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Everything posted by Pope_Zog

  1. I've been working on a Three-Team CTF with East, West and Resistance all against one another. The problem occurs when a player first grabs one opponent's flag and then the other - without returning the former first. Easy peasy, I thought, I'll just automatically return the first flag (reset the variables to objNull) and let the player keep the second. *swish* The first is returned but - and here's the problem - the player isn't shown carrying a flag. He just looks like normal. Oh, he is the flagOwner (I checked), but "under cover". *groan* So I wonder if anyone can suggest a solution to this. I played a while with trying to bar the "TAKE FLAG" action, though without success. I could remove both flags from his possession but then the player would have to get the second flag twice if he really wanted it. Or, just let him run with the "invisible" flag, but that wouldn't really be fair to the other players... Help? Pope Zog
  2. > Officer sideChat "Where the hell is (username)" Try: Officer sideChat format["Where the hell is %1", name (user variable)] Pope Zog
  3. Pope_Zog

    Resistance mission: contraband

    Or to get the weapons, drive to the beach, fire the flare, and as soon as the SpecialOps have finished unloading their cargo, get an AA launcher from the truck. Shoot down the helicopter that flies over you, hop into the truck and drive full speed north. After a while turn east and drive along the forest edge, then straight for your hide-out. Worked for me - no casualties, all the supplies. The fact that OFP:R wiped my weapons cache two missions later is another story... Pope Zog
  4. Pope_Zog

    Starting in parachutes in multi?

    Backoff and DeaDMeaT have a script that does exactly what you ask. You can find it here: Backoff and DeaDMeaT's Site Pope Zog
  5. Pope_Zog

    What do you want to see in the next patch?

    I'd like the game not to exit to Windows when the editor discovers an unknown class name. This is common when editing missions where ADDONS have been removed *sigh* Why not just bring up a dialogue within the game and not open the mission at all? Pope Zog