your heartYou Know, that for the most part, the OFP community ROCKS! otherwise you wouldn't be here, right?
  6. Poet

    Csla 2

    Not had too much time for OFP lately but sooooo glad I took the time to download your new mod. That intro has to be one of the most entertaining hours worth of gaming I've ever spent ( though Im probably more a fan these days of OFP's cutscene abilities than actually playing missions ) and full of some really cool innovative original ideas. 10 Standing Ovations all round!!! ( 1 more than Blair got in the US ) Thanks for every second of those 21 months.
  7. Ahhhhh! Sorted, thanks Avon!
  8. Missions! Campaign! Addons! Thanks FDF! What are "kegsw66" and "kegsw44m" etc ? I've got the Winter Island as well as Kegs vehicles, but have had missing addon error messages like this since 1.0, and now I cant watch the intro to the campaign. I've got the vehicles and island in the same addon folder as the rest of the FDF stuff, does that make a difference? Cheers guys.
  9. Poet

    Battle over hokkiado demo

    ... all those hours making units and vehicles and missions, and you just want to play with their Wanzer. Kinda says it all. The original was a superb mod with a whole new feel to OFP. I can't wait to finish downloading this new version.
  10. Poet

    New ofp launcher version 2.0

    Awesome! My Low-Memory dreams come true. Thanks yet again for all your great work. A true star!
  11. Poet

    Any mods that allow opengl in ofp:r?

    [Anti MS rant: I'd love to see an Opengl port of OFP, and I SERIOUSLY hope that at least an option will be included in OFP2. The complete lack of D3D in Linux, means gamers are being FORCED by Gaming Companies to use Microsh*te's POSOS. I dream of the day when I can finally uninstall this inflated bag of crap bells and whistles Windows box and go fully Linux and OpenSource. OpenSource is how it always was, and was always going to be for home users before that greedy f*ck Gates decided to start charging for Windows. And I'm sick of the argument that charging allows MS to do more R&D and perfect their products. All MS has done in recent years is steal others' ideas and release buggy OS' riddled with security holes and problems. Come on BIS, stop forcing your customers to be MS slaves! I sometimes get the feeling MS pay game companies to not include Opengl. /MS Rant]
  12. Poet

    Any mods that allow opengl in ofp:r?

    [Anti MS rant: I'd love to see an Opengl port of OFP, and I SERIOUSLY hope that at least an option will be included in OFP2. The complete lack of D3D in Linux, means gamers are being FORCED by Gaming Companies to use Microsh*te's POSOS. I dream of the day when I can finally uninstall this inflated bag of crap bells and whistles Windows box and go fully Linux and OpenSource. OpenSource is how it always was, and was always going to be for home users before that greedy f*ck Gates decided to start charging for Windows. And I'm sick of the argument that charging allows MS to do more R&D and perfect their products. All MS has done in recent years is steal others' ideas and release buggy OS' riddled with security holes and problems. Come on BIS, stop forcing your customers to be MS slaves! I sometimes get the feeling MS pay game companies to not include Opengl. /MS Rant]
  13. Poet

    The lost lion v2.1

    Those NV's obviously did him a lot of good then!
  14. PMC have made 3 great Campaigns : PMC Fury - a 200+missions Monster of a Campaign PMC Rangerpath - nicely made Campaign using BAS Delta/Rangers. PMC Command Campaign - using the CoC Command Engine and Unified Artillery. http://flashpoint.nekromantix.com/campaign.php Theres a great Spec-Ops style Campaign by King Nothing called Operation Mercury, thats exceptionally well made ( available from ofp.info's campaign section ) Theres a really cool Campaign for the CSLA Mod, though I found it on a foreign language site and cant remember where ( and there's no readme with the zip file - though the Campaign pic says its by "Leon, Maa & others" ) BAS Mission making Superman  Nagual remade his wicked Spec-Ops campaign ( Delta Ops 1.22 avail at ofp.info ) to use the updated Delta/Rangers, and there is allegedly an updated version of his SpetsGruppe Alpha campaign ( 1.22 ) though I've still to find it anywhere out there in Internet land.  Spanky G has a very healthy collection of well-made campaigns and mini-campaigns at his site ( http://www.geocities.com/spankygmaster/campaigns.html ). And Im guessing you already know about the cool 1969 Vietnam Campaign that got remade by the lovely Avon Lady to use the SEBNAM pack v2 ( available from the MoM section at Avons FAQ site http://www.theavonlady.org/theofpfaq/ ) Â
  15. Poet

    The lost lion v2.1

    So, I'm doing ok, lost most of my squad taking Dourdan but soldier on towards the next WP and the Boat. As I approached I was given the option of calling in reinforcements, which I did. - I couldn't find "Hill 203" that they quoted, I had to ask for one of their status to locate them, maybe give their co-ordinates rather than the Hills height? Reinforcements now at my side, I start moving towards the beach and the boat, taking care of the armour and squad, then I get a message that the Ruskies have called for backup and I need to get going. However, I had no idea that half the Motherland was going to arrive in what appeared to be less than a minute! Â ( maybe just a tiny bit excessive Asmo? ) so a predictable slaughter ensued, with many a retry failing to improve the situation. So I go away for Dinner, and come back, load up OFP again and instead of clicking "...resume" in the Mission menu, I accidentally double-clicked the mission itself! Taking me right to the start of the mission again WITH MY SAVEGAMES DELETED!! Talk about miffed. Â - spotted no errors, or problems and the game was playing great until the mass invasion. It's gonna take me a while to get there again, and finish off the feedback.
  16. Poet

