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Everything posted by Payne86

  1. Payne86

    Rain effetts

    BEtter effects would be cool
  2. Payne86

    Rain effetts

    What do you think theywould need to do to make the effects better?
  3. Payne86

    Rain effetts

    They should use the BattleZone2 Rain effects.
  4. Payne86

    Rain effetts

    When ya think the next patch is commin out?
  5. Payne86

    Rain effetts

    Yeah, With better effects it will add a new feel to the game. Like slidin into a tree and noticing that russians are surrounding your broken down jeep. What do you do?(Ide honk the horn to piss em of)
  6. Payne86

    Rain effetts

    Yeah that would be nice. They should make the effects better.
  7. Payne86

    Rain effetts

    What do ya think the chances of them actually making the effects better?
  8. Payne86

    Rain effetts

    Yeah, it cant be that hard to make them better. That one guy made a snow storm, Which was good if ya ask me. BUt still the effects just planily....suck.
  9. Payne86

    Rain effetts

    you got a point there.
  10. Payne86

    Rain effetts

    Probly out of this world. Its gonna be a combat simulator, so it has to be a real as it gets. Maybe they could make us hapy with better effets in the next patch.
  11. Payne86

    Rain effetts

    do you thin BIS would ever make better effects?
  12. Payne86

    Rain effetts

    Ya think they will ever make em better?
  13. Payne86

    Rain effetts

    THe only "Good" effect is the thunder. If we could atleast hear the rain (And see it) hittin the roof and winshild of the vechicle that would be nice.
  14. Payne86


    I know, they need to make it so you can the rain hittin the winshild. so we can use wipers. The need it ti be real as possible.(And cool)
  15. Payne86


    Hey bis, Is there anyway it the next patch that you make the rain more visable so we can atleast see it. As of now it is barley visable.
  16. Payne86


    Hmmm ill have to check that out
  17. Payne86


    Do you think the Islands should have Rivers and lakes in them?
  18. Payne86


    Ah, do you kno when those maps will be available for download?
  19. Payne86


    WHere did you get that screenshot?