    The lost lion v2.1

    Edit : Asmo beat me to it . But I had the Blackhawks loaded and had no problems. @Asmo : I'd like to test more often, but theres so much good content out there ATM, and I get so little OFP time, that theres just too many missions/campaigns I want to play ( and of course editing, when I get round to it   ). But, after an hours back-breaking work ( Why do I ALWAYS have to spend more than 90% of the time on my stomach with NV's on in your missions?   ) : Great intro as always, some nice cam angles, and truly horrible use of the Masterkey.  Didnt spot one error in the extensive Briefing/Notes, nice layout and easy to use. Mission : 1. The lag during the Ambush was incredible, I could barely move my mouse let alone give orders. Could the enemy's be cam_created earlier ( i.e when you see the Spy ) so the lag isnt so bad when you first encounter them? 2. Should the "Transport" be an Objective? I never went there the first few times I played the mission ( just legged it X-Country with 4x speed ), but theres plenty to do ... 3. On way back to Arudy, after FINALLY beating the Safe sequence   I parked up to do some map reading, and saw a random stray enemy stood at the back of my truck, I ran him over and the High Ranking Officer objective completed. I thought "WTH is he doing out here." but all became clearer as I approached Arudy and saw the aftermath ( very nasty Asmo, I like ) but was surprised that my character or no-one else commented on the scene ... 4. My teammates wasted ALL! their Ammo shooting at the empty MG emplacement ( edit : in Dourdan ) after I'd shot the gunner  . Leaving me with only a clip and little chance. Did you add a manned MG ( which the AI will always shoot ) or did you create an empty one and use the MoveInGunner command? I'm off to give myself a shoulder rub now  , more later.
  17. Poet

    The lost lion v2.1

    Ditto! Though I dont think I've actually completed any of Asmodeus' missions except the Vietnam mission ( was that ever completed and released Asmo? ), just too hard for me. Always damned good high quality stuff though. How come you're posting here tho? Is the OFPEC Beta forum that bad now. ( Just gone to read the LL post, 7 days with no response ) I know I stopped going there because of lack of feedback, which is NOT to put down the awesome work of the hardcore testers who do make an effort, and without whom lots great of things would never have happened, but I suspect too many people just go there to find new missions to play and not bother to give even a few minutes to give feedback. I know the first time I ever Beta-tested anything ( for the Quake3 mapping God and Super Nice guy Jax_Gator ) I was wary because I was just unsure of what to say. But having been in the position of map/mission maker myself, I now know that ANY kind of feedback, however seemingly insignificant is always welcome. Feedback to follow.
  18. Fantastic Addon. A Mission makers dream. Congrats and thanks to all involved.
  19. Poet

    How to add.....

    Try : <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CfgIdentities { Identities[] = {}; class SoldierOne { name = "SoldierOne"; face = "face24"; glasses = "sunglasses"; speaker="Adam"; pitch = 1.10; }; }; in your description.ext with the same in the soldiers init. Works for me ( its Gastovski ).
  20. Poet

    How to make entire body skins for ofp

    Try here : http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....24;st=0
  21. Hmm, good point. Just wishful thinking really. We do really need some good updated ME units and these guys are the best candidates.
  22. Poet

    Ucee mideast resistance addon error

    Hmm, good point. Just wishful thinking really. We do really need some good updated ME units and these guys are the best candidates.
  23. If these addons are going to be updated, I'd love to see Kegetys RPG used ( it just looks so nice ) and, as nice as all these units are, its a shame that they are all dressed identically. What they need most is some new clothes. Oh, and some Civillian units, oh and some women. Its a lot to ask for, but these are still the best Middle East units we have, it'd be great to see them expanded as I know that there are missions/campaigns being planned and made using these units. Maybe someone could help out with the outfitting.
  24. Poet

    Ucee mideast resistance addon error

    If these addons are going to be updated, I'd love to see Kegetys RPG used ( it just looks so nice ) and, as nice as all these units are, its a shame that they are all dressed identically. What they need most is some new clothes. Oh, and some Civillian units, oh and some women. Its a lot to ask for, but these are still the best Middle East units we have, it'd be great to see them expanded as I know that there are missions/campaigns being planned and made using these units. Maybe someone could help out with the outfitting.
  25. Poet

    Missing addon 'groups'

    Do you have the old version of DKM's Commanche in the Addon folder you are using? That used to give the "Missing Addon: Groups" error if it was loaded as an addon and not used. DKM released an updated version (1.2) which fixed the problem. Try the updated Commanche. I remember some other issue with the UCE ME Res. Again, having them loaded as an Addon and not used in the mission can cause problems ... there was a thread discussing it ages ago at OFPEC and Asmodeus found the problem, but I can't remember how, and I can't find which thread it was.